What is your experience with 30 Day Shred?



  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I have just finished Level 2 Day 10.
    I have not been doing it day after day. I do taekwondo 3x a week and I walk as well so I do the shred approx 2 to 3x a week.
    I could not do it day after day, I have shin splints and find the impact of alot of the exercises is hard on me..so it is best for me to mix it up with other exercise. You will know what is best for you once you try.

    Since I am doing other exercise and watching my diet I am losing weight, I don't think I would lose weight doing the shred along.
    I am way more toned now (yeah!) and my cardio & strenght has improved so much..love that!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I have used Shred over the past few weeks. I do not do it every day, maybe 3-5 times a week. I am also fitting in walking as well. I am loving it. It was so hard the first few days but now not so much. I think I am ready to move up to level 2. It is hard on the knees but modify if necessary. I do the low impact (Anita) and also modified the jumping jacks (though she tells you not to) to knee lifts with the same arm movements (per what a trainer told me to do a few years ago).

    I could not find my dumbells the first time so I did it without. You still get a great workout. You could always use water bottles.
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    I have a question.. are there any resting days?

    Thats what im wondering. I have done 2 days in a row and its KILLING me. I know I need to push through the pain, but I dont want to get to the point where I seriously cant move to do ANY exersize, that would be bad. I do a lot of yoga & pilates and even after a good yoga session to stretch out my muscles I am still really sore.
    Im thinking of doing it 6 days a week with 1 off OR every other day, I havent decided .

    What Yoga DVDs are you using...I need ones that are good for streching and helping to loosen up my muscles.

    Im mainly doing yoga & pilates at my gym. I just ordered the book YogaFit, which has all the yoga poses that I do at the gym (plus many more!) and I plan to do more yoga work at home for those times I cant make it to the gym. I like to have an instructor to make sure im doing the poses correctly , you can hurt yourself if you do them wrong so just be careful! and good luck, I LOVE Yoga so much im hoping to one day become an instructor myself!
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    Im on my second day level 1 and my legs are killing but enjoying it so far, going to buy weights tho been using bottles of water but they are not heavy enough
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It's TOUGH but totally worth it, especially if you are pressed for time. I lost 2 pant sizes in the first 20 days, no joke! Stick with it. I had had a couple of false starts previously then something just clicked. I didn't stop. You really feel a sense of accomplishment finishing the 30 days or finishing all three levels if you are spreading them out.

    I hadn't really thought about it until reading the other posts in this thread, but I agree, she does not stretch enough. Don't think that just because she stops at the end that you have too. Those cool downs always left me wanting more.

    Are Level 2 and 3 harder, or just different moves? Could you do level 1, 2 3 for day 1 ,2 3 then rotate that way?

    You do the levels in order. They get harder as you move up. I'd say you spend about 10 days on each level. You'll see your endurance go through the roof by level three.The first couple of days of each level are hard and you WILL be sore but you can do it!
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I did two rounds of the 30 day shred (so 60 days), my goal was always to do them 30 days straight but I did end up taking breaks here and there. I thought the results were great. If you're looking to improve your body composition so that you look more "toned" with the least amount of daily time investment (each video is 20ish mins) then I'd definitely recommend the shred. Although, if you have knee problems you may have to do some adjustments to the moves, or just skip this workout video entirely, I don't really have knee issues but I did find it hard on my knees.

    I never bought free weights, I just used 2 large full shampoo bottles...that worked for me.

    And as for the levels, they get progressively more difficult. The first 30 days I did them in order (10 days level1, 10 days level 2, 10 days level 3), the second round I alternated each level every day.
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for your responses
    I cannot take classes at my gym as they do not offer any classes. I joined Planet Fitness as it is what fit in the budget. Thinking maybe an outside Yoga studio for a couple of times to make sure I am doing the basic s right.

    Thanks for letting me know the levels get harder as you progress. I will e waiting a few more days before trying level 2.
  • 13sunflowers
    Hey Guys,

    I recently purchased the 30day shred DVD and thought that I might get away with not using the dumb bells but like many of you have suggested it is required so I need tio purcahse them ASAP and commence my workout to shift the last bit of my baby fat.Wish me luck.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I bought the Shred to do while my gym's pool was closed for 2 weeks. I didn't make it past 4 days. I was so sore after the first day of Level 1, I couldn't move. I thought I was in shape because of competitive swimming, but the Shred kicked my butt!!! I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, so I had to modify ALL of the jumping exercises, even the jumping jacks, as well as, the push-ups. I now do Level 1 once or twice a week to supplement my swimming, but overall, I have not seen any drastic results. I'm sure I would if I could stick with it, but I just hate working out at home and would much rather be in the pool! Also, I skipped ahead and checked out Levels 2 and 3 and there is NO WAY I could do the cardio stuff, even if I tried to modify it. Kinda bummed about that.
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    Im on day4 level 1 and im just getting used to the pain, getting scared as level 2 will be here b4 I know it!!!!
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    Did level 2 today...found the cardio to be easier on my knees than level one..now those PLanks are killer though. Think I will be going back and forth between level 1 and 2. will finish the 20 days like that then move to level 3...
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    PLANKS I hate planks!!!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Did level 2 today...found the cardio to be easier on my knees than level one..now those PLanks are killer though. Think I will be going back and forth between level 1 and 2. will finish the 20 days like that then move to level 3...

    I hate the planks!!!! But I still thought level 3 was easier than level 2.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    ive been doing this for 4 days now, the lunges kill me but i am seeing results. the dvd claims you can lose 20lbs in 30 days - i just can't see how that is possible and wondered if anyone had gotten those kind of results with it?

    i have now got my sister doing it so we are doing it together daily :)