2468 diet



  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    You're breaking all the rules.

    And this 'diet' is terrible.

    Hell to the NO.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Sorry I even posted! It's not my nature to want to hurt any one. I won't invite any one for stuff again. Just so I don't have to worry about being attacked and made fun of. It interesting to me that it's very much like high school, you ask or say something that might be dumb, regret it and plenty of people can't wait to make fun, laugh at your mistake and get a thrill out of being nasty. Wow. Definitely not for me. I had no desire to feel worse than I already do. If I wanted to feel bad I could find a million other ways to do it.

    Seriously...what did you expect on a fitness and wellness board??
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    I think you're missing the point. Nobody is laughing at you or making fun of you. They're worried about you. You asked for advice. That shows you yourself, whether you want to admit it or not, are not sure of the diet plan... Typically people who follow such an extreme diet have a SERIOUS eating disorder or soon develop one. So, you can take it or leave it. The decision is ultimately yours.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Come on guys, give her a break. I'm pretty sure she gets the point. :flowerforyou:
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    Sorry I even posted! It's not my nature to want to hurt any one. I won't invite any one for stuff again. Just so I don't have to worry about being attacked and made fun of. It interesting to me that it's very much like high school, you ask or say something that might be dumb, regret it and plenty of people can't wait to make fun, laugh at your mistake and get a thrill out of being nasty. Wow. Definitely not for me. I had no desire to feel worse than I already do. If I wanted to feel bad I could find a million other ways to do it.

    I don't think people meant to make fun, they just wanted to be as emphatic about saying, "please don't do this to yourself" as possible.

    I've heard of, and done this diet in my high school, anorexic days. It is extremely unhealthy, you will lose weight but it will be more muscle than fat, you will have no energy (getting dressed will be exhausting, expect to fall asleep/pass out whenever you sit down for more than 5 minutes), and as soon as you give up (because there is no way you can eat like this for any sustained amount of time) you will gain all the weight back, and more because your metabolism is so messed up.

    Please don't try this, and please make sure whoever told you about this plan is okay.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member

  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Actually, if I could figure out how to retract my question I would. I didn't think I would get such an overwhelming response. I certainly don't want to feel like I shouldn't be on mfp or that I'm not welcome. I didn't and wouldn't ever post a question with malice or I'll intent. I have no intentions of trying to cause negative feelings or issues. I believe that even if someone doesn't have the best ideas they are still a person just as much as those who have better ideas perhaps. I asked a question, stupid or not I was trying not trying to be harmful. Again, I apologize.
    You don't need to apologize. But I think the experience has probably made you realize....this is a site for people who want to become fit and healthy, and the only way to become fit and healthy is to do it in a healthful manner. And it looks like it worked....like the support structure for healthy eating and exercise got you to rethink this. That's what it's here for!

    You can find support on here as well. Realize that most people on here truly do have your best interest at heart. Some may not express their opinions in the most effective manner. Feel free to add me, I've tried countless 'diets' and eating plans that always back fired and the scale got higher each time. This is somewhat trial and error too. MFP is a great place to learn what others have done and what's worked and what hasn't. Please realize weight loss is not a quick process, it takes time, it is a learning process, it is painful, it tries your patience, and in the end this process will pay you back more than you ever could imagine. So please take your time and thoroughly research your diet ideas, speak to a doctor if you have to but be safe.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Googled it, horrible idea.

    It appears to be a diet where you eat 200 calories one day, 400 the next, etc and keep repeating the cycle. :/

    pftt....maybe 200 calories one meal, 400 the next, etc. LOL
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Sometimes support includes letting someone know in no uncertain terms when they're making a horribly unhealthy decision. Most of what I've learned about health and fitness on MFP has been from people who hand out a lot of tough love. It may seem harsh, but there is SO MUCH valuable information on this website, and if you take the time to read and educate yourself about the right way to be healthy, you will be successful.

    Here's a good place to start: Just plug your info and your goals into MFP and let it calculate your daily calorie goal for you. Then strive to MEET that goal every day and eat back at least some of your exercise calories.

    It's simple, and it works.
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    Only if you're eating 2,468 calories per day and exercising like mad!!!!! :wink:
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member

    It appears to be a diet where you eat 200 calories one day, 400 the next, etc and keep repeating the cycle. :/

  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    you could try a 2468 calorie diet and exercise vigorously. I support that diet

    ^^ I was thinking this exact same thing. :drinker:
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Can you do this for the rest of your life? Is this teaching the right way to eat? Will you be fit and healthy when you get to goal?
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    I did one like that a very long time ago,but I was going to a center every week. They checked me out each week, pressure, urine, all that stuff. I did great on it and lost a lot of weight but I could't go on like that and when I started eating normal I gained every pound back.

    You don't owe anybody an apology for anything. You didn't know that you will get the type of responses you got. Most people on here have class and care about others, some just live to give snappy remarks to people who are asking for advice.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    This "diet" is very popular among the pro ana community. NOT HEALTHY. I am tired of seeing posts like this around MFP!!!!!

    There are people who have never written in the posts, and there are new people joining. I suppose they feel they should be able to ask advice if they want to. If you keep reading these posts, you will see more than your share of people asking for advice that you are tired of seeing.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    I've lost well over 600 lbs since I was 16... and regained all of it (mid 30s now). I've done diets more extreme than this (not eating for a month at a time) and ones similar to it, eating 500/750/500 on a cycle... I'll tell you exactly how this is going to roll. You'll lose weight. You'll stick with it as long as your will power holds out. When you go off it, because you've pooched your metabolism AND caused mental subconscious compulsions to eat you WILL regain all you lost +10-20lbs more... really damn fast, get bunch of stretch marks, and your skin will look like it's made of wax for 3 months.

    Slow and steady keeps it off and causes the least bad physical alterations in the long run, fast and harsh that you can't stick with just means you get to regain all the weight you lost plus additional weight, potentially damage your heart, get stretch marks, and have waxy ****ty skin.

    This diet is anorexia period. At an average of 500 calories a day you're not even getting enough calories for a 5'0 female who weighs 100 lbs to *survive in a coma*.

    The doctors would give a 5'0 female, who is 18 years old, and weighed 100 lbs in a coma ~1160 calories a day.

    If you insist on doing it, that's your right. You're a big girl. It's stupid though and you'll end up heavier than you started and potentially damage your heart for the rest of your life and end up with some hundreds of lovely stretch marks to show your partner.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    About Me:

    I am a stay at home mom with two boys ( 12&7). I love life and want to enjoy it even more! I have 50 pounds I am determined to lose and keep off! I am proactive with my health and losing the extra weight I've put on over these past two years is a big part of it!

    Why I want to get in shape

    I love life and my family and want to participate more in activities. I want to swim in the ocean with my boys instead of watching from the shore ( both literally and figuratively)!! My health is primary, and I want to feel comfortable in my own skin....and clothes!!

    The above information was copied and pasted from your profile.

    2468? I checked your profile cuz I thought you must be one of the very very very young folks on this site who just want to drop weight at any cost.

    Imagine my surprise at your profile where your 'health is primary" ???? I am sorry but I am now very Dazed and Confused. If you are 'proactive with your health" ..... why would you even look at such a silly plan. You are 44, not 14. I don't mean to sound rude, but have you any idea what this type of restriction could do to your body?

    Please find a healthy alternative with enough calories to beat your heart, expand your lungs, and run your brain. You are someones Mommy. You MUST be healthy.

    Good luck, honey. I really didn't want to be mean and I am sorry if I was. I just wanted to get your attention and sincerely hope you find a safe plan.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    i see ALOT of muscle loss, little fat loss and a crashed metabolism in the future of people who have tried this diet!