

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: Good luck with the washer and dryer. I hope you have better luck with front loaders than I did. You do have a different brand. My set is also big enough to wash my king sized quilts, too. It is nice to avoid the laundromat.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I keep wondering where you get all your energy. I am gaining some of mine back from the nasty virus, but I’m not all the way back to where I was when I left for CO to take care of DGD, Typhoid Mary. :sick: I am also grateful to be living in the PNW. I think we’ve had the best weather in North America for most of this year. Don’t tell anybody.:wink:

    Our county fair is on right now, and I just asked DH if he wants to go. He’s still suffering from the plague and is uncertain whether he will even go to visit DS and DDIL in their new place this weekend. I’d rather save his energy for the possible trip north than to squander it on the fair. I do love the 4H animals, the crafts, and the veggies at the fair. :heart: Ours also has a rodeo, which is a big attraction for me. They have elephant ears there, and that is one of the forbidden foods that DH and I occasionally splurge on. I haven’t been very interested in rides for some time, now.:flowerforyou:

    It is time to leave for yoga. I’ve decided to walk there today. Have a great day, everybody.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    Immmmmmm Back.....
    :angry: Not good news.. I have a fairly large size heel spur and since I have been putting off seeing a podiatrist I dont know the extent of the damage. he did take x-rays,and now he want's me on steroids, he wrote me a script,but checking with my kidney dr before filling,I can still exercise, I can walk,but no pounding the pavement so to speak,I can go to the gym and peddle away,but NO treadmill.
    I did take a picture of the x-ray with my phone but it didn't save So Oh well... the only thing I fear is having to have foot surgery.I will do anything I can to avoid it..
    went to walmart and being my cocky self, there were some long gym pants,for $2.00 and some danskin t-shirts for $ 3.00 bought a could of large shirts( haven't lost much weight in the girls:blushing: ) and a size medium in the pants..thats a size 8-10 I am sure hoping by fall-time I can fit into those.. for 2 bucks how can you go wrong.
    so now just waiting to hear back from the dr about meds and will start on those...
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy thurs.Another hot one 90+with heat index in the 100`s.
    Today is my hubby and my 20 wedding anniversary.
    Have a great day to u all.

    Congratulations and happy anniversary, Jane!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes. I had a really good nights sleep, you know the kind that when you wake up in the morning the covers don't even look like they have been slept in. Shoulder feels much better this morning but neck still has a little pain. I'm wondering if some of it is because I slept to soundly in one place.

    I guess I can believe my weight yesterday. This morning was down .2 pound.!

    Joyce Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Lila.......have copied the "Summer Pops" recipe......it looks wonderful

    Sandy....hope you are playing with your new tablet by now (and a bit cooler), we are under a heat advisory also

    Janie.......good news on your knee; but still, please don't overdo!!!

    Heather.........hope your knee improves, good to hear DH is a little better anxiety-wise........

    M....if you put the old fridge out by the curb with a "free" sign, I bet someone will be glad to take it off your hands, leaky seal and all and be grateful for it.........very close to NC/Va. line here........ the Blacksburg area reminds me of where I grew up in Pa.

    Janemartin............happy, happy 20th!!

    Grandmallie.........heel spur?.........oooohhh; can see why he says no to TM........good luck

    Hello to everyone else; stay cool!!!

    Must get in gear and ready for trip; see you all next week.
    hot, steamy, sweltering, humid, wilting, synonym, synonym, synonym!!!!!
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    No word on my tablet yet, if I don’t hear by end of day tomorrow I think I’ll go over to the store and maybe if I’m standing there they will be able to find it. :grumble:

    It’s still unbelievably hot here. Do we ever just get used to it? I can’t wait for it to break, I hear that should be Friday night into Saturday morning. I have a hard time working out when it’s so hot. I have to be home for a bit to cool off and then hop on the treadmill or the bike.

    Heather – I hope you knee feels better soon, take care of it.

    DeeDee – the khaki eyeliner sounds great, I’ll have to see it I can find it up here.

    Barbie – wow I’d love that weather, do you get bitterly cold winters?

    M – congrats on the great find on the fridge.

    Jane – happy anniversary! :flowerforyou: I hope you have a wonderful day

    Katla – elephant ears? What on earth are they? I hope you enjoyed your yoga

    Grandmallie – oh no, that sounds terribly painful. :cry: I’ve never had heel spurs but I imagine they are quite painful. What a great find at walmart. I have faith in you, you will be fitting into them in no time at all. :drinker:

    Joyce – congratulations on the good night’s sleep. I myself don’t know that feeling…ever :laugh: I’m so glad that your shoulder is feeling much better. Yahoo on the .2 lbs down. It is definitely time for the happy dance. (we really need a happy dancer icon) :happy:

    Yanniejannie – safe travels.

    I should get back to work the boss will be back in shortly. Just like most of us, I’m dealing with the heat lol

    Have a great day everyone

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    The blueberry crisp is so easy to make and I love that the only sugar and fat is in the crisp part. I just pile the blueberries into the pan. Might try to grate in a little lemon peel too - love lemon and blueberries together.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies,
    Still working happy! I just want to join in the chorus about how great it is to live in the PNW. The best part is that it is rarely too hot and rarely too cold. the difference between our summer and winter is about 20 to 30 degrees. It is typically 40's to 50's in the winter and 60's to 70's in the summer. I feel so blessed to live in such an awesome place. And it is sooooo green.:bigsmile:

    I hope you all have a great day!!!

    Robin Bodi Ritter all in the blessed PNW
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hi, all. Quick in and out. Feeling good, have to get to the post office, the library (yea, more workout videos are in!), & then will see if I can start the lawnmower & weed eater. Wish me luck,

    Barbie – I love your little animations, I could’ve used that threesome of Happy Dancers after the gym last night. ;-) Where do you find them?

    Grandmallie – so sorry that it wasn’t better news, but at least now you know to go easier on your foot. I hear you on the Wal-mart bargains, I watch for them, too. You will be there, we all know it.

    Jane – happy 20 years, time just flies, doesn’t it?

    Joyce – thrilled for you about the sleep & creeping down in the oneders.

    yanniejannie – enjoy the trip!

    Sandy – keep cool, I hope your temps drop as expected.

    Happy Thursday!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies,

    Yesterday the Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark that I ordered came in. I was so excited! I sometimes will have one or maybe two at night, and they are my serious guilty pleasure. I only recently finished the bag I had from Christmas. I opened one of the bags (I ordered three) and was so upset to find the chocolate had melted! Leave it to me to have them delivered on the hottest week of the year! :grumble: I put them in the refrigerator and hope they will be OK.

    Tomorrow is my Friday off (I have off every other Friday). I had an appointment with the people who service my fireplace, but I called to reschedule because I am going to the beach with my girlfriend. Today and tomorrow are dangerously hot days and I want to be at the beach where the air is less humid and the ocean offers relief from the sweltering heat! I LOVE the beach. It’s my favorite thing about summer.:glasses:

    My daughter is coming down to the area this weekend to bring her son to visit his dad and she will be visiting with me on Saturday, so although I am staying overnight at my girlfriend’s house on Friday, I’ll have to get home early on Saturday. She will be bringing the five year old for the visit, but her thirteen year old will be staying with his friend in Philly. I remember when he begged to come to my house, but alas, grandparents lose their appeal when toddlers become teenagers….sigh!:brokenheart: The five year old, however, still loves to visit with us.

    We have a woodpecker that insists on pecking the side of our house starting around 5:30am….about 15 minutes BEFORE I have to get up! We have woods down the hill from our house with lots of trees, so I wonder why he insists on choosing the side of our house instead! Guess I don’t need an alarm clock after all!:ohwell:

    :heart: Tina – Happy Anniversary and enjoy yourself! You are so fortunate to have found a dependable pet sitter. We have to kennel our dog when we vacation.

    :wink: Sandy – The reason I became a morning person was so I could get my workouts in early before work, especially in the summer when it’s too hot at the end of the day. I don’t know about you, but I can’t seem to get motivated after work. Maybe it’s because I don’t get home until after 6pm, and by then I’m wiped out! Hope that tablet shows up soon.

    :laugh: Katla – I hear ya on the wrinkly skin. Someone on here had a thread about wearing bikinis after a certain age. Even though I am in the best shape I’ve been in years, 60 year old skin will NEVER be the same as 30 year old skin. I’m not saying that exercise doesn’t help, but let’s just say you won’t be seeing me in a two piece suit at the beach anytime soon. Good luck with Direct TV. We have FIOS so I can’t give you any advice there.

    :glasses: Vicki – I guess you sent the heat our way because the temperature is supposed to reach 98 degrees today and tomorrow with a heat index in the 100’s.

    :angry: Linda – We are still dealing with ants at work. I think the boric acid works much like the chalk line, but although it has been better, we still see a few here and there.

    :laugh: Pat – Oh, how great would it be to win the lottery and hire someone to make healthy AND delicious meals? BUT….back to reality! I’m not usually the type to kick one’s butt, but I’ll indulge you just this once because you CAN do this! So put on your big girl panties and get going!

    :wink: Jb – My hair was getting so damaged between perms and color that I had to make a decision and choose one. Guess which one I chose? Between gray and curly or great color and straight, I’ll take the color and straight any day. Gray is NOT a good color on me!

    :flowerforyou: Janie – OUCH! Hope that knee makes a quick recovery!

    :noway: Heather –We’re not having much luck this year with our garden. Although our tomatoes and basil are doing great, our zucchini plant, which looked completely healthy last week, is totally dead now! We only got two good zucchini. I’m so disappointed, as last year, we had so many we were giving them away!

    :happy: Joyce – So glad your headache is finally gone. I can totally relate to getting bored with eating the same things. Why don’t you try and change it up a bit? I alternate between low calorie bread and flat ones, which make wonderful wraps. They also have flat rounds and flat bagels which are all low calorie. A little variety goes a long way to help keep it interesting! Congrats on staying out of the 200’s and welcome to Onderland!

    :smile: Meg – Beware of skipping meals. It only makes you eat more at the next one. The hardest lessons learned are the ones we don’t forget! Time to move on and revel in the progress you have made! Congrats on the weight loss and NSV from your instructor!

    :drinker: Alison – You are amazing for getting in so many steps with your sore heel. My sister had plantar faciitis and spurs and still has to wear orthotics to keep the pain from becoming unbearable.

    :laugh: Rhonda – I was picturing 65 people sleeping all over your house! So relieved they have a place to stay. Enjoy your time with family. It’s wonderful when you can get them all together!

    :tongue: Terri – If it were up to me, I’d eat chicken every night, but DH likes variety, and I must admit, once in awhile I do love a great steak or burger (especially on the grill). We also try and eat fish at least once a week.

    :ohwell: DeeDee – I think you did great ONLY taking two hours to choose your washer/dryer. It took me MUCH longer when we got ours, and then had so many problems with delivery I thought I was going to lose it! But once all was said and done, we are very happy with our choice. And yes, sadly, they don’t make things the way they used to. They want you to have to buy replacements more frequently, so everything is made more cheaply. Sad, isn’t it?

    :glasses: Deb – The weather has to cool down at some point (doesn’t it????) Try and keep cool!

    :happy: Robin – Now that you are in a good place at your job, you can focus on getting back on track with getting your snacking under control. Stress makes everything harder. So happy things are improving for you and you can enjoy your job again.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie – Congratulations on reaching goal and welcome to maintenance!

    :tongue: Jfenner – Mmmm…..blueberry crisps sound awesome!

    Consistent logging (Pretty good except on vacations)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (90%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET!!!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (NOPE, but working on it!)

    Welcome to all the newcomers. Jump right into the conversation and keep coming back!
    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    It has been hot here, 90’s and low 100’s…but I think I am getting used to the heat! Update on the “Straw Garden” it is growing well, I have been getting tomatoes since early July and the peppers are thriving. What I like about this garden is that there are no weeds and I don’t have to bend down to the ground, however, I am fertilizing more often.

    Granmallie…sorry about the “heel spur” hopefully the anti-inflammatory will help. :flowerforyou:

    Katla…we are going to our county fair this week-end, our youngest son is 3 ½ years old and loves going to “festivals”. We also like seeing the 4-H kids with their animals and might try the rodeo this year. I keep looking for a yoga class that fits into my schedule; enjoy your class. :smile:

    Jane…Happy 20th Anniversary!! :happy:

    M….Fun refrigerator find, we recently got a “new to us” refrigerator that I am happy to have. :happy:

    Speaking of birds, there is one outdoors that sounds just like my husband’s cell phone (my husband spends a lot of time outside and frequently talks on the phone) I don’t know if the bird has learned to imitate the cell phone ring, or naturally sounds similar…but some mornings I think “hurry up and answer the dang phone!” :heart:

    Barbie…Love the happy dance! :happy:

    Meg…Keep cool, enjoy your swims! :drinker:

    Jane…Take care of that sore knee. :flowerforyou:

    yanniejannie…Have a great trip!! :smile:

    Lucy…Hope you have a good visit with your daughter. :smile:

    Lila...I am going to try the summer pops, they look delicious. :happy:

    Today is my day off, hope everyone is having a good day! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Terri, from hot Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Just letting you all know that I'm still here and thinking of you all.

    There is NO WAY that I can possibly catch up on the posts, at least not from Vince's netbook. BTW -- I HATE this keyboard. And the screen is so small. But you need something small when traveling.

    Anyway, the wedding was, I guess you could say,, nice.

    After the wedding we went to Madrid. Now we're in Switzerland.

    And Vince is in the hospital. About a month ago he had a blocked salivary gland. He was given antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory and one other drug. He went to the MD in the states right before we left and the MD couldn't feel any stone and gave him a clean bill of health.

    When we got to Switzerland his cheek was swollen so we went to the emergency. They prescribed a pain killer which did nothing for Vince and some other things. But it got worse so, I guess it was our Tuesday that he went back to the emergency room and was admitted. They gave him morphene for the pain and he's been on IV antibiotics. Thank goodness in a sense that if this had to happen it happened in Switzerland. I'm staying with my girlfriend and her husband. Originally, we were supposed to leave for Paris this afternoon. Jessica and Denise went. We're HOPING that he'll get out of the hospital either late tomorrow or Sat then we'll take a train to Paris where we have plane tickets home.

    Even my French is getting a tiny bit better. The signs here are in German and French Fortunately, Vince speaks some French and almost everyone at the hospital speaks some English.

    I made an appointment for Vine to see our family MD for Tuesday. that was his first opening.

    Oh, to top it off, they have one car and it broke down today. Won't be ready until next week. But switzerland has a good public transportation system (well, all of Europe does -- at least in the major cities)

    I admit that I haven't been good about eating Honestly sometimes I don't know what's on the sandwich. Like the night Vince was admitted to the hospital I had to get something to eat out of the vending machine. First to figure out how to use it -- that alone was something else. Finally, I got what I thought was just chicken and bread. Well, I THIINK it was a fried chicken patty and there was some sort of mayo (I think that's what it was) on it. But I was so hungry, even the cafeteria was closed. In Madrid Denise wanted to stop at BK. I really didn't but that was something she felt familiar with. I ordered this grilled chicken sandwich but I didn't know how to say "no mayo" (now I do). I didn.t realize that I was going to get fries. I thought I could at least get water to drink but I couldn't find where to get it and no one else could so I wound up getting an iced tea.. Like I said, I don't know what's in some of the foods until we get it. We went to the Hard Rock Café Madrid and I ordered what I thought was a veggie burger. What it was was a hamburger with some veggies on top of it. Oh well.... But it was interesting, after eating that burger my stomach felt "yukky". But that went away,

    I am sorry that I'm missing the food in Paris. It was wonderful last time we went.

    I think I may just have a hard time convincing Vince to come to Europe again. The first time we came, his wallet was stolen. The second time we were ready to come -- had all the reservations and all, Vince hurt his back and couldn't make a transatlantic flight. The is the third time and now he's in the hospital.

    Michele from NC (now in Switzerland)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    Michelle, we have all been sending loving thought's your way.. Poor Vince ,my goodness when it rains it pours:grumble:
    I am glad for you the wedding is over with ,it was giving you such a worry and I am so sorry that you haven't been able to enjoy much of your trip. I have always wanted to see switzerland ,it looks beautiful..
    I am working all day tomorrow and becuase of the heat today I feel wiped out, so think I will call it an early night, and get up early tommorow and try and walk a little bit, I, have to take 6 prednizone pills in one day, and then slowly drop down, OY
    Well ta ta for now ladies , see you in the a.m.:heart::drinker:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kelley: Elephant ears are fried dough that has been dusted with a cinnamon and sugar coating. They are varying sizes, but around the size of a dinner plate. I have never made them, and only buy one as a treat to share with DH from time to time. Here is a link to a recipe I found on line: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/elephant-ears-2/:flowerforyou:

    Robin: I am pleased that you like your new job. Yay!:flowerforyou:

    Lucy: I’m glad you’ll be able to go to the beach to escape heat. :flowerforyou:

    Terri: Are you in the Roseburg or Medford area? I’m looking at the weather map trying to find places in Oregon that are that hot.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: It is good to hear from you, but awful that Vince is in the hospital. I hope he’s better very soon. If I were Vince, with the luck he’s had in Europe, I wouldn’t want to go back again. His bad luck seems to be escalating. I hope things improve soon. Enjoy the rest of your trip.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Today is Thursday, and that is concert night in our little town. Every Thursday in summer we have a different musical group that plays outdoors in the Columbia View Park. The view is great, the music varies weekly, there is a beer garden, food and craft booths/carts, a playground for kids, and serious people watching to do. We usually sit in the beer garden with a group of our neighbors. I look forward to it. It is currently 70F in the shade on my deck and there is a nice breeze. Tomorrow we will be traveling to our son’s new place in Auburn, WA. He is very pleased with it and we look forward to seeing it. It is in a nice neighborhood of townhouses with a bike trail close-by, and halfway between his work and the school that DDIL will be attending this fall in Seattle. I’ll have my computer with me, but I don’t know if they have internet services yet. If I can touch bases, I probably will. This group has become an addiction. If I can’t post, I’ll wish everyone a great weekend right now.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Ladies! It’s a hot and steamy evening here in Omaha. I am a little annoyed at myself for not getting up earlier. I didn’t get to the grocery shopping til 11:30 and didn’t get done with all my errands til nearly 4! That takes the whole day. I went all the way across town to the grill store to get cherry chitpotle bbq sauce (OK that sounds yummy) for our smoked ribs this weekend, I picked up a replacement bird feeder for the one that warped in the heat, and went to the 2 grocery stores. That’s my day, oh and over 5600 steps as of now.

    Juanita; sounds like we all need a cool down!

    Barbie: all that dog walking must keep you young!

    Yanniejannie: when we travel we love to take the back roads and stop in small towns and find a grocery store and a park for a picnic lunch!

    Janie: I’m jealous of your hummingbird. I have seen one in 15 years; this spring, checking out my mandavella plant. So of course I ran right out and bought a hummingbird feeder and faithfully clean and refill it every couple of day. Guess what???? NO more hummingbirds! 

    Lila: thanks for the pop recipe again. I plan to try it!

    Grandmallie: UGH a heel spur. DH did steroids too for his first round with it. They really helped a great deal.

    Heather: wow your meals today sound fabulous!

    DeeDee: I have a front loader washing machine and love it. I have not noticed a smell to it.

    M: uh oh, I was a bad friend for making you think of burgers!!!!! I’ll let you know how the delphinium cutting goes. I took jb’s advice and cut the stems to 9” and will wait to cut down the new stems when they come up. I’m mystified as to why the stems were all hollow though.

    Janemartin: happy anniversary! Blessings to both of you!

    Katla: I haven’t been to a county fair in ages. What is an elephant ear?....Oh now I see it in a later post from you.

    Joyce: congrats on the weight loss!

    Robin: so happy for you that the job is still going well.

    Lucy: we too have an animal alarm! Our old cat and our dog at about 5 each morning!

    Terri: sounds like your garden is going gang-busters!

    Michele: I have been thinking of you and hoping your trip was going well. I am so sorry to hear that Vince is in hospital! How scary to be so far away from home and have that happen. I hope he will be better soon. When you get back you’ll have to fill us in. Be safe!

    Well I guess I am off. Not sure what I’m doing the rest of the evening except enjoying my ½ ice cream bar that DD#2 brought me today. I won’t eat the whole thing tonight. I’ll save some for tomorrow. Take care all, meg from steamy Omaha
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla :flowerforyou: we have a festival that makes monster ears. They also have elephant ears but the monster ears are so much better. It's made of pancake batter. It's pretty flat, deep fried :sad: then dipped ion syrup and cinnamom. Needless to say I won't be having anymore of them. Our annual fall Festival is the largest street festival in the US except for New Orleans Mardi Gras. They have about 12 blocks, both sides, of food booths. We have a large German heritage here so it's all deep fried, your cholesterol goes up just breathing in the air as soon as you get out of the car.

    Michelle :flowerforyou: so good to hear of some of your trip. Sorry it has been bad for Vince.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee - I have the LG machines and like them very much. No weird odors, but I do leave the washer door slightly ajar after the last load until it dries out.

    Michele - so good to see your post, but I am sorry about Vince. We'll want full disclosure on the wedding when you get back!

    Walked in the neighborhood for an hour after work tonight. My goodness, it is still humid!

    DH just got home, but I did have time to catch up on posts.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: Not much time to post.....this has been a busy day with two line dance classes but I got everything done that needed to be done and will be in bed at a decent hour.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I get a lot of my energy from the Isagenix products in food plan and from a firm resolve to be active….I agree that we have the very best weather in the PNW

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, our winters have some snow and freezing temperatures but stay more just above freezing and often even higher. In the last two years I’ve walked my dogs for two hours every morning with no weather too bad to keep us indoors.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, the graphics are fun. Here are two great sites



    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Finally had some time to catch up on all the posts! :happy: Somehow I hurt my upper back, mostly by the shoulder blades, Monday at Water Zumba and just aggravated it last night trying a new water combo class. :frown: It was so painful last night and this morning that I finally gave in and took a muscle relaxer which made me sleep most of the day away. Logged all of food today and stayed under, yay! Haven't done that unfortunately for the last few weeks, I was honest and updated my ticker to reflect the 3 lbs. I've put back on. I had a great time visiting my DS and DDIL last week! They have a nice home, more open that the pictures reflected and with an adorable vaulted ceiling in the living room. Also, my son took me on a tour of his work Saturday when no one was there. It was great to spend some one on one time with him! We were there just the right amount of time, just enough to visit but not enough to wear out our welcome esp. since we stayed with them. Tonight, I was appointed interim VP of our neighborhood assn. (our VP resigned). Kind of excited about this opportunity! Time to ice again and if this doesn't help, I'm going to the chiropractor in the am.

    Michele-So sorry about Vince! Hope he recovers quickly!

    Good night from hot and humid, still IL Kathy:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Just spoke to Vince. He explained that we have a flight out of Paris Sunday. I do hope he comes hoe tonight so that he can shower etc and then we take the train tomorrow. Since we'll be buying the train tickets in Switzerland, we can print them out here that's good. The other tickets we got in the US we bought had to be Fed Ex'd.

    Fortunately he knows a fair amount of French because he said this morning he didn't get breakfast. Even tho many people speak Eglish, the gal thought he didn't want breakfast. I' having a REAL hard tie on this netbook so please excuse any typos.

    The girls are evidntally having a good time in France. I'm so glad, just the sisters. I'm glad they decided to go.

    Nothing more to report. Now its just wait and see. If the antibiotics didn't reduce the swelling, they were going to transfer him to another hosp in Bern but fortunately that didn't have to happen.

    Thining of everyone.

    Michele in NC who LOVES the Swiss chocolates