I think my coworker is trying to sabotage me

Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
Tomorrow a friend of mine from work turns 50. He has booked the day off but as a surprise his manager brought him in a large cake. We do not work in the same department but we do work closely together. Being as he is a great guy he thought of me and he brought me a piece of cake, which is very thoughtful of him but the thing is he knows I am trying to lose weight and he knows that I am working really hard at it.

I thanked him for the slice of cake (albeit a small slice) but now it is sitting on my desk taunting me. Do I eat this piece of cake? What do I do? How would you handle this? I would eat it by my day is nearly flawless for eating and completely planned out, I feel like he is trying to sabotage my efforts.


  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Would eating it send you into a downward spiral for the day, or would you be able to stop after the cake? If you want the cake and don't think it will cause you to binge later or anything, I say go for it. Cake is great, and can be a part of a healthy diet in my opinion.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Is it store bought?
  • twosixeight
    If it was me, I would toss it or move the slice of cake to a place my eyes can't see it. Like the other side of my desk or in the department "fridge" to make it look like I'm going to eat it later but then end up throwing it away. Or just throw it away. Its just cake and it shouldn't be a big deal if you don't eat it. Don't let this cake be the thing that makes a mark on your flawless eating day! Be strong!
  • sassyd99
    sassyd99 Posts: 54 Member
    That cake is stressing you out, toss it in the trash!

    There is a difference between you saying, 'I've been really good lately and think I'll have a piece of cake!' and eating something because someone shoved it under your nose. Choose your own rewards/treats when you feel like having them!
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    Personnally, I would have eaten the slice of cake.

    1) They only serve cake in joyous occasions (birthdays, weddings, baptisms, etc.). To me, refusing cake is refusing the joy in life. But I have to admit I also have a sweet tooth, so I'd say anything to enable myself to have cake.

    2) I put a lot of effort in my weight loss journey. Which means that a single piece of cake isn't going to ruin weeks of effort. It will if I let it (let's say that one piece was so good, I indulge myself and selfishly eat the entire thing). But it won't cause I've worked a lot along the way on increasing my self discipline.

    3) I don't have to eat the entire slice.
  • janinelechuga
    He's not sabotaging you. It's just a piece of cake he is sharing with his friend. Give it away or go into the bathroom and toss it in the trash. Nobody can sabotage us. We sabotage us. Other's may know that we are deiting, but that's out trip not theirs. They don't realize our limitations because they are ours not theirs. Lighten up on your friend and take charge darlin!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I just don't know if it will cause me to binge at all. I liike to think I have my eating under control but you never know maybe this one piece of cake will throw me into a downward spiral and i will end up in a very serious battle with a sugar addiction. I do not want an addiction like that to take over my life.

    Unfortunatly it is a store bought cake, which is not as good as a homemade cake.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    walk over to your managers desk, with a smile and drop the cake on the floor in front of him.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Flushing cake down a toilet is an awesome experience.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    He's not sabotaging you. It's just a piece of cake he is sharing with his friend. Give it away or go into the bathroom and toss it in the trash. Nobody can sabotage us. We sabotage us. Other's may know that we are deiting, but that's out trip not theirs. They don't realize our limitations because they are ours not theirs. Lighten up on your friend and take charge darlin!

    So much this!!!
  • amydegnan1
    Throw it away, walk away, don't eat it. As I was working out SO hard yesterday, I thought to myself, "Why would I throw away all this hard work on something that satisfies me for such a small amount of time and sets me back so much?"

    The satisfaction of walking away from the cake will be so much better than how the cake will taste! You will be so proud and happy when you get home tonight knowing you resisted temptation. And this small step will make it that much easier next time! I personally know how hard it is to say know when everyone around you is indulging and especially if it's sitting right there in front of you. Don't set yourself back, just have a healthier snack and drinks LOTS of water. You'll forget about it in now time. Good luck!
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Men usually don't think that way. Eat the cake and enjoy it :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'd probably eat it and adjust the rest of my day.

    (Actually, I personally love ridiculous sugary frosting so I would probably eat that and toss the cake. hehe)

    If I didn't want the cake I would throw it in the trash can when he walked away.

    I definitely don't think he's trying to sabotage you, but just being nice. A lot of people on "diets" still eat regular, fattening treats now and then, myself included.
  • AbHuntington
    AbHuntington Posts: 12 Member
    Toss the cake if you have any doubts, which it sounds like you do.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    No one sabotages us except our own choices.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Not sabotage, just being thoughtful. You said it was small. You can either take a bite then toss the rest, share with some one else, or toss it.
  • smerkord
    smerkord Posts: 101 Member
    My gut says don't eat the cake. Resist the cake. The Cake is a Lie (that is from a video game; I am a nerd) but seriously, think of it as a Temptation Challenge from The Biggest Loser and don't eat it.
  • ColoradoLes
    I wouldn't call it sabotage - it's just a piece of cake, one time. If it's stressing you that much, throw it away. If you would enjoy eating some of it (even a bite or two to satisfy your sweet tooth), do it, and throw away the rest. He was just trying to share something special for his birthday; I doubt he's trying to undermine all your weight loss/fitness efforts.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think the only proper course of action here is to take that piece of cake back to your coworker and smash it in his face, then rub the frosting all over his clothing.

    That'll learn him.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member

    3) I don't have to eat the entire slice.

    Great point! I have a coworker who is great at reminding me of this when someone offers us some treats. I usually look at the treats and then try to decide if I should partake or decline and she will often say that we should split the piece or even split a cookie. Very supportive!!!! This way you get the best of both worlds :)