Any ideas for a 1200 calorie per day diet



  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    You can check my diary if you want. It's usually good. Weekends I tend to run wild, but Monday to Friday is usually 1200.

    Breakfast I have an omelette or steel cut oats. A protein and veggies or something light at lunch. Dinner is a lean protein and veggies again. Shake after working out or before bed. It's pretty easy.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I am at 1200 calories a day. Every site i have gone to puts me at 1200, any more and i gain weight.

    My diary is open if you want to peek (not that i am all that healthy but i do try)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Did you set your own goals at 1200 calories, or did MFP or someone else do it? I've been very happy with successes based on MFP setting goals for me. I started above 1200 calories based on their advice and have gradually dropped weight, thus earning less calories so that I'm now at 1200, too. If I want to eat more, I can earn the food by exercising more and I've never felt deprived since I started this. I think feeling deprived is bad for success because it leads to quitting.

    If your former diet was basically healthy, but too high calorie, you can still eat most of your old favorites by tweeking the recipes and using portion control to keep your calorie count where you want it. If you need to learn more healthful habits, there is a lot of support here from MPF itself and from other users. Some people are abstainers who have to give up certain foods completely to be able to meet calorie goals. Others, like myself, are moderators. I've accomplished miracles in my life with portion control. Get a good food scale and disher/servers so that you can measure your portions and know for sure how much you're eating. I love the option of earning more food through exercise, or paying myself back for a little indulgence with exercise. I now habitually eat back part of my exercise calories, but not all of them.

    Last advice: DON'T SKIP BREAKFAST. It leads to later binging.
  • moustache_sally
    You can enter a calorie amount and # of meals and it will give you foods that fit those numbers and other parameters you can set.
  • cstod74
    cstod74 Posts: 28 Member
    MFP has set me up as well for 1200 a day, some days are great and some are not..............basically I try to stay at 350 per each meal with 2 100 snacks,,,,,,,,,,,or toss it up.......

    I usually eat less in the morning and more lunch and dinner..............but this little figure might help you.:love:
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I am sort of sick of hearing how anyone who eats in the 1200 calorie range is an idiot who knows nothing about nutrition. For those of us who have desk jobs, problems that prevent hard core exercising, and/or who are nearing 40 (*cough*), 1200 calories is what it takes. I gain in the 1600+ range, sadly.

    Anyway, to the OP, I can easily do 1200 calories, but only if I eat low-carb. If I start adding in refined carbs, I get less bang for my buck and am hungry.

    A typical day for me would be something along the lines of:

    B - apple & string cheese
    S - plain greek yogurt w/splenda
    L - grilled chicken salad w/EVOO, vinegar
    S - almonds & apple
    D - grilled chicken, veggies (maybe 1/2 cup brown rice)
    S - protein shake

    If I eat like this, I lose and/or maintain. If I don't, I gain.
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi! 1200 calories is pretty easy to plan, as long as you dont have any junk food around to tempt you. :) You can make eggs for breakfast, use pam instead of oil/butter to cook with. You can even add a little shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, or mushrooms to them to mix it up. For lunch you can have a grilled chicken salad. Use the rest of the tomato and mushrooms from breakfast. Pile it full of veggies by adding cucumber or peppers. For dinner, you can have a grilled chicken sandwich if you made an extra chicken at lunch. Add your veggies like lettuce and tomato. You can even make another salad to pair with your sandwich. Throughout the day snack on veggies or fresh fruit like apples. I hope this helps. Good luck! I would also try to plan your meals out ahead of time so you are more likely to stick to it. :)
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I was also most successful when I ate 1200 calories most days, but used Friday nights or something for an off plan meal.

    --> Getting back to this today.
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    I did 1220 and the target was 1240...but I was more on sugar by -13.
    Kellogs Corn Flakes
    Danone low fat yoghurt

    Lettuce, cottage cheese, Avocado, tuna fish(sardines), green tea.

    Mashed potatoes, homemade chakalaka, Roasted pork,spinach.
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    I'm on a 1200-1350 calorie diet per my doctor and I have pretty much been on target eating complete meals with portion control, except, lately I've been on vacay and enjoying myself without logging. However, it's pretty easy to eat 1200 calories per day but the snacking will take you over. You can eat a bran cereal or oatmeal for breakfast that's between 150-200 calories. And then if you limit your lean meat portions to 4-6 ounces for lunch and dinner with a serving of a side dish of 100 calories or less and a vegetable with light butter or a salad with light dressing, that's pretty filling also. A couple of servings of fruit and a light snack, I eat air popped popcorn for my snack cravings, which is a steal on calories, I'm pretty satisfied daily. I get in the mood for cookies and junk food, I just find lower calorie cookies or 1/2 brownies or something like that, but I still fit it within my daily calorie intake. Planning is the key to a 1200 calorie diet, and I keep my house full of my favorite lower fat, lean items to keep me on track. It's been working so far and I've seen the results, and so has everyone else. So you can look at my diary if you want, not lately though. LOL. Hope this helps and GOOD LUCk!
  • BeccaSkinnyMoo
    Hi there, the people saying you are ok to be on 1200 calories are right - MFP says this is how many I should have a day as my lifestyle is sedentary and I am not that overweight. I do however find that 1200 cals is not quite enough for my body each day (I do need to graze or I pass out!) so I deliberately overeat most days by 2-300 cals then exercise these off.

    To try and help me stick to this, I eat a bigger breakfast to keep me going longer - usually the same most days and normally is a mini English breakfast (cooked healthily!). Eggs (scrambled) I find are good for filling me up, often also have baked beans, mushrooms, a slice of brown bread/toast, a frankfurter sausage (hot dog) and a few small potatoes. In total, I aim for about 450 cals for breakfast.

    Lunch I tend to have crispbreads with low fat houmous and parma ham or sliced salmon. I eat Snack a Jack rice cakes instead of crisps and snack on carrot/cucumber/pepper sticks dipped in low fat mayo. I try and eat about 2 portions of fruit a day but I also find meringue nests are really good when I need a fake sugary hit (I know some will say they're bad as all sugar!) but half of one is only about 25 cals and can really stop a craving for sweetness that fruit just can't match!

    Dinner I try to eat lean meat, a small amount of carbs and then bulk out with veg if possible. I deliberately don't cut anything out totally as that just makes me want it more! Everything in moderation I find is the key and if you have a bad day, don't let it get you down! Feel free to look at my diary but be warned - it's not that great this week - struggling to find the time to exercise!! :smile:
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    i'm on 1200 - feel free to have a nosy (just back from hols on saturday so there is a blank week :/)
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    To the OP, lots of protein helps keep you feeling fuller, eggs, chicken, quorn, even baked beans!

    I am on 1200 per day, I have to ensure I eat plenty of protein, that way I do not feel like unnecessary snacking due to hunger.

    It is definitely do-able.
  • lmasasa
    lmasasa Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the advice !

    Just as an FYI to the guy who told me to get some education. I am working with a dietitian who has put me on 1200 calories a day. The reason I posted was because I wanted to get more ideas on the types of food I could eat.

    I appreciate all the other advice and support that was posted.

    Thanks to all and good luck !
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    I've been on 1200 for a bit now and it does get easier. You really just have to eat healthy otherwise you'll feel like you're starving all the time. I eat a lot of salads with low cal dressing, sandwiches, fruits and veggies. I usually try and keep breakfast and lunch around 2-300 then I can have pretty much whatever I feel like for dinner, depending on snacks and drinks. I usually try to have one day a bit below too so I can go over another day but keep on track for the week.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Best idea for a 1200 calorie a day diet: Eat more than 1200 calories. By quite a bit.
  • megan020103
    I am quite active (6 days a week of high intensity cardio and weights) .and cannot eat more than 1200 calories a day or I gain. I am a very small framed woman at 5'2". I think the key to not being hungry is the type of foods that you eat. I have been following the zone for awhile. (I am new to this site!)

    Here is what my day looked like today -

    Breakfast - 1/3 Cup of Oatmeal, mixed berries, and a couple pistacios
    Lunch - 2 scrambled eggs w/ 4 cups spinach in 2/3 tsp of olive oil, plus 1/2 orange
    Snack - 1/2 cup grapes, cheese stick, 3 almonds
    Dinner - Spinach salad - 3 cups spinach, 4 cherry tomatoes, 1/4 cup onion, 1/4 cup cucumber, 1 oz shredded cheddar, 1 oz. grilled chicken, 1 tbsp. ranch
    Snack - 1/4 cup chick peas, cheese stick, 6 peanuts

    The total calories came to 1,129 and I would be so stuffed I would feel sick if I ate any more. Stuff yourself w/ veggies to keep full with little calories.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    For those saying don't do 1200, it's starvation, don't seem to know what you're talking about it. 1200-1500 is a respectable range for some women that have more sedentary lives. I'm on 800 by my doctor's orders (trying to figure out and mend a digestive disorder) and as long as I reach my macros set by him and my nutritionist and don't over exercise I'm fine.

    I learned to be more than satisfied on my low cal plan. Last night I made spinach lasagna rolls (for recipe google spinach lasagna rolls skinny taste) and had a large salad with it. My dinner was around 250 calories.

    For eating lower its all about portion control for higher calorie foods and supplementing the less food on your plate with lower calories foods. For example, I used to eat with my plate being mostly covered by the main meal/dish/entree, and then veggies or fruits on the side. I just swapped those and I'm getting roughly the same amount of food for less calories and higher nutrition.

    I think the big thing you're leaving out here is that it's a respectable range for *some* women (mostly small-framed ones) who live sedentary lives. I've been sedentary for years now, owing to office work, and because of my height and frame, I still burn close to 2000 per day. 1200 per day make me sickly and weak; 1500 is doable.

    Really, 1200 is an arbitrary number and is basically considered by the people at MFP, as I understand it, as the absolute minimum a person should be eating. Some get by just fine on it. Some (very petite) women can get by on less. I'm thinking that these posters who "don't know what they're talking about" are basing their opinions on personal experiences and feedback they've heard from others.

    The truth is, nobody here "knows what they're talking about" in the sense that nobody here, as far as I know, knows the OP's body type, height, frame, etc. 1200 could be perfectly doable. It could also be potentially harmful.

    In response to the OP- Unfortunately, I don't have many tips to offer because, time and time again, I've had difficulty getting by on only 1200. The best response I can give you is to eat lots of protein and whole grains, as well as fruit and veggies. These foods will probably make you feel fuller longer. :)
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    I've been on 1200 for a bit now and it does get easier. You really just have to eat healthy otherwise you'll feel like you're starving all the time. I eat a lot of salads with low cal dressing, sandwiches, fruits and veggies.

    That is true. I try to stay around 1200 most days. The type of food you eat will make a huge difference in how hungry you feel. After a few months, I honestly don't feel deprived on 1200. Due to a desk job and some hip problems, walking is about the extent of my workouts for now, hence the 1200. I usually eat a cup of oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder every morning. Very filling. Prepared cereal (like Cheerios) just leaves me hungry in an hour or so. I also eat a cup of sauerkraut every afternoon as a snack (if you can stand it - my husband gags at the smell). I love it and it is only 20 some calories. My husband is also doing MFP and we discovered sugar free popcicles (15 calories) make a delicious evening snack. Anyway, best of luck to you -- ignore the folks that tell you 1200 is a bad idea. It all depends on who you are and your lifestyle.