Help with healthy snacks...

alnugget Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello my fitness pals....

I have been advised to eat small portions at meal times and lots of snacking inbetween. Any ideas on healthy snacks. I was borderline diabetic and therefore have been staying away from carbs...unless they are in wheat form. Please share your ideas???


  • my favorite snacks ever are
    1 Mini Babybel Light Cheese ( 50 calories) plus 1/4 cup almonds (plain) (170 calories)
    1 cup fat free greek yougurt (120 calories) with a tablespoon of craisins (50 calories)of sime kind of dried fruit.

    Congrats on joining and I hope this helps
    I know nothing about diabetes so I am truly sorry if these are of no use to you

  • Hi Cherly thanks for the ideas...I'll look into it so see if i can eat them. Diabetics need to eat food low in carbs. See ya around pal! :)
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    My food diary is open if you'd like to take a look at it.
  • I like celery stuffed with laughing cow light original swiss wedge. I'm a diabetic, but have it completely under control at the moment and I intend to keep it that way :)

    I also like to snack on baby dill pickles and sugar-free sweet petities.
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    I like laughing cow cheese as well and sometimes throw in Murrays' sugar free chocolate chip cookies to satisfy my craving for something sweet: 3 gms of hidden sugars so not too bad. You're keeping carbs below 20 a meal I gather. I feel for you, I know how hard that can be but stick with it..
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