Have you been CATFISHED?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I've heard of it but doubt I was ever. I met regular Joes .. except one turned out to be
    19 when I was in my 20s, we never met in RL though.
  • pinkledoodledoo
    pinkledoodledoo Posts: 290 Member
    When I was 15 I met a guy who said he had just turned 19, was over 6' tall, had dark brown hair and blue eyes and 190 lbs... he got to my house (yes I was that naive at 15) and he was like 25, easily 300+ lbs and a mouth breather. I was polite for as long as I needed to be before my backup plan came to the door to check in. :laugh:
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I feel like in this day and age, if someone is talking to you and they say they don't have a webcam or a camera of any kind, then you are probably being scammed.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I got a friend request one facebook from my ex's former friend. He was a Marine and deployed. We chatted on facebook for about 2 weeks and he said he really liked me and asked me if we could go on a date when he got back. Chatted for a couple more days and then he asked me to MARRY him. Everything got kind of creepy at that point.

    Oh, and his brother is a 26 year old Marine on his 3rd marriage. First wife married during bootcamp and was gone in a year. Two more since then at least..

    Apparently their parents never told them that you should get to know someone before marrying them.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Cant believe no one mentioned this yet....


    Who wants to be my imaginary girlfriend? The only requirement is you have to shave your Adams Apple first. mmmmkayyy?
  • OsiViper
    OsiViper Posts: 65 Member
    There's a lot of CATFISH on MFP...weight loss wise.

    They log cooking, standing, food prep as exercise...


    Try working in a busy kitchen, not a home kitchen. You will be burning insane calories! Normally on a busy night I am almost dripping in sweat and out of breath.
  • itsscottwilder
    MTV is the TV version of Fast Food. It's bad for you. Turn the channel to Discovery Channel or History Channel, CNN even.

    Discipline your mind as well as your body.
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    hahah I love that show!
    I've never been catfish, but I have a really close friend that had a really bad heartbreak.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm a bum magnet meeting men the old fashioned way and apparently online as well.

    No details but I've been scammed and lied to a lot. I met one real man but he was too busy to date even though he said he wanted a relationshop. Then one idiot I met lied on his profile and expected me to be okay with that, then lied in person and expected me to be okay with that, then got mad when I wasn't okay with that and called me a f***ed up person, then expected me to be okay with that because his feelings got hurt because I dropped him like a hot potato for all the lying. Oh, and he was about 100 pounds heavier than his profile picture (lie), said he was a hard worker but was actually on disability, and said he was active but actually slept until 1 or 2 pm everyday.

    So, where are all the real men?

    Edited for grammar
  • delaniecastillo
    Cant believe no one mentioned this yet....


    Who wants to be my imaginary girlfriend? The only requirement is you have to shave your Adams Apple first. mmmmkayyy?

    Read back. I claimed to be Manti's gf.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I'm a french model

    Ca va, toi? Tu viens ici souvent?
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm a french model
    Bon Jour?
  • starbab311
    starbab311 Posts: 94 Member
    The last date I went on - he thought I was catfishing him!!

    I hate talking on the phone & I a technological moron who doesn't do skype.
    I find texting so much easier!
    Well we had been texting for months & we planned a date but I had to cancel due to work.
    There came the question "are you a real person?"

    I was like OH CRAP he thinks I am a 68year old man or something -- I met him and jeez I wish I would have kept him as just a text buddy!! What a waste... he was real - a real *kitten*!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Who even watches MTV anymore? Crappy channel is crappy.

  • ctatchuan
    ctatchuan Posts: 50
    I dated someone online for a while. It was a very intense relationship. We could talk for hours and hours and hours and never run out of things to say.

    I later discovered he was married and had a toddler. Oops!

    On the plus side, he was actually a he.

  • juliana0813
    I have once when i was younger. He said he was 17 (i was 15) and from england. My mom found out and luckily had some friends at the police station and asked them to investigate. It ended up being a man in his middle 30's from kansas with a wife and children. CREEPY
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    My first real serious boyfriend I met on Myspace (way back when Myspace was cool). He was honest in who he said he was, as far as his legal name, gender, and background...less honest about being a decent guy who respected women and gave a *kitten* about anything other than his own ego. :laugh:
  • lexusjade
    lexusjade Posts: 45 Member
    It seems strange in the age of Skype and Facetime that someone could actually talk to and have a "relationship" with someone else for YEARS and never see them real time! That is a major red flag! I have never been "catfished" but I know people who have, one guy I know was talking to this girl for like 1.5 years, he went to visit her TWICE and she never showed up, after much drama and some snooping he found out that SHE was actually a transsexual he and s/he was also 10 years older. Needless to say it didn't end well.

    Probably the most messed up story was my best friend's younger sister who was "seeing" a dude for like 2 months, only they never talked on the phone, Skyped, Facetimed, nothing. It was basically e-mails, online messages and texts. Come to find out he was actually the 13 year old older brother of the girl she would babysit and she only found out because he kept going on and on about his new g/f but wouldn't share any real details about her, so as a joke (probably a bad one in hindsight) she snooped through his phone when she was babysitting one day and he had gone to the bathroom and saw HER phone number and HER texts....that was really f'd up. She never babysat for the family again unfortunately. To this day I wonder what it means that 19 year old could carry on a "relationship" with a 13 year for 2 months...
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Never happened to me. I'm just here for the lolz.