Chiropractor or no chiropractor



  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I just want to add that a GOOD chiropractor will refer you to another medical professional if it is beyond the scope of chiropractic. The original exam and health history that my chiropractor did took over an hour, in which he suspected a thyroid problem and a neurological issue that required further testing. He was correct on both accounts and referred me right away back to my family doctor and to a neurologist (and I would like to point out that my family doctor refused to refer to me to a neurologist before this point and that if I had gone back to her for the referral, the wait would have been even longer).
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    Agree with tasharock, some are good, some not so good. Love mine. I have Sciatica which causes numbness running down my right leg and severe low back/hip pain. Could not walk/run without the occasional adjustment. If you are not comfortable with a Chiropractor, try a Osteopath.

    I agree with this completely!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Some are good. Maybe your doc can refer you to one, or to a physical therapist. A PT really helped me out with a nerve problem in my arm/ shoulder with a combination of exercises and traction.

    Editing to add: traction probably won't be a long term fix if you don't strengthen the surrounding muscles too. Also, that alphabet thing was one of the exercises I was given, against a wall with a rubber ball.
  • dbg1
    dbg1 Posts: 208
    Proper athletic therapy is best. I have tried on chiros on several occassions to no avail.

    A buddy of mine goes every week for chiro. I ask why. He feels better afterward. Symptoms treated but not curing the ailment. Cash grab.

    Proper physical activity with corrent stretching and strengthening works best.
  • carollynch09
    carollynch09 Posts: 111
    Proper athletic therapy is best. I have tried on chiros on several occassions to no avail.

    A buddy of mine goes every week for chiro. I ask why. He feels better afterward. Symptoms treated but not curing the ailment. Cash grab.

    Proper physical activity with corrent stretching and strengthening works best.

    that is one thing I've just recently started. Stretching. I'm really bad at it. :( I'm still checking around. I MAY try a chiropractor for a week or so. Depends on cost. We have one at the gym for 25.00 for 45 minutes but he doesn't do x-rays. How the hell does he know whats wrong if he doesn't do x-rays???
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Some are good, some are bad. Mine happens to be very good and I rarely have to see him. He turned me on to yoga and stretching and I also started doing other forms of physical activity as well. I see him maybe once every quarter or so for a tune up as I tend to get my hips all out of whack. I originally saw him for a pinched nerve in my upper back that doctors couldn't resolve and were talking surgery.... I had a friend who saw this particular chiropractor and I finally said, "what the hell...nothin' to lose...the "real" docs are about to operate." He had that nerve un-pinched within one week and two treatments after 4 months of dealing with my regular doctors.

    But like I really does depend, just like everything.
  • ParrosFan
    ParrosFan Posts: 77 Member
    I love my chiro, I see her 3-4 times a year when I start getting headaches, cures them right up. Up until that point, I had daily headaches, taking pain relievers, with no real relief. After adjustments, its all good.
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    Just like any dr., you have to find one that's good - and listens to you. I have a fantastic chiro that I love going to. She's gotten me through a half marathon and a Tough Mudder this summer. She understands what I do physically, and gives me stretches and tips on how to do things so I don't hurt myself again. Whenever I go in, it's "What event did you just come from?" She also knows enough to listen to me, I know where it hurts and usually what's out of whack and she'll work as long as needed to get it back in place. I never have to wait, and she's always told me that if it's an emergency to call her at home.

    Get recommendations from people you trust. And if you have issues afterward, be sure to tell them. I used to go to another one when I lived somewhere else and the first time he adjusted my neck I was dizzy and nauseous that night and could hardly walk. My neck had had such limited blood flow for so long that when he adjusted it, my body had a hard time handling that. He marked my chart and from then on was very careful when dealing with that area. Our bodies are all different, and react to things differently.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    See if you can find an Alexander Technique practitioner in your area. They teach how to use the body appropriately for the task at hand. If your leg is rubbing against the bike, chances are it's tension and misuse of the muscles making it do that.

    I started Alexander Technique after many months of chiro treatment for a neck problem. We solved many other issues and what I learnt stays with me for life. Cost is usually similar to seeing a chiro.
  • melissarae27
    I swear by it, I love my chiro! That said, some days I just have a bad adjustment, other days it makes me feel SO good. I go when I feel like I need an adjustment, but if you are having sciatica issues it's a good idea to stick with a schedule. That is why I started going in the first place, and was going 2-3 times a week for a few weeks to clear that up. Now I hardly ever have issues with sciatica!