What triggered your weight gain?



    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Eating made me feel good when I was down. And, it was something to do when I was bored. And it was a good way to fill time when I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. And what if I didn't have time to eat something later? Better eat now. And it was a great way to celebrate everything.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    My boyfriend! My weight was always a steady 170-180 until I started dating him. I seriously went from 180-220 in about 5 months because of all the horrible things we would eat, as well as I stopped exercising and giving a crap. I would spend every night at his apartment and we'd eat candy, then chocolate, then popcorn, then chips and dip, then I would make boxed brownies. And we would watch movies all night. Horrible, horrible habits! Never doing that again.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Mindless eating
  • cece0485
    cece0485 Posts: 1 Member
    I've always been overweight. Not quite as bad when I was in high school and playing sports, but always overweight nonetheless. I am looking to finally lose some weight. I've always tried working out and dieting, but am a picky eater and working out never seems to do anything for me. I get frustrated quickly and eat to console myself. My fiance and I are looking to get healthy together and hope it sticks so we can be around for our future children and for each other.
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Work, stress, kids, laziness, love of food
  • vixylou10
    vixylou10 Posts: 8 Member
    Well done you!!!!!!!!!! This is a very big motivator :-) May I add you?
  • MySweetPotato
    MySweetPotato Posts: 175 Member
    oh wow! I read every single one of your posts. I love reading your stories and I love the fact that we all come from different walks of life but we are all here for the same reason :)
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    I was always really skinny most of my adult life...5'6, 110 pounds. Then in the same year, I turned 30 and got a new desk job in an office with sweets and donuts EVERYWHERE. The older ladies took one look at me and said "A skinny girl...that wont last." And it didn't...in one year, I gained 50 pounds, went from an hourglass to an apple shape, and went from size 4 to 16. I look like everyone else in the office now. :sad:
  • sheriann1271
    sheriann1271 Posts: 26 Member
    Wine, chocolate, and late night snacking. I never had a weight issue growing up. I gained a ton during both of my pregnancies, but I can't really blame it on that, as I lost most of that weight by the time my youngest was 6 months old. But, I had a lot of stress related issues that led to a very horrible habit of drinking after I put the kids to bed. When I drank, I didn't care what I ate, so I snacked heavily and would almost always have way too much chocolate along with it. Even though I still have a ways to go, I feel sooooo much better now that I ended that destructive habit.
  • Noley87
    Noley87 Posts: 26 Member
    Break ups and stressful situations always triggered weight gain for me. After something horrible happens, its like I downshift and I can't eat anything for days. And then all of a sudden I can eat, and I eat everything in sight.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I ate when I was happy, sad, bored. I ate until I was out of breath. Once I hit 30 years old I blew up it seems over night.
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    I met my husband! He spoiled me and treated me right. I was spending my free time working out then it became "working out" :wink: That just doesn't burn as much as running for 3hrs a day 4 days a week.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I met my husband! He spoiled me and treated me right. I was spending my free time working out then it became "working out" :wink: That just doesn't burn as much as running for 3hrs a day 4 days a week.

    You're not doing it right. :laugh:
  • ambershanelle2
    ambershanelle2 Posts: 4 Member
    As I have aged, my metabolism has slowed, but I still the way that I did when I was younger and exercising all the time. In HS, I was a waitress, a cheerleader, and I was an athlete. I was always thin and fit.

    After my first child (at age 18), I was still fit and trim. I thought I had lucked out in the metabolism area. NOT SO. After the second child (at age 24), I gained 10-15 pounds. I started going to the gym a few times a week and trying to eat healthier. It wasn't working, and I was still gaining. Finally, a few years later, I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I was so scared of getting a dry socket that I lived off of Slim Fast and a half a cup to a full cup of mashed potatoes for dinner. I dropped 35 pounds and got a boob job. I was so happy! I kept that off for many months, but then I got pregnant with my 3rd child (at age 27). She was a C-section which did bad things to my abdomen. Now, at age 33, I am still struggling to get down to an ideal weight and to find healthy foods that I will enjoy. If I can get the whole family on a healthier lifestyle path, that's an even bigger bonus. (My 9 year old son has gained quite a bit of weight in the last year due to poor choices of a picky eater.)

    What really put me over the edge to finally do something (and if God has mercy on me - actually stick with it) was when someone I consider family said I had love handles on my face. Who says that??? I'm laughing and crushed at the same time. This is it. I'm doing this thing. I'm turning that humor and hurt into motivation.
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    I grew up on a farm. I was never crazy active but there were things that HAD to be done (feeding the cows, harvesting the hay, chopping wood) and I would help with those things. I was a pretty chubby kid but I was a STRONG chubby kid. Then puberty hit and I was fine- big because of my muscles and genetics but not a whole lot of fat on me.

    My last month of high school, my boyfriend (who I'm still with five years later <3) asked me out. I slowly gained from being in a pretty good relationship.

    On our 5 month anniversary, he picked me up from community college to do dinner and we were t-boned by a car going about 35MPH on my side. It screwed up my back pretty bad and I'm still living with that pain. After that, I gained weight a little more quickly.

    Then came real college... Living in a dorm with a year old back injury that was exacerbated by living up a GIANT FREAKIN HILL that I had to walk any time I wanted to get home, made things horrible. I sat in bed whenever I wasn't in classes or eating. It was the only thing that I could do to make my back feel better. My PT started me on super basic exercises and I couldn't even do those so I kind of gave up... It was the first time in my life that I had to live off of processed food as well. I had gained about 30lbs in my first year there and about 10lbs per year after that.
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    According to my physician, 1) Diabetes and 2) my Thyroid. Honestly, I used to be very thin (110-120). All of my family members are fairly thin,but diabetes (type 1 and 2) are pretty prominent (two sisters,both of my grandmothers,and then some).
    I've always eaten sandwiches, ramen,and potato dishes because my medicine and exercise helped,and my parents didn't think watching my intake was "a big deal". After moving away from home, I continued to eat as I always have,and 2 years ago I lost my health insurance and my diabetes meds. I quickly gained 60 pounds in 2 years. I, more recently, saw a different physician, and she said that my thyroid is running very slowly due to my mild diabetes and carb intake being too high.
    SO, I drink more water and exercise more often than almost anyone I know,but looking at me you would think I just ate junk food and sat on my butt all day. I do eat candy, drink soda,but not even every week. However, according to my physician, until I learn to manage my diabetes, my thyroid will continue to be depressed,and I will continue to have an extremely difficult time managing my weight.I guess that is,ultimately, my fault for not taking better care of myself and not monitoring my glucose levels like I'm supposed to. Now, I'm paying for it with weight gain, headaches,and fatigue. That's why I'm on MFP though, trying to figure it out.
    >>> ***If you have similar issues, or just need supportive people, feel free to add me!***<<<
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I stopped smoking and gained 70 pounds.
  • KtAnne388
    KtAnne388 Posts: 30
    Always heavy as a Kid even though I was active and played sports-I take more after my dad's side of the family who are all very tall broad and heavy set so I have to be meticulous with diet and exercise. When I was 21 my mom got really sick and I started taking care of her and completely stopped taking care of myself. Also watching her get worse made me depressed so I looked to food to comfort me.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Dissatisfaction with my academics and my overall social life I think (I'm usually always so active, but that didn't happen for a year or so). But that's changed- for the better! I really do believe that if you're positive, you'll get positive results. :)
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    After my split with my X, I ended up with a great group of friends and then a great boyfriend. They all force feed me, though. It took me a while to learn to start denying the snacks, big meals, and second helpings. I'm still fighting the, "No, I don't need ice cream and cookies 10 times a day, thank you" battle.