Ideal Protein



  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    I have a co-worker who does it and has lost 100 lbs. The only problem is now he keeps bouncing back and forth a good 20 lbs or so. It seems like without buying the ideal protein premade meals he doesn't really stick to any sort of healthy eating lifestyle.
  • cathmaow
    cathmaow Posts: 37 Member
    This thread makes me sad. What's so wrong with just eating real food? I mean, it has worked pretty well for me.

  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Real food is less expensive. Eating real food is a sustainable plan.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    Good luck to you all on this. But I think failure is just a paycheck away.

    It may work for you in the short term but keeping weight off will take a lifestyle change. (calorie deficit)
  • gia1993
    gia1993 Posts: 3 Member
    I think these types of programs work for people as it gives a structured plan and accountability to someone else--also you see fast results which is motivating. If you truly follow any protocol and stay true to your plan, you will succeed. I don't feel this is a place to judge any program be it IP or any other one. This is a supportive place that helps keep us on track. I have been very successful on most programs and did gain back some weight. It takes constant vigilance to remain on track. I lost 100 pounds 10 years ago on the HMR plan and put back 35 of them. I am working at taking those off and making a commitment to the process. I am hoping that everyone has a fantastic day and best of luck to all on whatever program you choose. :-)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I think these types of programs work for people as it gives a structured plan and accountability to someone else--also you see fast results which is motivating. If you truly follow any protocol and stay true to your plan, you will succeed. I don't feel this is a place to judge any program be it IP or any other one. This is a supportive place that helps keep us on track. I have been very successful on most programs and did gain back some weight. It takes constant vigilance to remain on track. I lost 100 pounds 10 years ago on the HMR plan and put back 35 of them. I am working at taking those off and making a commitment to the process. I am hoping that everyone has a fantastic day and best of luck to all on whatever program you choose. :-)

    Of course it is a place to judge a program that could fail if the product disappears overnight.
    Fast results aren't necessarily good results.

    Why join up on a website where you learn to eat, count your food, hold yourself accountable... just to sign on to some expensive branded garbage that is typically setting their user up for eventual failure?

    You don't need a purchased program to lose weight. You just need food, in the proper amounts... and patience.
  • FrankieTrailBlazer
    FrankieTrailBlazer Posts: 124 Member
    This thread makes me sad. What's so wrong with just eating real food? I mean, it has worked pretty well for me.

  • Shots63
    Shots63 Posts: 2
    Agree to some extent. Some people need help "getting there" via programs, coaching, supplements, etc. AND staying there. Staying there will be eating the right foods for your body. Therer is power in losing the weight with help. I am fortunate enough to be on IP and once i get to the healthy weight will return to normal food but with the motivation to keep the lbs off. Bottom line....everyone has a choice HOW they want to get there. Let's respect that.
  • Shots63
    Shots63 Posts: 2
    Could not agree more!! I wish you the best. You can do it!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Could not agree more!! I wish you the best. You can do it!
    so let me see if I understand this..

    you're gonna lose a lot of weight using "not food" then expect it to stay using "food."

    I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, or the sharpest crayon.. but..

    what do you think your body is gonna do when you give it food again?
  • mamaof2u2
    mamaof2u2 Posts: 2
    Why do people respond if they don't agree with the diet? If it's not for you that's fine. IP will teach you how to eat properly and it has helped a lot of people lose weight. What's so different eating a packet of food vs a pre-made protein shake from somewhere else? I use alternatives, I get a breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. Vegetables, vitamins, water and exercise.

    You don't even have to spend $100s of dollars, you can go straight to all alternative foods.
  • I've done IP in the past. It worked great for losing the weight fast; however, it simply wasn't the diet for me--I hated eating so many powder-based meals, and literally cried for 30 minutes when I was told I wasn't allowed to exercise on the diet, at least not for the first several weeks. I lasted the summer, losing about 40lbs, before going back to college and gaining all of it back. BUT, the reason that happened is because I didn't follow the total IP plan. They have 4 phases of the diet, with the 4th and final one being lifelong maintenance. You learn how to eat normal foods in the right amounts, and are slowly weaned off of the IP foods. Since I was going back to school where I wouldn't be able to continue my IP weigh-ins (and the food was simply too expensive for my college student budget), I squeezed that phase into a week or two, leading to catastrophic failure (as expected for a phase that is supposed to take several months).

    The plan really can teach healthy long-term habits. Some people might see it as "buying in to a fad diet," but please don't judge those who do it. Weight loss goes better for some people when they're being told exactly what to eat--not everyone starts off with the willpower/ability'knowledge to make healthy eating choices on their own. I know several people who have lost & kept off 100+ lbs using Ideal Protein. It's not my cup of tea, but I say if it works for you, go for it.
  • Can someone tell me what kind of protein Ideal Protein uses. Soy, plant, or whey? I see they use the artificial sweetner, Splenda, to sweeten it which I'm against, but I have searched everywhere and can't find the type of protein used.
    Meal replacements are great especially if they are non-GMO and organic. I do love whole foods, but I don't always trust that I'll get all the vitamins and minerals.
  • snoslen
    snoslen Posts: 3 Member
    The protein is whey protein isolate.
  • Casedia
    Casedia Posts: 3 Member
    I love all of the info you provided in this post. It was pretty much spot on with my clinic which is JUST starting. I would LOVE to hear your alternatives that are helping you maintain your losses.
  • Casedia
    Casedia Posts: 3 Member
    Prices for Ideal Protein vary greatly as each clinic sets their own price. I got a living social deal that included 33 food packets, the drink shaker, all the paperwork and food journal, sea salt, and a week of the supplements for $99, as well as the weekly coach meeting for one year. Regular start up-costs can be as much as $500.
    The supplements cost about $100 a month (there are three, plus you have to buy omega-3 on your own).
    The food packets average about $4 a piece. If you use three a day (most do), its $84 a week. My clinic was a little more expensive and weekly food was about $95.
    Then, you have to buy all the veggies and protein.

    I used IP products for two weeks, then switched to alternates. There are plenty out there, and I can give more info if you want. You can buy most at grocery stores. My weekly cost went from $95 to $30. I'm still losing an average of 3.5 pounds a week.

    I love all of the info you provided in this post. It was pretty much spot on with my clinic which is JUST starting. I would LOVE to hear your alternatives that are helping you maintain your losses.
  • tonigone
    tonigone Posts: 6 Member
    Hello I am wondering what you do and use for your substitutions for Ideal protein
  • Awesome
  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
  • fullcrowmoon
    fullcrowmoon Posts: 17 Member
    I'm starting the Ideal Protein diet today (12/30/13). Yes, I'm looking forward to some rapid weight loss that will make me feel like I've got a good start, but I'm more excited about going through all the stages of the program and learning the best way to maintain my weight loss once it's done. The clinic I'm at stresses behavioral changes as well as the other stuff.