Very new, fairly depressed, incredibly lonely



  • Ccampbell21
    Ccampbell21 Posts: 62 Member
    I sent a friend request too! I would love to have support too!
  • MrsDanner78
    MrsDanner78 Posts: 107
    Hi there! Feel free to add me! I'm on MFP every single day, and as long as you are committed and willing to put your back into losing weight without the fad crap, I will support you and cheer you on every step of the way. I tell it like it is - I figure that honesty is the only way to make this all happen. But you also need to be honest with yourself - it's important to log every single thing you eat, and not lie to yourself about how much and what you eat. If you do that, you are cheating nobody but yourself - which is stupid if you think about it!

    I've managed to surround myself with a lot of the right kind of friends on here who, like me, will tell it like it is. They have been an integral part of helping me see where my weaknesses lie, what I'm doing wrong, and what I'm doing right. They have encouraged me, called me out, and been there when I had questions or felt weak. Without the support of the people that I have found on MFP; if I didn't feel accountable to them as well as myself, if I didn't feel like I would let them down if I gave up, well, then I may not be where I am today.

    So anyway, add me if I'm the kind of friend that you want to surround yourself with on here... and don't if I'm not. :) Good luck either way! If I can do it, anyone can do it!
  • autumn26
    autumn26 Posts: 44
    Definitely know the feeling! ADDING YOU! :)
  • :flowerforyou: don't feel depressed and don't beat yourself up over it.If you do bad one day just pull up ur socks and start over the next day.thats what I learned in weight watches and you got to stick to a plan to make it work after all we didn't gain the weight overnight.Me I had bad car accident in 2001 and couldn't walk for one year ,lost my job,ate for comfort and gained 70 pounds in one year,then than god in 2003 I walked again and in January 2007 I decided I had enough of being overweight and joined weight watchers in june 2008 I lost the 70 pounds I had gained,and started gaining weight again in 2011 and put on 50 pounds again.but I started program and I know I can do it and I know you can do it too,,never give up I don't,it will happen for you oneday
  • I have been on my journey for six weeks...began june 4th. I have lost 15lbs.I have a family and surrounded by people that have no issues with weight problems, so I joined here a few days ago. I find that eliminating most grains I lose weight better. And exercise all the time, of course. I am NOT hard on myself when I eat a food I shouldnt....I just do better next meal. I too need friends that I can share this journey with....the good and bad!
  • Lutah7
    Lutah7 Posts: 45
    Wait, I just re-read this! I'm now a little scared lol.
  • badmoose
    badmoose Posts: 25
    Wait, I just re-read this! I'm now a little scared lol.

    There's nothing to fear but fear itself.

    And those giant spiders that live under your bed. Oh, and meteors, too. They come out of nowhere. Although they do occasionally kill a spider, so maybe they're not so bad. Not always.
  • Lutah7
    Lutah7 Posts: 45
    Wait, I just re-read this! I'm now a little scared lol.

    There's nothing to fear but fear itself.

    And those giant spiders that live under your bed. Oh, and meteors, too. They come out of nowhere. Although they do occasionally kill a spider, so maybe they're not so bad. Not always.

    Lol, love this response!
  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    This person left MFP :(
  • dorisbunker39
    dorisbunker39 Posts: 80 Member
    I think we all forget that the weight gain is just as hard as the weight loss but for totally different and negative reasons. We see weight loss as a great achievement and see the loss quickly more in the way we feel and the confidence, yet weight gain is gradual and detrimental to most. We have two choices here, loss or gain and most of the time it is a seesaw. 6 months will go by regardless of your choice, time to make it a loss for 6 months and see how you feel then xxx
  • I have had this app for awhile, but just started actually using it. Thought that it might help me better track some calories and encourage my weight loss some more. It looks like you all are beginning to have allot of success with this app? Don't really have to many friends on here to share progress with. My only friend on here is my wife and her friend HAHAHA! Anyways, I am in the same boat as you thought you may want to trade some tips. I have lost 42 lbs. since January almost 20 lbs. in the last 30 days! Exercise and Diet combined. I really just want MFP to keep me more disciplined.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    That is so sad she left us. I wonder why. I wanted to help too.
  • Yeah, i's depressing to be stuck 20# away from my goal so I share your angst. You're welcome to drop me a note any time if you want free advice or a shoulder to punch. Keep at it, we'll both break through.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yeah, i's depressing to be stuck 20# away from my goal so I share your angst. You're welcome to drop me a note any time if you want free advice or a shoulder to punch. Keep at it, we'll both break through.

    She is gone.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    Hello & Welcome!

    I see this post was made in July, so I hope things are still going well for you! I was one of those people who constantly dieted and always gained the weight back, and for some reason it worked this time, I lost 137lbs and have maintained that for 8 and a half months now.

    So if you ever want to chat, feel free to send me a message :).

    Lots of love,

    Gemma xx
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hello & Welcome!

    I see this post was made in July, so I hope things are still going well for you! I was one of those people who constantly dieted and always gained the weight back, and for some reason it worked this time, I lost 137lbs and have maintained that for 8 and a half months now.

    So if you ever want to chat, feel free to send me a message :).

    Lots of love,

    Gemma xx

    Does no one read what anyone before said? She has deactivated! :laugh:
  • :) Aw I've been at that point and didn't know what to do bc I kept failing. Try something new. Going keto for about a month helped me knock those first 10 pounds. Just keep telling yourself as you're losing that you will not reach that starting # again. :)
  • Hello & Welcome!

    I see this post was made in July, so I hope things are still going well for you! I was one of those people who constantly dieted and always gained the weight back, and for some reason it worked this time, I lost 137lbs and have maintained that for 8 and a half months now.

    So if you ever want to chat, feel free to send me a message :).

    Lots of love,

    Gemma xx

    Does no one read what anyone before said? She has deactivated! :laugh:

    LOL - I am listening....
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
  • rpn2003
    rpn2003 Posts: 13 Member
    Dont be depressed! You have come to the absolute right place! Please feel free to add me as a friend!!