What got you motivated to loose weight?

I have been trying to loose weight for years and I just started using myfitnesspal a month ago and now have lost 5 pounds; I am having a hard time finding motivation. What worked for you?:smile:


  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    What works for me is no-one calls me the "skinny one" anymore! Until last year I always used to be! Now I have a closet full of size 4 clothes I absolutely cannot wear, but I miss looking good in cute clothes! Skinny had been part of my identity, and now I'm just a chubby blob. :sad:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not dying young.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Lose not loose. Sorry but it irritates me !
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    My kids :)
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    My motivation to lose was my reflection! This is the biggest I've been my clothes don't look as cute my pants are tight. It just uncomfortable. So I wanna get back to where I was at!
  • JerZRob
    JerZRob Posts: 68
    When my knees and feet started giving me constant problems. Went to a foot doctor and he simply said "You're over weight, lose 30lbs and you should feel better"
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I saw a photo of myself that made me snap.

    Just didn't want to look like that anymore.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    Medical reasons, before i was diagnosed hypothyroid i gained about 17kg, i've managed to lose that again but all that loss has been a great motivator to carry on to a more healthier weight.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    The premature death of my mom and when I snapped out of my grief I realized I was digging the same early grave and didn't want to do that for myself and my children.
  • aaronsav
    aaronsav Posts: 4
    Old photos
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Lose not loose. Sorry but it irritates me !

    sometimes these things are just typos. why didn't you answer the question instead of teaching her how to spell? Oops I didn't use capitalization.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    At first I just wanted to look and feel better. And then my husband had a stroke (at 30) is having major problems with his feet/legs due to diabetes and all in all is very messed up due to all these health problems, one day he was just a big guy and the next day he was near death, our lives changed overnight. I do not want to go though what he is, diabetes is terrifying and it is so easy to end up very very sick from just eating poorly and not taking care of yourself. I think about him and know that losing this weight is so much more then just looking good, it really is life or death, I want to live a long healthy and happy life and in order to do that I need to be healthy and the first step to that is a healthy weight
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    i like tight weight over loose weight, it's easier to lose
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I saw my Father get sick due to Stage 2 colon cancer. Then, I found out I am hypothyroid.
    Forced some changes.
  • LabAgility
    LabAgility Posts: 120 Member
    I do not want to be a fat mom anymore.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Lose not loose. Sorry but it irritates me !

    I'm sure you spell everything perfect. I guess that allows you to throw the first stone. Try being kind and just answering the OP questions.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    Originally, and as vain and shallow as it sounds, I started getting curious what I would look like ripped. Even at my fittest in college I had a little bit of fluff around my midsection. That honestly is what kept me going back to the gym for the first couple of months.

    After the first few months I started having some better reasons. Setting a good example for my two daughters, I was enjoying how I was feeling (and how I was starting to look), a little extra attention from the wife... And just the fact that I now enjoy it.
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    I saw a photo of myself that made me snap.

    Just didn't want to look like that anymore.

    That did it for me too. Photos make you see things you didnt want to or didnt notice.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    What got me motivated was that I had planned on getting WLS .

    So I stopped drinking soda on June 3rd in preparation ,knowing that if I can't stop before the surgery then there was no way I could get the surgery . I had not planned on trying to eat healthy at all ,but that's what happened. I kept thinking to myself Oh My God ! I want to cut my stomach out ! As I served my food I ate better and less than I did before . I started exercising and about a week later an aquaintence of mine turned me on to MFP . I still think about that every once in a while though (That I was going to cut my stomach out because I was so unhappy about my weight) It keeps me grounded.
    I like my stomach right where it is.....

  • penelopestamp
    My motivation is to *finally* stop being "a little extra", which I've been since I was a kid. I also realize I use my weight as a deterrent against people noticing me. Being 31 and still feeling like I'm stuck, has made me want to change my overall health and get rid of the holding back tendencies.