Why do some people try to make me feel bad..



  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    It's all jealousy. Some people don't have the will to do what your doing and they'll do anything to bring you down so you don't look better then they do. It's sad but true. It's the type of world we live in. Congrats on what you have done so far and keep it up!
  • ThatOperaGirl
    ThatOperaGirl Posts: 138 Member
    I'd bet anything that those nasty comments came out of a mixture of insecurity and jealousy. You look fantastic and if anybody is turned off by a fit and healthy body, then that's their own issue, not yours. You've worked hard for your awesome physique -- so flaunt it and be proud of yourself!
  • rbccg1979
    rbccg1979 Posts: 19 Member
    It's been my experience that when people, unprovoked, say things that are cruel or insensitive, they are speaking volumes about themselves and their character and less about who they are putting down. It could be jealousy or they could just be the type of people who want to make themselves feel superior to everyone around them. I rarely have people say things like that to me because I will put someone in their place in a heartbeat and everyone I know is well aware of that. If you started standing up for yourself when they chose to make such remarks I bet you would find them no longer making those remarks.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    Sounds like someone spiked the punch with a gallon of "Haterade!"

    Whateva....as long as ur happy and healthy and hubby aint complaining....ur straight girl!

    Send me their address, I'll egg their house! Hehe!!

    Do you boo! They secretly takin notes, trust!

    Shan, atlanta
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    They are propbably insecure and jealousy. On some psychological level, they recognize that you are standing up for yourself and they feel left behind or bested. They also probable recognize what you're doing is what they SHOULD be doing but has been putting off because of some lacking characteristic, and they are frustrated and scared because of that. You are everything they want to be.

    Ignore the negativity and keep doing what is best for you! It's hard, but it the only way!
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I come to find out that when others have not been through your struggles and hard work they are quick to make selfish, rude and unnecessary comments as if they know best. Sometimes they are just plain jealous.

    You have to remember why (the love) you are doing what you are doing. That self reward reached at the end of every goal. I call it the light.

    In college I had family members tell me i'm studying to hard or telling me I have to much on my plate. I knew why I was doing what I was doing and in the end, I came out with my degrees and career waiting on me.

    In fitness, co workers tell me "you look great, no need for you to doing anything else", but they don't know my struggle or goals so I keep pressing forward. My fitness, is a life style change and I know the confidence and joy it brings. As long as your hubby and kids support you and you love the joy it brings, keep pushing forward.

    Thanks Coach! I cant believe they told you that you were studying too much!:noway: That's silly..but yeah you are right they have no clue the struggles. I have fixed alot of little pains in me because of this lifestyle change. I AM going to keep pressing forward.
  • singha99
    singha99 Posts: 36 Member
    Yep, they are JEALOUS!! Probly caught their husband or significant other lookin at ya :-) Don't let them tear you down like that. If your husband ain't complaining don't worry bout what anyone else says. You look FABULOUS!! And I bet they all can't fit on one side of a picnic bench either LOL. Keep your head up, stay strong, and enjoy yourself. You are a role model for all of us trying to be healthier and happier.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    They are propbably insecure and jealousy. On some psychological level, they recognize that you are standing up for yourself and they feel left behind or bested. They also probable recognize what you're doing is what they SHOULD be doing but has been putting off because of some lacking characteristic, and they are frustrated and scared because of that. You are everything they want to be.

    Ignore the negativity and keep doing what is best for you! It's hard, but it the only way!

    I mean that girl was soo serious when she said my buns were made of steel and she involved the lady in front of us by saying see now her buns are good.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    Yep, they are JEALOUS!! Probly caught their husband or significant other lookin at ya :-) Don't let them tear you down like that. If your husband ain't complaining don't worry bout what anyone else says. You look FABULOUS!! And I bet they all can't fit on one side of a picnic bench either LOL. Keep your head up, stay strong, and enjoy yourself. You are a role model for all of us trying to be healthier and happier.

    BAHAHAHa!!! :laugh:
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    Sounds like someone spiked the punch with a gallon of "Haterade!"

    Whateva....as long as ur happy and healthy and hubby aint complaining....ur straight girl!

    Send me their address, I'll egg their house! Hehe!!

    Do you boo! They secretly takin notes, trust!

    Shan, atlanta

    and everone had a cup of it too!!! LMAO!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Haters gunna hate. I'm sure if your body was different they would have something to say about it too.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    It's been my experience that when people, unprovoked, say things that are cruel or insensitive, they are speaking volumes about themselves and their character and less about who they are putting down. It could be jealousy or they could just be the type of people who want to make themselves feel superior to everyone around them. I rarely have people say things like that to me because I will put someone in their place in a heartbeat and everyone I know is well aware of that. If you started standing up for yourself when they chose to make such remarks I bet you would find them no longer making those remarks.

    Yes I need to be louder! I am soo freaking NICE, GRRR, I should be like shut up hoe, lol!! I cant even say it with a straight face... My mom raised me too right, lmbo :explode: Now dont get me wrong if some ish was really going down I do know how to speak my mind I just try real hard to be nice and think of others feelings.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am so tired of seeing threads like this!!! You are hot. You know you are hot!! Have some self confidence! Who gives an F what others say. Confidence comes with maturity. DO YOU! Screw what everyone else have to say. You are doing something positive for YOU and YOUR body!!! So haters are being negative what are you gonna do eat and get sloppy! NO! Celebrate your life! Celebrate being you and ignore the idiots!!! Let your haters be your motivators!!!! And tell them to SHOVE IT!!!

    I'm just saying!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Dont let lazy people get to you they just dont want you to set a higher standard lol :)
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    You think so Mjrkearney! I should try that, I wonder what exercises will make me be able to go that long, lmao!
    squats :drinker:
  • marilyngrant18
    marilyngrant18 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing such adversity from your own family on your exercise regimen but you are increasing your chances for a longer and healthier life by staying fit. I wish I had a fraction of your drive and motivation to exercise; I don't but I'm not going to begrudge anyone that does. Just do what feels good for you and as long as your husband likes it who cares what his family says. All the best to you!
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    Your drunk "friends" don't want to see you sober

    Your fat "friends" do not want to see you thin

    Your thin "friends" do not want you to be fit - easier to feel superior if they're in better shape

    So much easier to drag someone down. This is human nature. Rise above it.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Say "thank you" and then go on your way as if they said nothing.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    as long as you dont give them a defensive answer, they have nothing else to say.. besides just blowing them off with a "thank you" as I said above, you can make them feel stupid for what they say by repeating their stupid comment back to them.. without an answer, like this -

    Commenter - you're getting too many buns of steel that no man will luv you.

    You say - "So you're saying that I'm getting too many buns of steel and now no man will luv me." (as a statement).

    and then you look at them ...

    they will probably realize how stupid they sound.
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    It's been my experience that when people, unprovoked, say things that are cruel or insensitive, they are speaking volumes about themselves and their character and less about who they are putting down. It could be jealousy or they could just be the type of people who want to make themselves feel superior to everyone around them. I rarely have people say things like that to me because I will put someone in their place in a heartbeat and everyone I know is well aware of that. If you started standing up for yourself when they chose to make such remarks I bet you would find them no longer making those remarks.

    Yes I need to be louder! I am soo freaking NICE, GRRR, I should be like shut up hoe, lol!! I cant even say it with a straight face... My mom raised me too right, lmbo :explode: Now dont get me wrong if some ish was really going down I do know how to speak my mind I just try real hard to be nice and think of others feelings.

    Just look at them for a couple seconds and then say "you're lucky I'm not a 'mean girl by nature, but when pushed...'" and smile