My Starvation Diet



  • Having been on a VLCD for the last 5 weeks myself, I am happy to jump in. And I'm going to be blunt, but only because you need some FACTS instead of your own emotions running over you like a freight train.

    (1) The VLCD is only for morbidly obese or obese people. It is NOT for overweight or healthy-weight people. A BMI of 20 is healthy. An "overweight" BMI goes up to 29.9. The VLCD is WAY off the table, not even available for consideration for you. This is because your body does NOT have the reserves to burn off, no matter what you think you see in the mirror.

    (2) If you think you still need to lose weight when you have a BMI of 20, you need a psychologist, not a dietitian. Furthermore if you think you still need to lose weight when you have a BMI of 20 without any muscle mass on that body, you need a psychologist, not a dietitian. The weight problem is NOT with your body. You are a beautiful and perfect weight and shape. The problem is in your HEAD, as you are inaccurately perceiving your body. I'm sorry, but honey, this is the God's honest truth. You do not need to lose another ounce.
    I was looking over tips for maintenance, where they say to bump up your calories about 50-100 calories every week or so. Would this be a good idea?
    YES. How many times have you been told this in this thread now? Are you not seeing it, or just choosing not to acknowledge it because it involves eating more? Add 50-100 calories of HIGH-NUTRITION FOOD per day. That means high-quality fruits & veggies like broccoli, sprouts, yellow & red sweet peppers, blueberries.
    ...but include exercise to shift into my new goal weight and then move onto maintenance?
    (a) Throw "goal weight" out the window. YOU ARE AT YOUR GOAL WEIGHT -- probably under it. Your new measuring stick is how your clothes fit. And I suspect they fit like crap because you don't have normal womanly curves (created by muscle and fat -- both of which are healthy) to fill them out. Your next goal is to make your clothes fit right.

    To do that,

    (b) you MUST exercise. Of that, at least 50% must be strength training. That means lifting weights. No more than 50% aerobic/cardio. The strength training will kick-start any weight loss that your body can stand to do. I know this because I am on the same diet, the same # of calories, and sat at a plateau for 2 weeks. I weight lifted ONE NIGHT and dropped 3# over the next 3 days, and the weight loss has continued since then. Muscle burns more calories than fat, just sitting there living on your bones. The more muscle you put on your frame, the more calories you will burn. So build muscle. Yes, BUILD. Muscles are HOTTTT, honey. I’m not talking about weight-lifter kind of muscles… just a nice solid frame filled out with healthy muscle. Bones are icky.

    IMPORTANT:: Increase your salt and potassium intake. Take AT LEAST 400mg potassium and liberally salt all of your food. Because you are in such deep starvation mode, you are not getting these essential electrolytes from your foods, and they are required to keep your heart beating. Without them, YOUR HEART COULD STOP. So please go to the store and buy a bottle of potassium. Take at least 2 in the morning and 2 at night. Also, drink AT LEAST 80 oz. water/day to keep things flushing through your body.
    Then I could also just start eating normal diet calories of 1200?
    You eat as many calories as required so you are not hungry and you maintain a HEALTHY shape. "Healthy shape" includes solid muscles tip-to-toe on your frame, AND FAT. Fat is healthy. Your body NEEDS it.
    But I am terrified of what this will do.
    If you are terrified about anything having to do with your weight, you need a psychologist. Which I believe I mentioned above.
    I don't want to gain weight, I still have weight to lose. I am so confused!
    There is nothing to be confused about. You do NOT need to lose any more weight. Now is the time to GAIN muscle mass, which yes, is going to make you gain pounds. But they are not "fat pounds" so they don't count. You must now make yourself strong. You have hurt yourself terribly by starving yourself to this state of incredible weakness, using a diet plan that has never been and never will be suggested for someone of your tiny size.

    To avoid ballooning in "fat pounds," yes, you will need to exercise some of the control that you have developed over the past few months. You are adept at counting calories, so you should have no problem measuring about 900 cal/day for a couple of weeks, then 1000 cal/day for a couple of weeks, etc. etc.

    If, as you are exercising more, you find yourself ravenous (I would expect this to happen) eat more lean protein (meat), dairy and fresh veggies. This is eating above the 900 or 1000 cal/day. Your body needs the extra nutrition to build healthy muscle mass. You are NOT adding fat by eating more in this case. If your body screams for food after you start working out, FEED IT -- good whole, lean foods. There's no need to gorge. Normal portion sizes are just fine. And keep them down -- do NOT vomit them up!!!

    There is nothing you will gain that you cannot lose through HEALTHY eating, exercising and toning. A healthy lifestyle creates a beautiful body all on its own.

    What you need most right now is a professional who deals in eating disorders. I don't know how you got yourself into this pickle, by self-prescribing a VLCD for an already too-small frame, but you have no business being on it. You are at VERY high risk for organ damage, heart damage, cardiac arrest, and a miserable life of yo-yo dieting. PLEASE GET SOME HELP. You are in way over your head here.

    No more scales. No more mirrors. Measure yourself by how your clothes fit and how strong you are. If you are in a size 6-12 and you look good in a bikini because of all the MUSCLES on your body, then you are at perfect condition. If you are anything but that, then you need to eat better (MORE good-quality food), exercise, and get more rest. It really is that simple.

    Sorry, I know I was harsh. I hate seeing someone lure themselves into self-hurt when there is no reason for it. I'm on a VLCD for very specific VALID reasons, and will be switching to "normal" exercise-focused weight loss very soon because my BMI is getting too low to safely stay on the VLCD. Unlike you, I do have plenty of fat to burn yet :) but I know how painful and awful bone fractures and organ failure are. I am taking supplements up the wazoo, drinking lots of water and am being very careful about how my body feels on this diet. I haven’t just unilaterally starved myself and hoped for magic. That’s a good way to die.

    Switching to an exercise-based weight loss regime is slower than the VLCD is at first. But the VLCD doesn't work long term. It only works as a short-term bang and FOR CLINICALLY OBESE PEOPLE ONLY. After that short-term pop, you must switch to an exercise/healthy food based weight loss system, and you will still lose just as much weight than if you had done the exercise/healthy food system from the start.

    The next stage is slower but is just as effective as the VLCD at the 6+ month mark. So I figure if Mr. Right can't see past his shwanz for 10# that I refused to lose in an unhealthy way, then he isn't Mr. Right!!!!!!! If he's Mr. Right, he's gonna love that I took the initiative to lose all the weight I did (48# total so far, 29# to go) and have been busting my butt to get in good physical condition (got a ways to go there, LOL). ;)

    K :)

    I am not a health care professional, dietitian, or doctor. I just have common sense and a big mouth. :) PLEASE TALK TO A DOCTOR BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY ADVICE I MAY SUGGEST!!!
  • ^ Right on, sister.
  • please listen to the advice u are being given. u sound exactly like a friend of mine who ended up anorexic and what followed was NOT pretty!!! u need to heed this advice before its too late. You are worth it!
  • headstoes
    headstoes Posts: 25 Member
    I cannot thank all of you enough! You have helped so very much.

    You have no idea how much this means to me.

    Today, I broke the barrier, and I am eating anything I like, much more than I should even. I need to get my body back to be nutritionally sound and get my metabolism moving again, as well as some of my sexy muscle which I did lose.

    I'm still not too sure if I should slowly increase calories each week to maintenance, which I have calculated as 1440, or just start at 1440 tomorrow after this break out day, but I am definitely taking either route. I will pair either of these with exercise like running and jogging which I used to do quite often, and do love to do but did stop as I couldn't find the time for it.

    I don't have an eating disorder, neither do I have a psychological condition, as much as it sounds like it. I just wanted to lose weight as fast as possible after years and years of being fed up with my weight and early obesity. I have been to a nutritionist who focused on a balanced, healthy diet, and I see my doctor regularly. My blood tests I took last week were quite healthy, vitamin and mineral wise---I take multivitamins, vitamin B tablets and zinc everyday for a while now---but my doctor said my ovaries are asleep and have been for 3 months because I've missed my periods, and something to do with my liver has an increased to a "fatty liver" something or other, which the doctor said can be seen in early stages of anorexia and can fixed by a balanced diet. The doctor said I should be less strict and eat more normally. I can understand all your concerns though, and thank you. A bit brash I am with this method, but I am very results driven.

    Thank you so much again, I am so completely appreciative for all your words, advice and support---it means so much.
  • I'm so glad you posted for advice here because the advice you have been given is fantastic. I yo-yo dieted with VLCD's for years and ended up larger than ever. In that time I had my gall bladder removed - at 27 years old and it contained 50 gall stones - some of which were bigger than a british 10 pence piece. I also had an incredibly fatty liver - that of an alcoholic even though I didn't drink and had early stage NASH ( which of course with sensible diet and weightloss can be reversed :wink: .

    I finally took the plunge recently and have started to lose weight in what I thought was the hard way but have learnt in just one week is the easy and far more enjoyable/rewarding way - a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

    I just want to wish you luck on this journey and implore you to continue with the healthy diet and exercise - you will get fit, lose weight where you need to and feel fantastic for it too.

    We're all here for you xxx:heart:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    This is a big call out for help about the very low calorie diet (VLCD) I have been doing for the past 12 weeks. I would be so very appreciative if anyone could offer assistance or their two cents. Thank you for your help and support in advance.

    I have been on a VLCD for over 12 weeks and I have lost 15kg (33lbs) in this amount of time. I have been eating strictly <900 calories, give or take a few odd days, and the past month has been <700 calories. I haven’t been doing much exercise to supplement my diet. My BMI is currently 20.7 which is in the middle of the normal weight range (18.5–24.9). That said, I am quite muscly and have a big frame.

    I have called it my ‘starvation diet’ because many of you will say I have gone into starvation mode, but I have lost weight. It has been tough, and initially it was difficult, but I have adapted to the diet and don’t feel as hungry anymore, or have the intense desire and capacity to eat as I once did.

    I have now been at the same weight for about a week, which has never happened before, as I would always show a loss. I am worried that I have gone into a plateau, and will not lose more weight, but I am not yet at my goal. This is very frustrating because I have become very thin and bony in some parts of my body and remain flabby in others. I am also very worried that if I start eating normally or increasing my food intake will make me gain the weight back.

    What has become of me? Is my metabolism dead? What can I do to lose those extra few kilos without hurting myself, or putting the weight back on?

    About the worst thing you could do is this are going to hurt your metabolism badly. Once you do this it's a pain to fix it. Your body is smarter then you think it is. The more you starve it the more it will just break down your muscles into fuel and your body will reach a point where it will just start storing everything you eat as fat.....not good. I will post a video link discussing this exact topic.
  • I'm so glad you posted for advice here because the advice you have been given is fantastic. I yo-yo dieted with VLCD's for years and ended up larger than ever. In that time I had my gall bladder removed - at 27 years old and it contained 50 gall stones - some of which were bigger than a british 10 pence piece. I also had an incredibly fatty liver - that of an alcoholic even though I didn't drink and had early stage NASH ( which of course with sensible diet and weightloss can be reversed :wink: .

    I finally took the plunge recently and have started to lose weight in what I thought was the hard way but have learnt in just one week is the easy and far more enjoyable/rewarding way - a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

    I just want to wish you luck on this journey and implore you to continue with the healthy diet and exercise - you will get fit, lose weight where you need to and feel fantastic for it too.

    We're all here for you xxx:heart:

    What's NASH???
  • Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitus - not uncommon for overweight people to have it but it is fixable xxx
  • Okay, what I'll tell you is going to go against the grain here. First, calories are not important. Eat as many as you want to. Calories don't make you fat. As any informed diabetic will tell you, it's the carbs that make you fat. The ideal diet for a diabetic, and that carries over to non-diabetics, is to eat a high fat, high protein, low carb diet. It's not unusual for a diabetic to eat eggs and bacon or sausage for breakfast, and wash it down with a glass of heavy cream. The more fat and protein, the better.(it keeps your blood glucose levels stable). For dinner, have a juicy steak and a salad. Use the regular high fat dressing, don't go for the low fat or fat free dressings, they are loaded with carbs.

    As a diabetic, I need to avoid all the "white" rice, no pasta, no potatoes, no bread, no flour products of any type, including breaded food like fried chicken. Avoid most fruits, especially bananas and watermelon as they are laced with carbs. Ideally, eating less than 50 carbs a day is what we shoot for. Keep in mind that the more carbs you eat, the more carbs you'll want. When you buy food, read the labels. You'll be surprised at how many carbs it has. Heck, a hot dog has about 5 carbs....if you add the bun, it comes to 30 carbs. A hamburger has no carbs, but add the bun and it comes to 25 carbs. Instead of the bun, wrap it in a large piece of lettuce.

    If you stick to a low carb diet and don't worry about the calories, you will lose weight and never be hungry. This low fat, low calorie stuff never works for anybody in the long run.

    Excess carbs are what's driving the obesity epidemic in this country, and the sooner we realize it and change our diets, the better off we will be.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hi sjdjnj ,thanks for your imput to this woman, especailly, in regards to your situation as well, the problems that you had wih your gall bladder

    I have some stones as well, theyre not bad, had em for years, and this is why I was so adament about losing weight........I was freaked if I had to have my gall bladder out, but there is new medical information that supports the idea that you may have stones, or as they are refered to, calcium deposits, in your gall bladder for years and years and live a productivve life

    I ve had them for over 14 years, and Im fine, so the Dr said just to deal with losing weight, which I have, Ive lost 88 lbs, and Im doing it in a healthy timely way. My stats are perfect for a man who is 55, and I have about 38 more lbs to lose, but hey, Im doing it in a healthy and PATIENT way...................Im being as patient as I can and its working out great

    Headstones is in a hurry, and we all know what that means.............

    She needs to be patient, and continue to eat in a healthy timely manner, and like this poster Bailey says in her post to Headstones, work out with weights and cardio

    Bailey.......Im just now able to do weights too, I started at the gym at the weight of 341 lbs, so I first walked on a tread mill for 10 minutes and thats all I could do....
    .then 20, then 30 minutes, then up to an hour, and now im doing Interval on the tread mill and Im now using the incline and I did it this morning for one and a half hours, and I did go thru the routine, basic as it was, on 4 weight machines........unfortunately, I dont know the names, but its weight equipment in the gym...........I m using the lowest of weights, but going thru repition of sets , at a low weight, and I still can feel the muscles being pulled or used, and its a great feeling

    I was so fat, that I was ASHAMED to try to lift weights, thought Id be a freak show for the people working out, so that s why I dropped the 88 lbs using the tread mill first, then began work out with weights., I was so fat, there was no way I could drop to the floor and do push ups or any other types of exercise that would require this

    Thanks Bailey for your post, I benefitted from it as well, as hopefully, Headstones will.............

    Headstones, you got some good replies to your posts, so please seek the help peeople are suggesting,,,,,,we all care about you, and each other

    You guys are so nice and supportive to people who dont get a lot of support and face discrimination because of their weight

    Again, Im not whining ,just doing something about it.............I was one of two people today at the gym, and I walked thru the doors at 5:45 about staying focused, lol............I know its a holiday and most folks are out of town, or relaxing......

    Headstones, good luck, keep using this site, just like I have and you will find an answer to your problems........

    Take care and realize that you have a great group of people who care about you Headstones and want to make sure you are healthy physically as well as mentally.............Best wishes, Lloyd
  • I think the 1st thing you need is a doctor. They will help you start eating properly
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,996 Member
    Okay, what I'll tell you is going to go against the grain here. First, calories are not important. Eat as many as you want to. Calories don't make you fat. As any informed diabetic will tell you, it's the carbs that make you fat. The ideal diet for a diabetic, and that carries over to non-diabetics, is to eat a high fat, high protein, low carb diet. It's not unusual for a diabetic to eat eggs and bacon or sausage for breakfast, and wash it down with a glass of heavy cream. The more fat and protein, the better.(it keeps your blood glucose levels stable). For dinner, have a juicy steak and a salad. Use the regular high fat dressing, don't go for the low fat or fat free dressings, they are loaded with carbs.

    As a diabetic, I need to avoid all the "white" rice, no pasta, no potatoes, no bread, no flour products of any type, including breaded food like fried chicken. Avoid most fruits, especially bananas and watermelon as they are laced with carbs. Ideally, eating less than 50 carbs a day is what we shoot for. Keep in mind that the more carbs you eat, the more carbs you'll want. When you buy food, read the labels. You'll be surprised at how many carbs it has. Heck, a hot dog has about 5 carbs....if you add the bun, it comes to 30 carbs. A hamburger has no carbs, but add the bun and it comes to 25 carbs. Instead of the bun, wrap it in a large piece of lettuce.

    If you stick to a low carb diet and don't worry about the calories, you will lose weight and never be hungry. This low fat, low calorie stuff never works for anybody in the long run.

    Excess carbs are what's driving the obesity epidemic in this country, and the sooner we realize it and change our diets, the better off we will be.
    I respectfully beg to differ with you. Calories do matter. Excess calories, whether from carbs, protein or fat, will make you fat. I do agree that excessively low-calorie diets don't work in the long run, but my personal success and observations of others who have been successful show me that a moderate balance of carbs, protein and fat as well as a moderate amount of calories is what works. For me, that's currently 1,900 calories at a ratio of 55/25/20. As the daughter of a diabetic, it scares me to see a recommendation for someone with diabetes to eat a high-fat diet. Often diabetes and heart disease go hand in hand, and I believe a high-fat diet is dangerous for someone with diabetes and/or heart disease, not to mention hell on a fat-loss plan.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Okay, what I'll tell you is going to go against the grain here. First, calories are not important. Eat as many as you want to. Calories don't make you fat. As any informed diabetic will tell you, it's the carbs that make you fat.

    This statement is DEAD WRONG....anything is technically fat. Your body can convert and store most anything you eat outside of most greens and corn into fat. So carbs are not technically fat.....all things can technically be fat.
  • Calories do matter! It also matters where you get them from! Yes carbs are worse for you and your body will store them, but at the same time if you ate all saturated fat etc you would put on weight too!

  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    As a newbie, I would like to thank you for your input..... I have learnt soooooo much on here in a week!!!!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member

    That wasn't very nice :(

    I had a scale issue a long time ago where I would be terrified to gain any weight. It seems like this person is having this issue as well.

    to the OP...I agree with what everyone is saying; that is, you should gradually increase your caloric intake and begin doing light exercise. Take a walk around the block, do curls with soup cans, just do something. Your metabolism slows down when it goes into starvation mode and this is what it looks like your body is doing.

    Use the Food Diary tool on this site. It's amazing! I just started tracking my food and I am shocked at how much food 1200 calories entails. Since I started doing this (September 1) I have lost 2 lbs (I weighed myself Sunday). That means in 4 days, eating 1200 calories/day (or more on the days I work out) I STILL lost weight.

    I know it's scary to get skinny and think about gaining the weight back, but trust this site and the tools provided. I would suggest before doing anything, get a physical. Talk to a doctor, show him or her this site and the tools and have then help you set a plan. Since you seem to be in a plateau rut you should be as safe as possible

    (and don't listen to people who comment negatively ... they may not understand).

    EDIT: I read your post at the top of the page and am glad that you began to eat normally and went to see a doctor! Keep coming back if you are scared or have questions. This site is great and has a great support system!
  • Okay, from personal experience the starvation diet works, but you loose muscle as well as fat, i know this because i starved myself for 2 months last year and i wound up in hospital with severe anorexia, plus my major depression that lead me to the anorexia...

    long story short, i was 42kg, im 6" tall so i was all skin and bones, i didnt even have the strength in my legs to swing them out of the car on arrival to hospital, i had to pick up each leg with my arms...seriously...

    because of the lack of nutrients my body was slowly shutting down, if you think what im about to tell you is made up thats cool, but i'll be honest because i dont want people to end up where i was, its not fun...

    Ok, so heres the truth about what my starvation diet lead me to...believe it

    My body was shutting down, first my kidneys stopped working, then my liver, i was rushed to hospital for fear of liver failure (even tho i hated going, my psychiatrist had an ambulance pick me up the first time i got put in)

    My liver was terribly inflamed, a normal liver test should read about 25-50 of whatever scale they used, mine was 925 and in danger of failing, i developed a blood clotting problem due to the lack of iron and basically because i was SO malnurished my body was eating the protein in my red blood cells to survive, this stopped my ability to clot blood, so i wasnt able to undergo any operations

    after 4 weeks in hosp with no answers they decided to take a biopsy of my liver, i had to spend the previous day on blood clotting agents so i wouldnt bleed to death internally, they took the sample, no explanation, i developed an illness called D.I.C which stands for 'Disseminated intravascular coagulation" (wiki it here which is a potentally fatal desease, since the liver biopsy showed them no answers (and when i say them, i mean my liver specialist and all his crew, both national and international, because nothing like my case had ever been seen before, so i became a bit of an interest amongst specialists...which sucked)

    anyway they decided to take a bone marrow sample as well, which isnt pleasant at all by the way, which also gave them no clues...

    in december i was told by a nurse they predicted i had 3 or 4 days to live, my heart rate was 39 bpm, and my whole body just wasnt working anymore...i asked to be discharged for christmas because after now 6 weeks in hosp, i was sick of it and wanted to be home with my family if they werent finding anything new i went home, mind u i wasnt able to climb the stairs...

    then out of nowhere, i started eating small bits of different foods and for some unknown reason (even to the medical profession) i started getting better, they have no idea why, and my gastro oncologist still asks my psych about me because im what he called a medical 'marvel'

    basically, eat! dont starve yourself, or you WILL die, i was just lucky i got out of it when i did

    feel free to message me if you want any support or information that i can help you with

  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Okay, what I'll tell you is going to go against the grain here. First, calories are not important. Eat as many as you want to. Calories don't make you fat. As any informed diabetic will tell you, it's the carbs that make you fat. The ideal diet for a diabetic, and that carries over to non-diabetics, is to eat a high fat, high protein, low carb diet. It's not unusual for a diabetic to eat eggs and bacon or sausage for breakfast, and wash it down with a glass of heavy cream. The more fat and protein, the better.(it keeps your blood glucose levels stable). For dinner, have a juicy steak and a salad. Use the regular high fat dressing, don't go for the low fat or fat free dressings, they are loaded with carbs.

    As a diabetic, I need to avoid all the "white" rice, no pasta, no potatoes, no bread, no flour products of any type, including breaded food like fried chicken. Avoid most fruits, especially bananas and watermelon as they are laced with carbs. Ideally, eating less than 50 carbs a day is what we shoot for. Keep in mind that the more carbs you eat, the more carbs you'll want. When you buy food, read the labels. You'll be surprised at how many carbs it has. Heck, a hot dog has about 5 carbs....if you add the bun, it comes to 30 carbs. A hamburger has no carbs, but add the bun and it comes to 25 carbs. Instead of the bun, wrap it in a large piece of lettuce.

    If you stick to a low carb diet and don't worry about the calories, you will lose weight and never be hungry. This low fat, low calorie stuff never works for anybody in the long run.

    Excess carbs are what's driving the obesity epidemic in this country, and the sooner we realize it and change our diets, the better off we will be.

    Yeee Hawww another Low Carber! I agree with everything you just mentioned. I wish more understood how to eat this way, I have never been more satisfied with my eating and my weight loss.

    Great advice. :drinker:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Good carbs=energy. Protein and fat not so much. Protein is a source to help maintain and strengthen muscles, tendons, lingaments, bones, etc.

    What you are talking about is an Atkins type diet and you will AlWAYS bounce back from that type of diet. The body needs carbs for fuel so starving your body of carbs will reach a point where your body will start scavenging muscle for fuel once it can no longer use fat as a resource. Plus it's easier for the human body to break down muscle versus fat as one is a two step process versus a one step process.

    That's why under most any diet you will lose muscle but under a proper diet the muscle loss will be much less.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    To the OP

    There has already been so pretty good advice given so I don't need to add my two cents. I just wanted to say I hope that you take care of yourself and realize that you're already at a pretty gosh darn healthy weight. Reading your original post made me worry for you. Take one day at a time and remember to have patience and to love yourself. (OK, I'll stop sounding like Oprah)

    Take care
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