1200 no matter what I choose?



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I seriously give up trying to explain. Really. How hard is it to explain to everyone?

    Settings of activity level have no meaning for MY amount...1200 is ALL I get give (before I do exercise)...no matter the setting. There are 4 of these.

    Setting changes of amount to lose each week have NO meaning for MY amount...1200 is ALL I get before exercise.

    I know how to eat cals back for exercise & have done so since day 1. I know how to set my own calories and have done so since day 1.

    Now think about how changing those 2 settings gives other people in any combination more than 1200 before exercise..... so why is is not for me? This is the please explain part.

    I'm not asking HOW to use the site, I know how to. I am not asking how to set my own cals, nor how to eat the ones I burn.

    I am curious as to why no matter what settings I have on there I can not go above 1200 calories for my NET (before exercise)

    But I give up explaining. Just carry on without me. I'm going to bed,

    Your pounds per week. You said you set them to 0.5kg. Is that a typo on your behalf, or is it a setting you need to review?

    I'm in kg here not lbs. No setting I need to review. HALF a KILO a week. Does not matter. I could have it at maintain & it would STILL show 1200 calories NET.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    Now think about how changing those 2 settings gives other people in any combination more than 1200 before exercise..... so why is is not for me? This is the please explain part.

    I'm not asking HOW to use the site, I know how to. I am not asking how to set my own cals, nor how to eat the ones I burn.

    I am curious as to why no matter what settings I have on there I can not go above 1200 calories for my NET (before exercise)

    Impossible to say without more information. What is your age, height, weight, and goal weight? What did you choose for "I want to lose X amount of pounds per week"?

    MFP will deduct 1,000 calories from your estimated needs if you choose 2 pounds per week, 750 for 1.5 pounds per week, 500 for 1 pound per week, 250 for half a pound per week.

    But it will not go below 1,200. So if you are a small person and MFP estimates that your calorie needs are, say, 1450 (without exercise), your answer is going to be 1200.

    You may be better off calculating your TDEE (your calorie needs including exercise), and setting your own custom goal taking a % deficit from that. The % deficit depends on how much you still need to lose.

    As explained I already have done that. 1450 I set it at just cause I was sick of the 1200 there.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    Now think about how changing those 2 settings gives other people in any combination more than 1200 before exercise..... so why is is not for me? This is the please explain part.

    I'm not asking HOW to use the site, I know how to. I am not asking how to set my own cals, nor how to eat the ones I burn.

    I am curious as to why no matter what settings I have on there I can not go above 1200 calories for my NET (before exercise)

    Impossible to say without more information. What is your age, height, weight, and goal weight? What did you choose for "I want to lose X amount of pounds per week"?

    MFP will deduct 1,000 calories from your estimated needs if you choose 2 pounds per week, 750 for 1.5 pounds per week, 500 for 1 pound per week, 250 for half a pound per week.

    But it will not go below 1,200. So if you are a small person and MFP estimates that your calorie needs are, say, 1450 (without exercise), your answer is going to be 1200.

    You may be better off calculating your TDEE (your calorie needs including exercise), and setting your own custom goal taking a % deficit from that. The % deficit depends on how much you still need to lose.

    She posted that on the first page. I've gone through the numbers with her stats, it will change.

    If your account used to change and it doesn't now, contact MFP to report the problem or post in the technical help section instead instead of posting a topic that MFP is wrong.

    Did you consider Lorina's suggestion about the Fitbit? I don't use one either but that may be a factor.

    Part of the confusion lies with how you were explaining it. You claim to understand how it works but kep saying that the days per week/minutes of exercise were not affecting your calorie goal - which it shouldn't.
    I understand you are now saying nothing at all affects it and that it used to change. That is a technical problem, not a problem with how this calculator works.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    She posted that on the first page. I've gone through the numbers with her stats, it will change.

    Oh, sorry, I got this confused with another thread. Filing it under WTF instead.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    She posted that on the first page. I've gone through the numbers with her stats, it will change.

    Oh, sorry, I got this confused with another thread. Filing it under WTF instead.

    It's ok, it's Monday. :flowerforyou:

    Or maybe

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I seriously give up trying to explain. Really. How hard is it to explain to everyone?

    Settings of activity level have no meaning for MY amount...1200 is ALL I get give (before I do exercise)...no matter the setting. There are 4 of these.

    Setting changes of amount to lose each week have NO meaning for MY amount...1200 is ALL I get before exercise.

    I know how to eat cals back for exercise & have done so since day 1. I know how to set my own calories and have done so since day 1.

    Now think about how changing those 2 settings gives other people in any combination more than 1200 before exercise..... so why is is not for me? This is the please explain part.

    I'm not asking HOW to use the site, I know how to. I am not asking how to set my own cals, nor how to eat the ones I burn.

    I am curious as to why no matter what settings I have on there I can not go above 1200 calories for my NET (before exercise)

    But I give up explaining. Just carry on without me. I'm going to bed,

    Your pounds per week. You said you set them to 0.5kg. Is that a typo on your behalf, or is it a setting you need to review?

    I'm in kg here not lbs. No setting I need to review. HALF a KILO a week. Does not matter. I could have it at maintain & it would STILL show 1200 calories NET.

    Then look at it as a technical glitch and email the tech staff. End of story.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    The same happens to me and I always wondered about it. Spark people and other sites give me different numbers.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The same happens to me and I always wondered about it. Spark people and other sites give me different numbers.

    You cannot compare the numbers here to other sites because the formula is different in that your calorie goal is not the same every day because it depends on exercise.

    Did you read through the whole thread? Does nothing affect the calorie goal - specifically your weight loss per week goal and your daily activity selection?
    If nothing changes the numbers, recheck your stats to make sure there wasn't a typo and if that is fine, contact site support.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I seriously give up trying to explain. Really. How hard is it to explain to everyone?

    Settings of activity level have no meaning for MY amount...1200 is ALL I get give (before I do exercise)...no matter the setting. There are 4 of these.

    Setting changes of amount to lose each week have NO meaning for MY amount...1200 is ALL I get before exercise.

    I know how to eat cals back for exercise & have done so since day 1. I know how to set my own calories and have done so since day 1.

    Now think about how changing those 2 settings gives other people in any combination more than 1200 before exercise..... so why is is not for me? This is the please explain part.

    I'm not asking HOW to use the site, I know how to. I am not asking how to set my own cals, nor how to eat the ones I burn.

    I am curious as to why no matter what settings I have on there I can not go above 1200 calories for my NET (before exercise)

    But I give up explaining. Just carry on without me. I'm going to bed,

    Well aren't you a peach.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    But I give up explaining. Just carry on without me. I'm going to bed,

    Given your typical attitude in the forums, I'm surprised that anyone is even trying.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    But I give up explaining. Just carry on without me. I'm going to bed,

    Given your typical attitude in the forums, I'm surprised that anyone is even trying.

    Honestly I am doing it to make it clear for those who may be reading that it is not MFP's calculations that is the problem here.
  • k_winder
    k_winder Posts: 65 Member
    You said 'Settings of activity level have no meaning for MY amount...1200 is ALL I get give (before I do exercise)...no matter the setting. There are 4 of these.'

    I think the issue is you are talking about the fitness settings for setting up your diary. (Forgive me if I am wrong)

    That is NOT what the rest of us are talking about. When we tell you to log your exercise we are not telling you do anything with that setting - that setting really means nothing whatsoever in the grand scheme of things and it doesn't change anything for ANYONE'S account - not just yours. It's more of a 'fitness goal' not a setting that affects your diary or your calorie allowance.

    If you want your number to change from 1200 kcals at all you have to log your exercise type/minutes/calories burned in the 'Exercise' tab every day for the exercise(s) you do and those burned calories will be added to your daily base of 1200.
  • rachaelsue
    rachaelsue Posts: 16 Member
    I am a 32 yo female, at your exact height and weight and have the same experience. No matter what I put in for activity level when setting up my goals, the goal for me is set at 1200.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I am a 32 yo female, at your exact height and weight and have the same experience. No matter what I put in for activity level when setting up my goals, the goal for me is set at 1200.

    As stated several times in this thread the activity level won't change the goal number. What you choose in regards to what you wish to lose in a week is what changes that number. (half pound, 1 pound, 1.5 pounds, 2 pounds).
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I am a 32 yo female, at your exact height and weight and have the same experience. No matter what I put in for activity level when setting up my goals, the goal for me is set at 1200.

    You have 7lbs to lose, you don't have much room for a deficit. What do you have for a weight loss per week goal?
    How tall are you? What is your weight?
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    Follow these steps:

    Go into your GOALS and change the setting to the LOWEST AMOUNT OF WEIGHT LOSS per week allowed. I don't know what it is in kg. Use maintain if you prefer. If it still says 1200 then contact MFP tech support. If that changes it, then that is what everyone is trying to tell you. Communication sucks when we can't communicate.
    If you set your goals to lose the MAX amount of weight, nothing else matters in your settings. 1200 is the lowest possible setting this site will give you. Most people set their goal to lose the max amount of weight. Even mine says 1200 if I set it to lose 2lbs per week. If I set it to only lose 1lb a week, then its around 1400 calories lose .5lb a week, about 1600 calories.

    If you do this, and it still says 1200 then you have an issue to contact MFP with.
  • Nininina24
    Nininina24 Posts: 29
  • Nininina24
    Nininina24 Posts: 29
    Be careful about those burned calories. I'm a runner.. You would have to RUN for 12 hours or something like that to burn 4000 calories. :noway: Your body would not tolerate that. Running a mile burns about 100 calories. yep, thats all .. ( it also builds muscle and endurance and is good for the heart though! )

    I'm glad you said this... I was about to say "geez, tell me your secret..." 4000? yeah.... Okay... Yup, that's correct, RUNNING a mile is only around 100 cal.... so...
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    okay that makes sense. a little oddly presented however

    Yes, the set up is confusing when it asks for exercise goals. What do you have for a goal per week for weightloss?

    For me it does not change regardless of what exercise goal I put in. 7 days a week @ 1 min gives me 1200... 7 days a week @ 60 mins gives me 1200, 7 days a week @ 300 mins gives me 1200. No matter what setting.... not one movement at all.

    Many many people have said, you exercise goal DOES NOT CHANGE YOUR DAILY CALORIES. You have to actually log the exercise to get the calorie credit.