Is it bad to weigh every day???

andeeinevansville Posts: 98
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am one of those people who when losing weight, has to weigh everyday! I know your weight fluctuates and you can hit plateaus, so I'm aware of what can happen..Is anyone recording their weight everyday?? Or just recording it once a week??
I've lost 7 pounds so far ( 4 since joining this site)...I've got 70 more to go to hit my goal!
Hope everyone has a great and successful day :flowerforyou:


  • I have been weighing myself every 2 or 3 days since I started.
  • i get on the scales every day!! i used to hide the scales up in the loft so i could just weigh in once a week but i soon got the ladder out and kept sneak peeking,i will admit it im obsessed with the scales lol ...i do think its better to weigh in once a week but for some people thats just not possible lol,go with whatever suits you!!!

    Well done with your loss so far,keep up the good work! xxx
  • Whatever suits you is right- some folk get really down when they have a sudden up when expecting a down - if you can live with the fluctuations without getting demotivated then it's fine. -
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I guess it depends on you and what works for your mental state. I usually weigh twice a day though I only count Sunday morning as the 'official' weight. It used to bother me when it went up, but I now I expect it to be one thing in the morning and another thing at night. In general, I expect to be within four pounds up or down of whatever Sunday's weight was. Eight pounds is a pretty big range. If you can handle it, I say go for it! :)
  • That's how i've weighed for the last 10 years and that's how I will always weigh. I don't care what anyone says. I like knowing how much my weight fluctuates from day to day so that way I can track it better. I don't record it everyday, just when the # goes down, even if it goes up the next day I always record the lowest # that I saw that week.
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    i weigh every day just to keep an eye on myself but only go by new Thurs weigh in day for results.
  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113 Member
    I actually just heard John Tesh on the radio say that it wasn't terrible to weigh everyday b/c it keeps your goal in mind...I don't know where he got this info, but I'm sure you'll hear different views from different people. I say if you know that your weight can fluctuate and that doesn't bother you..go ahead, weigh daily! (at the same time of course :)
  • If seeing small gains some days doesn't discourage you then it's probably okay.

    If you're the type of person that gets discouraged easily then I would say it is not ok.

    All of us want to be slim and healthy now, but if you've got control over your mindset and know what to expect on the way then you should be okay. Myself though I recommend not weighing yourself every day but that's just me, once a week is enough :)
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    If you are ok with it then I think it is totally fine. I weigh everyday and sometime (if I have lost some) will weigh throughout the day. I need to see it and if I am up a bit I work harder, for me it is a motivator and for others it bothers them and they just can't.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    I am on of those that check the scales every day, but in really, a measuring tape is so much better.

    There are lots of times, especially at the start of any program that you could loose/burn fat and actually gain weight. It is not just the old saying that "Muscle weighs more than Fat", but if you look at the mass of 1lb of fat compared to the mass of 1lb of muscle, you will find that fat is also bigger.

    But me being me, I will continue to weigh daily, for that little reassurance, but in my mind I know not to worry about it. As the best thing to do is throw that scale away and pull out the tape. *wink*
  • I weight myself once a week when I visit my parents (I don't actually own my own scales) because I know what I'm like and i'll obsess and get disappointed when my weight fluctuates.
    But I will tell you though if you want to weigh everyday go for it, it's your choice just don't be too disappointed if it's not what you thought.
    Also if you weight yourself first thing in the morning after you've been to the toilet :blushing: and before you eat anything, this is your true weight. Because different times of the day affect your weight depending on what you've eaten, air pressure, what you have in your body (food, excess water etc) all affects your true weight. So its best to weigh in first thing in the morning. :happy:
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I weigh everyday but stay mindful that the ups and downs that happen during the week won't be the official weight until weigh in day on Sunday. What does it matter how often you weigh as long as you don't get discouraged? What matters is what it says on weigh in day!
  • i weight first thing in the morning, every day. i've gotten to a point where small .5 or even 1.5 fluctuations up don't bother me, because i know i'm doing what i'm supposed to do.

    if i don't weigh every day, i tend to cheat more often, i've noticed...
  • robbiedheaton
    robbiedheaton Posts: 9 Member
    I weigh every day because I just can't help myself . I get very excited when it goes down, but i must say I get a little depressed when its up. You have to do what you are comfortable with. I need the encouragement every day.
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    I weigh every day, but that's mostly because I weigh on the Wii and it moans at me if I don't do it (21 weeks straight now).

    There are definite disadvantages to doing so, you definitely see how much your weight can fluctuate and certainly the time of day has a big impact - personally I try to always do it before my main evening meal when I get home at 6pm.

    You just have to not take it to heart when you go up, as long as you're doing what you should be it'll be sure to go back down in a day or two. It's really just down to how comfortable you are with it.
  • i too weigh myself everyday... i know that my weight goes up and down day to day... i do not record it if it goes up but when it goes down i do. i do not get discouraged at all.. it just makes me wanna work harder is all.. good luck and dont give up
  • I have an "official" weigh in day, but I weigh myself everyday and track it on a spreadsheet (complete with graph)....I don't get bothered if I go down then up a small amount as long as the overall graph is a downward trend. I can watch my "ups" and look for any patterns in my routine that cause the gains (did I have too much sodium or carbs)......but that is just me, some people can't look at the scale as much as I do but it seems to be working for me....
    I guess bottom line is to do what works for you, if you (like me) can handle the fact that your body reacts to every day differently then by all means jump on the scale.....nothing pleases me more than to see that .4 or .8 drop in a day!!:smile:
  • Thats a great idea LouLoubabydoll!!! I think I will use that :smile:
  • mellers1313
    mellers1313 Posts: 105 Member
    I weigh every morn too :/

    ~But log once a week.

    Good luck on your journey
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    I weigh once a wk. On a Monday morning. I like to see a bigger decrras once a wk thar half pound increases and decrease throughout the wk. The increases would upset me too much. Tho I've been told that weighing everyday can be motivational cos if you see your weight go up then you try harder the nxt day.
    I say do what's best for you x
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