LGBT Friendly Thread (it says "friendly")



  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member

    its hard being LGBTQ, and i'm being honest here, most straight people dont understand our issues and how it feels, we like to discuss things with other's in the same boat as us thats all :)

    just like any ethnic, religious, or social group, its a solidarity thing. :smile:

    Just because we can't always understand, doesn't mean we don't care. I'd put a happy face at the end of the sentence, but I'm not only acronym challenged, I don't know how to make those cute little pics either.

    I don't care one way or another what a person's sexual orientation is. My wife won't let me date ANYONE, regardless of gender. She's so narrowminded. Damn, I'd put a happy face here too.
  • DancingDreamer
    Let's make this thread a friendly and safe place for us to discuss...whatever.

    I'm really not trying to be a jerk...and I am not anti-gay....but I just wondered.....isn't ALL of MFP a friendly and safe place to discuss ...whatever?

    Why the need for a separate thread, why the desire for a label? Isn't segregating people bad?

    If I made a "straight people" thread, wouldn't you feel a little offended?

    I just don't get it.

    Please don't imagine I'm mad, I'm really just more confused than anything.....

    its hard being LGBTQ, and i'm being honest here, most straight people dont understand our issues and how it feels, we like to discuss things with other's in the same boat as us thats all :)

    just like any ethnic, religious, or social group, its a solidarity thing. :smile:

    I guess I can understand that.

    It just seems a little like a double standard, ya know? If I separate and treat someone different based on race, class, whatever, I'm bad (racist, insensitive, intolerant). If a person in a minority group separates themselves from others on the same basis, it's (insert group name here) pride.

    i wont deny that its a bit of a double standard, i wish it wasnt. :/
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    haha Roaddog, when you are creating your post, composing your thoughts, there is a small link right above the box you're writing in, that says "add smiley" when you click on it, a whole menu of smileys comes up! click on one that matches what you'd like to show and TA-DA!!

    :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :love: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :glasses: :smokin: :smooched: :bigsmile:
  • DancingDreamer

    its hard being LGBTQ, and i'm being honest here, most straight people dont understand our issues and how it feels, we like to discuss things with other's in the same boat as us thats all :)

    just like any ethnic, religious, or social group, its a solidarity thing. :smile:
    Just because we can't always understand, doesn't mean we don't care. I'd put a happy face at the end of the sentence, but I'm not only acronym challenged, I don't know how to make those cute little pics either.

    I don't care one way or another what a person's sexual orientation is. My wife won't let me date ANYONE, regardless of gender. She's so narrowminded. Damn, I'd put a happy face here too.

    1) LOL YOU CRACK ME UP! :laugh:

    2) i never said you didnt care! D: thats not how i meant it!

    and 3) LuckyLeprechaur already beat me to telling you how to use smilies XD
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Welcome to the site...sorry if others were cruel or just insensitive. Everyone has a right to be who they want to be, regardless of race, gender, orientation, religion or education. Hope you meet some great new friends here. (BTW, I am married with 2 toddlers:happy: )

    Who they Want to be??? not sure what you mean by this. People are who they are when it comes to race, or orientation etc, whether they "want" to be or not. It sound like you are saying it is a choice someone makes.

    Perhaps I worded it poorly. I didn't mean any offence, or as you said, to suggest it is a choice. I only meant that I choose my friends for who they are as people, not by "labels". I hope that is clearer.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Welcome to MFP LGBTQ peeps! Post away! Anyone gets offended can click off, there are plenty of other posts to look at and they can just stay away from this one! I'm not LGBTQ but I am a huge supporter of my family members that are and I will find no reason to complain about finding a forum to support each other. :heart:

    As far as straight posts??? People are ridiculous, the stay at home moms got in a big tizzy when some of us working moms started our own thread because god forbid people be able to find like minded people who are looking for support :noway: :noway:
  • Buccinator
    I don't think there's anything wrong with creating a LGBT thread. It's like having a Mom thread. Or a 25-30 Thread. Or a weigh-lifter thread. That's all we do here is categorize ourselves. Sure, LGBT doesn't have have much to do with weight loss or exercise, but it does have a whole lot to do with support and connection during a difficult time.

    I also think we should create a Smiley thread, simply for RoadDog. :smile:
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    If you share yoyr faith you are told to shut up or you are ridiculed. If you share your homsexuality you are a minority and expect to be cheered. Should not everyone love eachother and be free to express there hearts? That is what America is supposed to be about. There ar just so many double standards in this country. I choose to love everyone and accept everyone for themselves. Doesn't matter if I agree with you. You have the right to be gay and express it out loud. I should have the right to be a Christian and express that out loud.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I'll start things off by introducing myself. I'm Jessa. I'm 31 and live in the DFW area with my girlfriend. MFP has helped me tons since I joined in Feb. I have fallen off the wagon for a bit but I'm back on it full force and have set a goal to lose 10lbs by Nov. My ultimate goal is to be 150lbs. Still "overweight" for my height but I carry it well ;) SO...welcome fellow queers. Let's make this thread a friendly and safe place for us to discuss...whatever.

    Welcome back Jessa, I was wondering where you had gone off to! :drinker:
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    The reason(s) I created this thread:

    I got really into the forums when I started MFP. I would always read "my husband this..." "My husband that..."...quite frankly I could not relate so I created a thread called, "Am I the only Homo?" Many people answered no, some answered yes and some were very very rude. So rude in fact that the mods got tired of policing my thread so they shut it down. That put a HUGE damper on why I got off track. And no I'm not blaming my laziness/weight gain on MFP forums. I'm just saying it wasn't fun anymore for me. I get hated on enough in the real world I didn't need it in the virutal one. Especially a site where people are supposed to be uplifting each other...not tearing them down. So I built a bridge and got over it. Hence...this new thread.

    I did NOT create this thread to distance myself from any one "group". I love straight people, gay people, asexual people but in all fairness why should a Gay Friendly thread be shut down (or locked) for that matter because some people have to be negative? This thread isn't exclusively "gay" but it IS exclusively FRIENDLY. You don't have to be gay but you do have to have some respect for people unlike yourself.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    haha Roaddog, when you are creating your post, composing your thoughts, there is a small link right above the box you're writing in, that says "add smiley" when you click on it, a whole menu of smileys comes up! click on one that matches what you'd like to show and TA-DA!!

    :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :love: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :glasses: :smokin: :smooched: :bigsmile:

    Waht a great day. Thanks everyone fro bringing me in to the 21st Century. :wink: :wink:
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I'll start things off by introducing myself. I'm Jessa. I'm 31 and live in the DFW area with my girlfriend. MFP has helped me tons since I joined in Feb. I have fallen off the wagon for a bit but I'm back on it full force and have set a goal to lose 10lbs by Nov. My ultimate goal is to be 150lbs. Still "overweight" for my height but I carry it well ;) SO...welcome fellow queers. Let's make this thread a friendly and safe place for us to discuss...whatever.

    Welcome back Jessa, I was wondering where you had gone off to! :drinker:

    HERE I AM! HERE I AM! ;) Thanks.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Deb & my partner Lori and I joined MFP a little over a month ago and we love this site! We live in Eugene Oregon.
    We moved here in June 2009.I was born and raised Cape Girardeau Mo .Lori is originally from Ohio.Feel free to add me as a friend : ) Have a blessed day...Namaste...

    Hey Deb! I'm originally from just West of Farmington... although in Philly, PA now.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi all! I consider myself a member of the LGBT community.
    I'm really not trying to be a jerk...and I am not anti-gay....but I just wondered.....isn't ALL of MFP a friendly and safe place to discuss ...whatever?

    Why the need for a separate thread, why the desire for a label? Isn't segregating people bad?

    If I made a "straight people" thread, wouldn't you feel a little offended?

    I just don't get it.

    Please don't imagine I'm mad, I'm really just more confused than anything.....

    I don't think it's that this thread is excluding anyone who isn't part of the LGBT community or that we want to segregate ourselves, but it's that sometimes we need a place to talk about issues affecting us that someone who isn't a part of the LGBT community wouldn't necessarily understand or relate to. It's no different than women posting their "woman only" threads about that time of the month - that particular issue is unique to women. They're not trying to discriminate against men, they just want a thread where they can discuss that issue with other people who deal with it.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    So in other news:

    Lady her? hate her?
    Go to her show this summer and pay $40 for a tshirt that you wear every weekend and only take off to wash or shower? Uh..yeah.
  • DKWaggoner
    Love Lady Gaga!
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    Hello LGBT thread!

    As another vote for this thread, there is actually pretty good research indicating that LGBT body image / weight issues are slightly different (worse). Gay men are more likely to be underweight, and gay women are more likely to be over weight. Hopefully we can all support each other to get healthy.
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    Sorry folks, I have to lock this thread. The last thread was locked because we were constantly having to delete attacking/insulting posts from it. Many of you never saw those posts because we managed to delete them fairly quickly, but the attention required to continually monitor this topic unfortunately became too time-consuming. We literally were spending hours on it, and although we did our best to keep the topic up for weeks, it finally ended up just being too much work and was taking away from our ability to add features to the site, develop new apps, etc.

    There have been some topic areas on the forums that have, from past experience, proved too "controversial" for people to chat respectfully and civilly. Politics and religion are two prime examples, and as a result, we've had to disallow discussing either politics or religion on the forums. We would love to allow both, but it's simply too much work to manage all the arguments/fights/insults/etc. that inevitably result. We simply don't have the manpower to devote to moderating topics on the forums that people, for whatever reason, are unable to discuss respectfully with one another.

    Unfortunately, it looks like this topic falls along the same lines and will have to be locked. There have been many, many people who've posted on this topic (and the previous one) in a wonderfully polite and respectful fashion - but there are a few bad eggs who ruin it for the rest. I do wish we could allow virtually any topic to be discussed on the forums, including this one, but regrettably, that hasn't been possible to date.

    We are planning on adding the ability to create "groups" which hopefully will allow like-minded people to be able to discuss some of these topics more freely. So you could create an LGBT group, and within that group there would be forums that group members could use to talk with one another. But for now, the broader public forums will have to be more restrictive.

    Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. Hope you are all enjoying the site.
This discussion has been closed.