I'm using this thing to put on weight, is anyone else??

Alexrolo Posts: 2
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I like need advice on high calorie stuff to eat, that has some sort of nutritional benefit :)


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Why are you looking to gain weight? I don't mean this in a negative sense, but more along the lines of inquiring if it's for muscle gain or just in general to put on a few pounds. It would also be helpful to know what you are eating now so that we can find different things you can change.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome :) Members use the site for many reasons, so yes absolutely, it's also a great site to put on some weight if needed. Great to be able to track your nutrients and workouts, lots of support and inspiration to be found here.

    Good luck!:drinker:
  • leshagen
    leshagen Posts: 36
    wish i were that lucky...but if you're trying to gain weight, just make sure to do it in a healthy way: multi-grain or whole wheat bread or pasta, fresh veggies and fruits, and lots of protein that will help build muscle and not fat. If you haven't consulted your doctor, i think that would be a good place to start. Good luck and take it slow and easy.
  • jpowell3976
    jpowell3976 Posts: 144 Member
    I started an account on here for my son. He was blessed(?) with his bio-dad's metabolism & when you add that to the meds he takes daily...well, you get a really skinny little boy. (My ex-husband is 6'4" & weighs in at 165) MFP is helping me lose & him gain! Got to put 26.5 on him or no football next year. We met his calorie goal if he eats all his dinner! *fingers crossed*

    Why does he take meds? He has severe ADHD/PTSD(house fire)/anxiety/OCD. Therapy is helping. Hopefully we will be off some very soon...for now though it is what it is & we make the best of it. :~)

    He cried yesterday when he got home b/c he's so scared he won't gain the weight in time...if you would like to add him & leave notes of encouragement , I'll read 'em to him...maybe hearing he can do it from people other than his mom/dad/granny will boost his spirit? Or maybe you could view his diary, offer some ideas I haven't thought of yet, and maybe get some ideas yourself? His screen name is cpowell3976...thanks in advance.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I'm using it to mostly stay at about the same weight. I do want to lose a little but I want to lose fat and add muscle. Being able to accurately track calories in and calories out is a great help.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    There are calorie dense protein shakes. Avocados are also excellent.
  • zazvorka46
    zazvorka46 Posts: 1
    Good to know someone else is doing the same thing. I am looking to gain 5-10 lbs and have found it hard to do. Using this to see if I am eating enough. Trying it for a week to see how it works out.
  • sarahgh
    sarahgh Posts: 10
    Avocado, full fat yogurt, and olive oil, and nuts. Yummo!
  • Kassul
    Kassul Posts: 16
    I've been using it to lose for the past few months, and will continue at it for a while yet.
    In a little while though I'll start using it to (slowly) gain back.
    Milk, meats, peanut butter all figure on my list of foods to nom on a bit extra. It'll be kinda weird eating an extra ~600-700 calories / day than I've been at lately. I know I can do it(did it before obviously!) but hopefully I can do so while still eating fairly clean.
  • dennypup
    dennypup Posts: 105 Member
    Some of my favorite higher calorie healthy foods are avocados, nuts, peanut butter, good whole grain bread, olive oil, bananas, full fat Greek yogurt.
  • Alexrolo
    Alexrolo Posts: 2
    Iv'e just been eating everything i can to get to the calorie goal and i hit the gym loads, i am quite skinny, and i have recently quit smoking and bought a running machine, i just wanna get healthy again really :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    If you're looking to put on muscle, check out this program www.stronglifts.com They also have a plan to put on weight while strength training.
  • Please help me gain weight :( im 15yrs, 5'4 and 79pounds only :( i look anorexic please im so desperated i had been tryng hard to help me self since i was 2nd year high, nothing changes but i got more skinny, before i weight like 39kg now i weight only 33 i lost a lot please help me i really need help my family doesnt seem to care... It makes me cry all the time.
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