:( Need some major encourgment



  • lilprnss
    lilprnss Posts: 52
    Hey Jessidenn! I'm sorry that your situation has taken it's toll on you.. But I must point out that you are certainly better off. It's hard enough to try to better ourselves without the negativity. Although it really hurts right now.. try to focus on the following things:

    1. You are most important. You can't take care of any babies if you can't take care of yourself. Use this sight to becoming the best 'you' possible.

    2. When kids are involved, it's still important to validate their feelings.. ie, their sad and confused. Just try to speak positive to them about the situation. Tell them that "daddy needs some time for himself".. Or daddy is having a "time-out". Be careful telling them you don't know why he left.. etc, because u don't want them to think that he left them. I agree with mrsyac2, he's an *kitten*! However, you don't want any lasting effects on your kids.

    3. Check in here daily! You will have all the support we can give.... Not to mention.. Men get confused sometimes.. (sorry guys').. if it's in God's will, he will be back. But he certainly didn't leave you because of the weight... that's a given... maybe the weightloss??. Be true to yourself and your kids.. They love you in ways he can't!
  • lilprnss
    lilprnss Posts: 52
    BTW.. great job with replacing his pic so quickly! Your kids are beautiful!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    :brokenheart: :sad: So I have been doing realy good but I've hit a bump... My b/f decided he was moving out yesterday. No notice at all. I am now responsable for three kids on my own. I have this problem thou that I eat when I get depressed and I have been crying my eyes out for over 24hrs. I am dieing inside and don't feel as if I can do it any more. I thought I was changing but I havn't at all he even told me that looking at makes him sick b/c of how fat I've gotten. He says 33lbs not enough b/c he can't see any difference. So I am giving up ty for all ur help
    :brokenheart: :sad:

    don't give up this is for you, for your health, for your three beautiful children. You have the power and control to be who you want to be and... don't give him the control over your weight, or your happiness... this is YOUR LIFE. If someone doesn't love you it is their problem not yours. Take the time you need but run out that anger don't swallow it.... we are all here to help.

    My prayers are with you.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    This is such a hard time. But when you're REALLY feeling down and you are at risk of falling off your path, think of things this way: In 5 years this is long in the past. What do you want to look back on? Do you want to look back and see that some jerk had the power to make you miserable and derail life-changing goals and accomplishments? Or do you want to look back with the pride of knowing that DESPITE such a hurtful, bitter man causing pain to you and your beautiful children you accomplished your goal, became a healthier you, and taught your children how to be strong for themselves in the toughest of times?

    You CAN do this. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Don't let this kill you!!! We're here to support you!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! I wanna stay at this for my kids and myself. right now I am just trying to make the tears stop. An try to exspin to my baby y his daddy couldn't put him to sleep. Every night for almost a year he has put our baby to bed and tucked him now he is not here. My baby wont stop crying dada. He is 10 1/2 months old. My 2yr and 5 yr old keep asking me if they did something wrong and if they told daddy they would be better would he come home... How do you tell them he is not comming back. How do u exsplan to baby daddy dosn't want to be a part of the family any more and that mommy will have to put him to bed. They cry which makes me wanna cry more. I have no family near by and my bestfriend moved to FL last year... LOST IN PAIN TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY FACE.:sad: :sad:
    breakups are hard- but just because it didn't work for the two of you remember that it doesn't mean he doesn't want to be in the kids lives (unless he is a deadbeat no offense)-- You also need to stay strong for your kids- so put on a brave face in front of them if possible which would also make you feel better and keep your mind off of it-You can do this we all go through our low points in life but in the end they just make us that much stronger-- best of luck and 33lbs is too alot--
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Never sure what to say in times like this but here is a saying that I try to live by

    "No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. "

    Forget about him, he sounds like a jerk. You deserve better/
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! I wanna stay at this for my kids and myself. right now I am just trying to make the tears stop. An try to exspin to my baby y his daddy couldn't put him to sleep. Every night for almost a year he has put our baby to bed and tucked him now he is not here. My baby wont stop crying dada. He is 10 1/2 months old. My 2yr and 5 yr old keep asking me if they did something wrong and if they told daddy they would be better would he come home... How do you tell them he is not comming back. How do u exsplan to baby daddy dosn't want to be a part of the family any more and that mommy will have to put him to bed. They cry which makes me wanna cry more. I have no family near by and my bestfriend moved to FL last year... LOST IN PAIN TEARS ROLLING DOWN MY FACE.:sad: :sad:

    I remember when I got divorced, I channeled all the hurt and pain into exercise (mainly just walking). Doing this gave me time to think and contemplate. It must be so difficult to have someone be such a huge part of your childrens lives then be gone. The big thing for them is to let them know that it has nothing to do with them. Just that their daddy is going through a tough time right now. Because in reality his tissy fit is all about him and not about you at all. It will take them a little bit of time to get used to whats going on. The key is to create stability (try not to let you boyfriend yo-yo in and out of their life), create new routines (like bedtime), etc.

    I know that you can do this and the key that you mentioned is that you are doing it for you. No one else should have a say in your personal goals. Heck I've been off the wagon for 2 months, but I am still here, just starting back on using the resources and it's sooo much easier just to stay with it then to constantly start and stop,
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your pain. A man that talks to you the way he has is not worth it at all. And if he does not take responisbilty for his children then they will be better off being surrounded by your love. Chin up!!
    Don't let him take your accomplishment away from you. You have done great!
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Aw hun...if a man can't love you after having kids and having your body change (I am assuming they are his kids??) than he is NOT a man!
    You are better than that and can find someone to love you for your inside first, and your outside will change as you do this for yourself and your kids!
    Good luck!!
  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    Girl if he is going to talk to you like that you don't need him. Their are other men out their that would treat you like a queen. If he cant support you in your weight loss than its good he got loss. I know it is going to be hard with the kids in all but you can get so much help out their. Their are good men out their so don't dwell on him. 33 pounds that great. Just remember this is just a bump in the road and things will get better. :brokenheart:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    omg...first....you are beautiful....your children are beautiful!!!

    You've lost 33 pounds that's amazing!!! even if you feel like its not right now..IT IS!!!

    that man who fathered your babies...and left...in my opinion...is not being a father right now....he's being a shallow, louse, who doesn't deserve the tears that you cry or the love that you have for him....and if he can up and leave like that...then he's not even worth anymore of my energy talkin smack about him....ugh

    BUT you my dear, you need to surround yourself w/ friends and family right now....you need support...and you'll get it here...but at home too....and I know its hard honey, but crying in front of the kids is not good....so please try to be strong for them...if they see you strong and confident...they'll be strong and confident about it too....nothing is your fault...and most very definitely nothing is their fault...

    oh man hugs and prayers to you all, I can only imagine how you feel, its breaking' my heart that you are so sad about this and you're children are so distraught...makes me hate that guy more...sorry...

    I say call family and friends, surround them and lean on them....and us anytime...it will get better I promise...it takes time, and YOU can do this...YOU are gorgeous and deserve to be treated as such....and you're children deserve more too honey....just focus on them...and making yourself healthy....as best you can....:heart: big hugs girl!!!

    ali :flowerforyou:
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I hope you are doing well today. We are all here for you and I know there are so many here who will cheer you on.

    I don't know your kids but I was thinking about your bedtime dilema a little bit. Here is something that I tried with mine when they were young and dad had to go away. Not the same kind of situation but an idea just the same. Maybe take turns with the older ones letting them tuck the others in and telling them a story it could even be of something they got to do special. Then after they are tucked in have a cup of cocoa or tea and give them their own special story. This will give them some time with you and make them feel like they are helping mom out. It might be a bit of extra work at first but it will take the focus away from him leaving and back on the family where it needs to be.

    Keep your head up you deserve happiness in your life.
  • jessidenn3
    jessidenn3 Posts: 34
    :brokenheart: Thank you every one for your words of encouragement. Today is better then what its been as of late. Life is full of suprises and changes and I am crossing my fingers that luck will soon come my way. I didn't think it could get any worse then I found out it could. Not only did that jack *kitten* leave me with out notice but come to find out today he has not been paying any bills for the last 5 months. I am $4500 behind on my mortage and $500 behind on electric. I will never let a man be in charge of paying bills again. I have no clue how it will be paid but I am going to have to do something soon before I lose my home. I hate what he has done to my kids and me. Instead of crying I am angry and I am scared to death. I have been excersiceing trying to lower my stress. I am taking my kids swimming later to try and comfort all of us.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    :brokenheart: Thank you every one for your words of encouragement. Today is better then what its been as of late. Life is full of suprises and changes and I am crossing my fingers that luck will soon come my way. I didn't think it could get any worse then I found out it could. Not only did that jack *kitten* leave me with out notice but come to find out today he has not been paying any bills for the last 5 months. I am $4500 behind on my mortage and $500 behind on electric. I will never let a man be in charge of paying bills again. I have no clue how it will be paid but I am going to have to do something soon before I lose my home. I hate what he has done to my kids and me. Instead of crying I am angry and I am scared to death. I have been excersiceing trying to lower my stress. I am taking my kids swimming later to try and comfort all of us.

    Oh my gosh, honey, that's AWFUL!!!! Are there any organizations or churches that you could go to to help with the bills? I know that here in IL if you're behind on your power bill and don't have any money to pay it, there's a place you can go and they'll pay it off for you. I hope there's someplace like that there!!! Is the house and everything in your name? I hope so. If it isn't and it's in his name, I would find an apartment or rental house ASAP and leave him to deal with the unpaid bills. My heart just breaks every time I think about your situation and I am really hoping that you get through everything intact and stronger, which I'm certain you can. Keep on trucking, and please keep updating. Even if you just need to vent, please let it out on us. That's what we're here for.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Are you kidding me?! you look fabulous and look at those gorgeous children! Any man who could walk out on that is crazy. You are losing weight, and will continue to. Don't do it for any guy, do it for yourself and for those 3 kids who need their mom healthy now, more than ever! I know it feels like everything is crumbling but things will get better. Maybe your guy will come to his senses, maybe not, but losing weight is about YOU not about him. And love has nothing to do with your measurements. We are all here for you and wish you the best, things will get better!:flowerforyou:

    This is about the bills- whose name are they in? (please say his)
    And the mortgage? whose name is that under?
    The thing is if it's under his name it's HIS debt. not yours.
    And lastly, if this goon chooses not to be a part of your family, fine, but he made 3 babies with you, and that is expensive, and he will have to pay you support for those children until they are finished with their schooling. You need a lawyer and you need one quick.

    I know you said you don't have any friends or family nearby, is there any way you could leave to visit family, and stay with the kids for a bit? getting away and being with loved ones might make you all feel better. good luck!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    :brokenheart: Thank you every one for your words of encouragement. Today is better then what its been as of late. Life is full of suprises and changes and I am crossing my fingers that luck will soon come my way. I didn't think it could get any worse then I found out it could. Not only did that jack *kitten* leave me with out notice but come to find out today he has not been paying any bills for the last 5 months. I am $4500 behind on my mortage and $500 behind on electric. I will never let a man be in charge of paying bills again. I have no clue how it will be paid but I am going to have to do something soon before I lose my home. I hate what he has done to my kids and me. Instead of crying I am angry and I am scared to death. I have been excersiceing trying to lower my stress. I am taking my kids swimming later to try and comfort all of us.

    OMG!!!!!!!!!! what a b&st&rd!

    I'm soooo sorry honey, I agree to try and reach out to the community or church or family and friends, I wish there was more I could do for you guys!!!
    big hugs and prayers your way
  • jessidenn3
    jessidenn3 Posts: 34
    All bills and mortage in my name... We already have a support order the judge only granted $50 a week and only two of the kids are his my oldest boys daddy pased away when he was a baby. I have been making phone calls all day no one seems to be able to help. I am going nuts...HELP:noway: :grumble:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Seriously, what a class A jerk! I mean who does that?!?

    Have you called the mortage people about the situation? Some people will work with you on bills if then know what's going on.

    If he wants to play dirty and has a job, make sure he's paying child support.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    omg...I would ask them what you're options are....I would think they would be able to work w/ you...Or I would hope they would....how about do you have free legal assistance programs that could assist you in your area.....??? I feel sooo bad honey!!!

    big hugs....do you have family and friends who could help out for a bit?
  • sapphyre0702
    I am so sorry that this happened to you. 33 pounds is not nothing, dont let some unsupportive person's opinion derail you. You have three beautiful children, who have a mom that is healthier and stronger than ever before. I cant even imagine how hard it is for you right now, but someone that is not supportive of you and your dreams and someone that does not see the good in people or their dedication to being healthy is not someone you want on your side.

    People come into our lives for a reason, they also leave for a reason too. You have lost 33 pounds and you will keep getting healthier and healthier, your children will grow up healthy and you will find someone that loves you for not only how beautiful you are on the outside, but how timelessly beautiful you are on the inside.

    You can do it. We are never handed anything we can't handle. Try to laugh every day and soon instead of crying all the time you will laugh all the time! : )

    Best of luck!