Anyone know any good hunger suppressants?



  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Apparently someone deleted my post about 5-HTP. Granted, this is my very first day here so maybe I am missing some rule, but what is wrong with 5-HTP? It's a natural amino acid that they sell at health food stores to help with depression and insomnia. It also decreases appetite in some people. If there is something wrong with my post, please tell me.

    MFP strongly discourages 'advertising' of any kind.


    You said yourself that if someone is hungry, they should eat. That's what motivated my reply of simply 'food.' Everyone else here has given spot-on advice about eating according to your activity level.

    Eggs, lean meats, nuts, nut butters, beans, full fat dairy, and avocados are good. So are all foods. You don't need appetite suppressants that aren't foods. If you have an appetite, chances are you're healthy and you should listen to your body's signals. JUST EAT.

    OP, I agree with others (especially Dan!) that you should raise your calorie goal.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    Seriously, why even post this?

    because excessive hunger is usually caused by eating too little. you don't have to be starving hungry 24/7 to lose weight.

    Now maybe if you wanted to list some specific foods that might be helpful.

    ANY foods will stop you from feeling hungry if you're not eating enough. Granted that some foods will give you more protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate and dietary fibre than others and the body needs those things, but I'm sure the OP already knows what foods contain those nutrients. Point is that if she's feeling so hungry all the time, then the total amount of food she's eating is most likely too little, most likely because she's set her calorie goal a bit too low, therefore she needs to eat more, as an a greater number of calories and a greater total amount of food.
  • FalloutAngel
    Green tea & coffee.
  • belinus
    belinus Posts: 112 Member
    One suggestion I saw in Men's Health a while back was that mint was an appetite suppressant so chewing sugar-free gum or brushing your teeth would help.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    a big cuppa coffee/tea or drink and the after that stuff like raw veggies cabbage,cauliflower,broccoli ect :bigsmile:
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Not sure if it has been mentioned, but I find exercise helps suppress my appetite (especially if my hunger is coming out of boredom instead of true hunger).
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I find that I'm far hungrier when I'm not getting enough sleep. I think my body's just like, "We need energy! *kitten*! EAT ALL THE THINGS!"
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Black coffee and ice water are some good ones- you can also try eating less processed food and artificial sweeteners! It's hard to go over on cals when you're snacking on carrots and the like and you can eat a stupid amount throughout the day

    Oh, yeah, artificial sweeteners, that's a good one too!

    No, no. That's not what was meant. Both artificial sweeteners and sugars have been found by research to be appetite stimulants. Some of us are more susceptible than others but you may find you have much more control over your appetite if you avoid both sugars, especially fructose, and artificial sweeteners, both of which can interfere with the brain's ability to recognize satiety. And no, that's not bro-science.
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    There is a good product called "Lipotrim" which is a blend of Amino Acids that target weight loss and fat burning and it decreases my appetite. Mine is made by "NOW" and got it at GNC. Also, green tea throughout the day.

    Good luck!

  • VeganCeliac

    Seriously, why even post this?

    because excessive hunger is usually caused by eating too little. you don't have to be starving hungry 24/7 to lose weight.

    Now maybe if you wanted to list some specific foods that might be helpful.

    ANY foods will stop you from feeling hungry if you're not eating enough. Granted that some foods will give you more protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate and dietary fibre than others and the body needs those things, but I'm sure the OP already knows what foods contain those nutrients. Point is that if she's feeling so hungry all the time, then the total amount of food she's eating is most likely too little, most likely because she's set her calorie goal a bit too low, therefore she needs to eat more, as an a greater number of calories and a greater total amount of food.

    Yeah, my point is, I think everyone already knows that. It's like telling a heroin addict that the best medication for heroin withdrawal is heroin.
  • BossFat
    BossFat Posts: 13
    I've found that sugar-free Coke / Pepsi is a great hunger suppressant :)
  • VeganCeliac
    Apparently someone deleted my post about 5-HTP. Granted, this is my very first day here so maybe I am missing some rule, but what is wrong with 5-HTP? It's a natural amino acid that they sell at health food stores to help with depression and insomnia. It also decreases appetite in some people. If there is something wrong with my post, please tell me.

    MFP strongly discourages 'advertising' of any kind.


    You said yourself that if someone is hungry, they should eat. That's what motivated my reply of simply 'food.' Everyone else here has given spot-on advice about eating according to your activity level.

    Eggs, lean meats, nuts, nut butters, beans, full fat dairy, and avocados are good. So are all foods. You don't need appetite suppressants that aren't foods. If you have an appetite, chances are you're healthy and you should listen to your body's signals. JUST EAT.

    OP, I agree with others (especially Dan!) that you should raise your calorie goal.

    Okay, so why ask a question if giving advice is forbidden? Many people have the problem of eating when they are not actually hungry. 5-HTP (which is an amino acid and therefore a type of food... not a drug or anything synthetic) has been shown to help with that. It has helped me, that's why I suggested it. This was my first day of using these forums and I think it's going to be my last considering how everyone has treated me like I'm an idiot for simply stating my opinion.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Coffee - or any caffeine. Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant.
  • VeganCeliac

    Seriously, why even post this?

    because excessive hunger is usually caused by eating too little. you don't have to be starving hungry 24/7 to lose weight.

    Now maybe if you wanted to list some specific foods that might be helpful.

    ANY foods will stop you from feeling hungry if you're not eating enough. Granted that some foods will give you more protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate and dietary fibre than others and the body needs those things, but I'm sure the OP already knows what foods contain those nutrients. Point is that if she's feeling so hungry all the time, then the total amount of food she's eating is most likely too little, most likely because she's set her calorie goal a bit too low, therefore she needs to eat more, as an a greater number of calories and a greater total amount of food.

    Yeah, my point is, I think everyone already knows that. It's like telling a heroin addict that the best medication for heroin withdrawal is heroin.

    Or methadone. But what if this stupid addict did anything BUT take methadone?

    Calling people stupid is rude and uncalled for. Maybe some people want a way to reduce appetite because they are prone to emotional eating and aren't truly hungry. Or maybe they have other health issues going on that you don't know about. There is no need to get nasty just because you disagree with me.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    When I'm hungry I tend to have a cup of tea or coffee. It really helps.

    Also I bought a " For Goodness Shakes " - strawberry 2 days ago. I think I'll be buying another tomorrow as I didn't feel like eating for hours after!
  • lisastandridge
    lisastandridge Posts: 1 Member
    I've been struggling with the same thing and I noticed that when I exercise my appetite and cravings are reduced significantly. Try going for a brisk walk. I've tried OTC diet pills and appetite suppressants and they all make me feel sick. Drink plenty of water and take a walk and make sure you have set healthy goals for yourself. Foods high in nutrients, unprocessed, organic foods are the best and make sure you are taking nutritional supplements to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet.
  • allall1
    allall1 Posts: 6
    For me I found that for the first 3 days of being on MFP all I wanted to do was eat. I primarily did 2 things that helped me while eating the calories that were my goal for the day. I cut down on carbs but not significantly below what it said I could have and increased my protein slightly above what it said for my plan but still within total calories for the day. One boiled egg seemed to help stave the hunger for me between a meal. The feeling did indeed subside after about 3 days. Good luck to you.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    Seriously, why even post this?

    because excessive hunger is usually caused by eating too little. you don't have to be starving hungry 24/7 to lose weight.

    Now maybe if you wanted to list some specific foods that might be helpful.

    ANY foods will stop you from feeling hungry if you're not eating enough. Granted that some foods will give you more protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate and dietary fibre than others and the body needs those things, but I'm sure the OP already knows what foods contain those nutrients. Point is that if she's feeling so hungry all the time, then the total amount of food she's eating is most likely too little, most likely because she's set her calorie goal a bit too low, therefore she needs to eat more, as an a greater number of calories and a greater total amount of food.

    Yeah, my point is, I think everyone already knows that. It's like telling a heroin addict that the best medication for heroin withdrawal is heroin.

    no, not at all. Because drugs are not nutrients that the human body needs, and a recovering addict needs to give up the drug completely. 100% abstenence from food = starving to death. Dieting is *not* about giving up a harmful, addictive drug, it's about learning how to eat the right amount of food for a healthy body. Hunger is *not* analogous to heroin withdrawal!! Giving up food is *not* the goal when dieting. Eating too little when dieting is going from one harmful extreme to another. Hunger is a sign that you're not eating enough and should eat more food. It's not remotely like withdrawal symptoms from a drug.

    For successful, long term weight loss, you need to find the happy medium where you're eating enough food that you're not constantly hungry, or miserable, or suffering or depriving yourself completely of foods that you love, but at the same time you're still burning off more than you eat, so you get slow, steady, sustainable fat loss. Feeling excessively hungry means you're doing it wrong, i.e. eating too little, i.e. going too far towards the opposite extreme. That's not the case for drug addiction, there's no "happy medium" there, because drug addiction is nothing like being hungry and wanting to eat.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I find cardio has a really good side effect of curbing hunger for some reason maybe its all the endorphins rushing through your body. Plus if I've exercised I am more conscious of not wanting to have wasted all that effort.
    Failing that a nice crisp apple is a good snack, its not going to put you too much over if its outside your calorie goal and it takes a little while to eat so quite satisfying. Why not grab an apple or a bunch of carrot sticks when you are hungry between meals its not going to kill your plan?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Exercise. Truth.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition