Parents let their kids eat trash?



  • Seriously who has time to give a crap about other peoples fat kids eating garbage.

    Tell your kids NO...oh emm geeee the word no exists! Explain to them what being overweight is and why we can't eat McDonalds whenever we want. Oh and salad is a meal. Feed it to your kids. I feed my 10 month old salad as a snack and we have also let her taste fries.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Seriously who has time to give a crap about other peoples fat kids eating garbage.

    Tell your kids NO...oh emm geeee the word no exists! Explain to them what being overweight is and why we can't eat McDonalds whenever we want. Oh and salad is a meal. Feed it to your kids. I feed my 10 month old salad as a snack and we have also let her taste fries.

    Thanks for the great advice.

    I'll make sure to write that down.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Let me sum up the thread.

  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    That's why there's so much obesity. You learn the bad habits young that carry on into adulthood.

    I know parents who do not feed their kids sugar or processed foods at all and the kids are not deprived and they love the food they eat because it's all they know. They don't have ADHD, are healthy and love, love, love fruit as a dessert and eat veggies like candy and nuts and avocado and coconut oil for fat. It's the way it should be in a healthy world.

    ADHD is a neurological condition which is genetic, it's not caused by food. Some kids may have reactions to certain foods that makes them hyperactive temporarily but it's not the same thing.

    My kids are healthy, eat a healthy diet and my oldest daughter has dyslexia and inattentive ADHD. She inherited them from me, because they're genetic. And she's well behaved, although certain aspects of her behaviour and learning need to be managed a little differently to other children. But you wouldn't know that she had ADHD If you met her and I didn't tell you.

    This^^^ My son is 7 has ADHD/ODD (which he inherited from me), he is also sensitive to textures....there are some things that blow my mind that he won't eat that kids should love (oatmeal, ice cream, beans, corn) but then he does like mushrooms, broccoli etc. He can be a terror sometimes but it has happened several times where when we go out random people have stopped by our table and told us how well behaved he and his twin sister is.
  • Salt_Sand_Sun
    Salt_Sand_Sun Posts: 415 Member
    Let me sum up the thread.



    I need wading boots to carefully walk through the *kitten* of this thread. But, its been interesting reading....please...continue
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    Because they're irresponsible, lazy, awful parents and it's easier to cave in and get your kid chicken nuggets than to listen to the whining that follows if you order something healthier for them instead. Duh.
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    My grandson had a SERIOUS aversion to fruits and veggies because of the textures for a long time. If we made him take a bite he would gag and scrape his tongue with his fingers. He has finally gotten to where he will eat apples, canned peaches and mandarin oranges in water, and he likes carrots and sweet potatoes. We still try to get him to eat other foods, but sometimes they DON'T LIKE these foods. You can't starve them, so sometimes you have to let them eat whatever it is that they will eat. Some children will only eat 2-3 foods. As they grow older, they grow out of it sometimes, but you HAVE to feed them, so sometimes you just have to let them eat what they want. I wouldn't worry about what others do. When you have kids, you will find out.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    That's why there's so much obesity. You learn the bad habits young that carry on into adulthood.

    I know parents who do not feed their kids sugar or processed foods at all and the kids are not deprived and they love the food they eat because it's all they know. They don't have ADHD, are healthy and love, love, love fruit as a dessert and eat veggies like candy and nuts and avocado and coconut oil for fat. It's the way it should be in a healthy world.

    ADHD is a neurological condition which is genetic, it's not caused by food. Some kids may have reactions to certain foods that makes them hyperactive temporarily but it's not the same thing.

    My kids are healthy, eat a healthy diet and my oldest daughter has dyslexia and inattentive ADHD. She inherited them from me, because they're genetic. And she's well behaved, although certain aspects of her behaviour and learning need to be managed a little differently to other children. But you wouldn't know that she had ADHD If you met her and I didn't tell you.

    This^^^ My son is 7 has ADHD/ODD (which he inherited from me), he is also sensitive to textures....there are some things that blow my mind that he won't eat that kids should love (oatmeal, ice cream, beans, corn) but then he does like mushrooms, broccoli etc. He can be a terror sometimes but it has happened several times where when we go out random people have stopped by our table and told us how well behaved he and his twin sister is.

    Um. There IS a genetic component to ADD/ADHD (if you have it, your kids are likely to have it) but there have also been many research studies that indicate that it's closely related to a *kitten* diet, caffeine and processed, artificial junk food. So...genetics can't take full blame. Sorry.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Because they're irresponsible, lazy, awful parents and it's easier to cave in and get your kid chicken nuggets than to listen to the whining that follows if you order something healthier for them instead. Duh.

    See above.
  • Power_Man77
    Power_Man77 Posts: 207
    Because they're irresponsible, lazy, awful parents and it's easier to cave in and get your kid chicken nuggets than to listen to the whining that follows if you order something healthier for them instead. Duh.

    See above.

    That was a trap
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Because they're irresponsible, lazy, awful parents and it's easier to cave in and get your kid chicken nuggets than to listen to the whining that follows if you order something healthier for them instead. Duh.

    See above.

  • kaylorraine44
    kaylorraine44 Posts: 135 Member
    As someone whose parents allowed me to eat junk as a child : don't. Teach your children healthy eating habits young and stick to it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    As someone whose parents allowed me to eat junk as a child : don't. Teach your children healthy eating habits young and stick to it.

    What about teaching them about healthy eating and moderation.


    This started by someone asking why kids can eat "junk food" at a restaurant and has somehow morphed to parents who's kids eat junk at restaurants MUST feed them the same thing at home then...
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    its too bad MFP doesn't have the ability to neg someone

    my daughters are almost 3 and 2. I had a doctor tell me to let them eat whatever they want. They're not going to become 80 lb fatties overnight.

    Kids are picky. They're also growing.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    FWIW most people don't eat out all of the time.

    I get to go out to dinner like twice a month and when I do, I go out to chill out. A restaurant to me is an exception to my daily routine and habits, it's not the rule. The same goes for my kids.

    My wife and I spend ~all week~ trying to get these kids to eat something healthy and not have it be a fight every time. For the most part they do, and both of our children are athletic and very healthy. They don;t like soda or fruit punch or any of that stuff. They get meals and snacks after dinner that are moderate. I like to thing we have influenced those choices but it hasn't been easy.

    When we go out my son (8) orders Mac&Cheese and will ask for broccoli, and my daughter (11) typically wants a steak and salad. Both of those choices are fine with me.

    If one night my son wanted to order some fried chicken or something greasy like that (or a giant ice cream after dinner), I'd say go for it. Going out it supposed to be a treat after all...

    Franly, all of "you people" judging us for what we feed our kids are the same d-bags judging us for how they behave at a restaurant. You don't know wtf you're talking about and we should all stop trying to explain anything to to you. Go back to sucking on a seaweed smoothy or whatever it is that you do when you are not worried about me.

    *flips the bird*
  • llstacy
    llstacy Posts: 91 Member
    Well I'm glad all of the parents in this thread are doing a good job feeding their children but it's obviously a problem by the number of threads I see each week from people who need help drinking WATER. FFS, if that's not a basic life skill you should learn as a child I don't know what is.
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    FWIW most people don't eat out all of the time.

    I get to go out to dinner like twice a month and when I do, I go out to chill out. A restaurant to me is an exception to my daily routine and habits, it's not the rule. The same goes for my kids.

    My wife and I spend ~all week~ trying to get these kids to eat something healthy and not have it be a fight every time. For the most part they do, and both of our children are athletic and very healthy. They don;t like soda or fruit punch or any of that stuff. They get meals and snacks after dinner that are moderate. I like to thing we have influenced those choices but it hasn't been easy.

    When we go out my son (8) orders Mac&Cheese and will ask for broccoli, and my daughter (11) typically wants a steak and salad. Both of those choices are fine with me.

    If one night my son wanted to order some fried chicken or something greasy like that (or a giant ice cream after dinner), I'd say go for it. Going out it supposed to be a treat after all...

    Franly, all of "you people" judging us for what we feed our kids are the same d-bags judging us for how they behave at a restaurant. You don't know wtf you're talking about and we should all stop trying to explain anything to to you. Go back to sucking on a seaweed smoothy or whatever it is that you do when you are not worried about me.

    *flips the bird*

  • RoseKatet
    RoseKatet Posts: 149 Member
    That's why there's so much obesity. You learn the bad habits young that carry on into adulthood.

    I know parents who do not feed their kids sugar or processed foods at all and the kids are not deprived and they love the food they eat because it's all they know. They don't have ADHD, are healthy and love, love, love fruit as a dessert and eat veggies like candy and nuts and avocado and coconut oil for fat. It's the way it should be in a healthy world.

    ADHD is a neurological condition which is genetic, it's not caused by food. Some kids may have reactions to certain foods that makes them hyperactive temporarily but it's not the same thing.

    My kids are healthy, eat a healthy diet and my oldest daughter has dyslexia and inattentive ADHD. She inherited them from me, because they're genetic. And she's well behaved, although certain aspects of her behaviour and learning need to be managed a little differently to other children. But you wouldn't know that she had ADHD If you met her and I didn't tell you.

    This^^^ My son is 7 has ADHD/ODD (which he inherited from me), he is also sensitive to textures....there are some things that blow my mind that he won't eat that kids should love (oatmeal, ice cream, beans, corn) but then he does like mushrooms, broccoli etc. He can be a terror sometimes but it has happened several times where when we go out random people have stopped by our table and told us how well behaved he and his twin sister is.

    Um. There IS a genetic component to ADD/ADHD (if you have it, your kids are likely to have it) but there have also been many research studies that indicate that it's closely related to a *kitten* diet, caffeine and processed, artificial junk food. So...genetics can't take full blame. Sorry.

    So even though my kids rarely have junk food, rarely have soda and when they do its sprite (or similar)and we rarely eat out...thats what causes my son to have ADHD everyday? And there are quite a few studies, doctors, and parents with first had experience that have actually found that giving their ADHD kids high caffiene drinks like mountian dew, DP, and coffee that actually HELP the symptoms improve as opposed to giving their kids stimulant meds....

    When my son was diagnosed I tried the diet approach to treatment. Which is nearly impossible unless your kid is with you 24/7...but it only improved his behavior about 5%...I noticed a very small change. So diet has some affect but it is not surley the main cause to the majority of children with this disorder...and btw both my kids are slim and could both stand to gain a few lbs :flowerforyou:
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    So you make harsh judgements because you see them one time?
    We eat super healthy at home.
    We rarely eat at a fast food restaurant.
    But if I did, you might see my child with a batch of fries and soda and nothing else.
    Why order an expensive meal they are too distracted to eat???
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member