Parents let their kids eat trash?



  • coffeehousebrat
    coffeehousebrat Posts: 5 Member
    Let me sum up the thread.


    Spot on. On an unrelated note, I need more sarcastic Wonka in my life.
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    FWIW most people don't eat out all of the time.

    I get to go out to dinner like twice a month and when I do, I go out to chill out. A restaurant to me is an exception to my daily routine and habits, it's not the rule. The same goes for my kids.

    My wife and I spend ~all week~ trying to get these kids to eat something healthy and not have it be a fight every time. For the most part they do, and both of our children are athletic and very healthy. They don;t like soda or fruit punch or any of that stuff. They get meals and snacks after dinner that are moderate. I like to thing we have influenced those choices but it hasn't been easy.

    When we go out my son (8) orders Mac&Cheese and will ask for broccoli, and my daughter (11) typically wants a steak and salad. Both of those choices are fine with me.

    If one night my son wanted to order some fried chicken or something greasy like that (or a giant ice cream after dinner), I'd say go for it. Going out it supposed to be a treat after all...

    Franly, all of "you people" judging us for what we feed our kids are the same d-bags judging us for how they behave at a restaurant. You don't know wtf you're talking about and we should all stop trying to explain anything to to you. Go back to sucking on a seaweed smoothy or whatever it is that you do when you are not worried about me.

    *flips the bird*


    Amen. The last paragraph is my favorite. None of us need to continue justifying what, why, or how we feed our kids. All that should matter is they are loved, cared for, and healthy.
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    This exact subject makes me so damn irritated! I swear people think that it is child abuse if you feed your kids healthy food! And you know what?!? I hate even calling it healthy food! IT'S FOOD!! REAL DAMN FOOD!! The garbage that most people feed their kids is disgusting!! I have people judge me all the time because my kids eat what I eat...vegetables, proteins, low sugar. They think that I am being unfair to my kids and that I'm not feeding them real food. I love how people think that hot dogs, cookies, candy, pizza, etc is a great diet for kids. To me, FEEDING YOUR KIDS THAT CRAP IS ABUSE!! Sorry! Had to rant..I was having this exact discussion with someone today because they said they couldn't diet because they couldn't feed their kids diet food!!! What exactly is diet food?? Are you talking vegetables, fiber, good oils/fats, lean meats? Because that is real food!! GRRRR

    I agree with you. My daughter, while still young, doesn't like chicken nuggets and most other 'kid' foods. She will eat a grilled chicken wrap and apples if we go to McDonald's. She is the only one at her daycare that eats the veggies and fruit and turns down the goldfish crackers. She is used to eating those things at home so that's what she likes. Sure we give her ice cream, etc sometimes but not all kids want the fatty foods unless they are exposed to it.

    Yeah, the whole concept of "kid food" is what's weird. Food is food. Some food is good, some food is crap. I think both parents and kids have been brainwashed by big processed-food companies on this one... there is no "kid food" that children are suppose to eat or want to eat, what a bunch of BS. The problem is what is considered "normal"; as if it's "normal" for kids to eat/want junkfood, and somehow unnatural for kids to want/eat healthier foods. Says a lot about our culture, I think!
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    Well I'm glad all of the parents in this thread are doing a good job feeding their children but it's obviously a problem by the number of threads I see each week from people who need help drinking WATER. FFS, if that's not a basic life skill you should learn as a child I don't know what is.


    Again, I'm not singling out individuals, calm down dramaqueens. But it's sad what this sort of thing says about our culture, no?
  • My kids eat really healthy and they also get to have a treat once in a while :) Yes... they have eaten McDonald's.... yes, I know it's pretty gross.... Really it's just a once in a while or with the grandparents sort of thing. Usually when at a Christmas party or birthday my kids will be the ones who peel off the frosting and go for seconds on the veggie tray. So I'd say I'm doing a pretty good job :)
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    First, I would think you would be asking why so many restaurants have limited children's menus. Second, I let my children order what they are going to eat. I'm not going to waste my money ordering them food they won't eat. Third, maybe the dinner you see them eating is a splurge.

    My children love their french fries. They also love salads and veggies. When they were young you probably would have thought I was a terrible mother for allowing the oldest to have cake or ice cream for dessert while the youngest got tomatoes. It's what they ordered on their own.

    Don't make assumptions when you're on the outside looking in.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I would like to go to whatever restaurant that you go to and see where all the super glorious kids foods are?
    Look at the 'kids' menu. Whatchya see? Cool colors, lots of hoopla, and fried food. Or cheese on it all. In other words, its food that kids like. (WHA!????)

    I have EARNED my right to enjoy my dinner out. If I have kids with, I will give them whatever the hell crap they want so I can enjoy my own food. Semi-peacefully.

    I am also quite sure that every other person in that restaurant is secretly rejoicing the fact that my children are not screaming that they do NOT want to eat the broccoli on their plate, since it isn't there!

    I lost my magic wand to make my children behave the way that OTHER people want.
    They act like kids, plain and simple.
    Keep your judgement of my children, and how I raise them, to yourself.
    Have a nice day!
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    This exact subject makes me so damn irritated! I swear people think that it is child abuse if you feed your kids healthy food! And you know what?!? I hate even calling it healthy food! IT'S FOOD!! REAL DAMN FOOD!! The garbage that most people feed their kids is disgusting!! I have people judge me all the time because my kids eat what I eat...vegetables, proteins, low sugar. They think that I am being unfair to my kids and that I'm not feeding them real food. I love how people think that hot dogs, cookies, candy, pizza, etc is a great diet for kids. To me, FEEDING YOUR KIDS THAT CRAP IS ABUSE!! Sorry! Had to rant..I was having this exact discussion with someone today because they said they couldn't diet because they couldn't feed their kids diet food!!! What exactly is diet food?? Are you talking vegetables, fiber, good oils/fats, lean meats? Because that is real food!! GRRRR

    I agree with you. My daughter, while still young, doesn't like chicken nuggets and most other 'kid' foods. She will eat a grilled chicken wrap and apples if we go to McDonald's. She is the only one at her daycare that eats the veggies and fruit and turns down the goldfish crackers. She is used to eating those things at home so that's what she likes. Sure we give her ice cream, etc sometimes but not all kids want the fatty foods unless they are exposed to it.

    Yeah, the whole concept of "kid food" is what's weird. Food is food. Some food is good, some food is crap. I think both parents and kids have been brainwashed by big processed-food companies on this one... there is no "kid food" that children are suppose to eat or want to eat, what a bunch of BS. The problem is what is considered "normal"; as if it's "normal" for kids to eat/want junkfood, and somehow unnatural for kids to want/eat healthier foods. Says a lot about our culture, I think!

    deleted because it's not worth it - unless someone's already quoted me.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I'm a mom and a former fat kid (still fat, just not a kid anymore) and I don't want my daughter to go through what I want through. So, I am trying to lead by example. I don't deny her of anything but I encourage to eat lots of natural whole foods. My daughter has never been a soda/kool aid drinker, her drink of choice is water....but then again so is mine. I take her out for Rita's occassionally, or out to dinner. Here lately, I try to eat leaner meals when I eat out, like the under 500 meals at Longhorn. I try to stay away from fast food because I have a food addiction and fast food can make me spiral downwardly, quickly. So, I sum this up as, if you are a parent and eat well, it will rub off on your child.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Why are so many people connecting "skinny", "thin", "thin as a rail" with "healthy." I don't understand how:

    not obese = healthy

    No, I don't have kids. Yes, I understand all the reasons mentioned previously for why parents might order less-than-healthy options for their kids at a restaurant. That's not what bothers me. The number of comments saying "my kids are skinny" as if that somehow means they're healthy. Or that they're in the XX percentile. I realize that means they're at a healthy weight/size, but not that necessarily that they are healthy.
  • nikikeenan
    nikikeenan Posts: 15 Member
    made me LOL
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Why are so many people connecting "skinny", "thin", "thin as a rail" with "healthy." I don't understand how:

    not obese = healthy

    No, I don't have kids. Yes, I understand all the reasons mentioned previously for why parents might order less-than-healthy options for their kids at a restaurant. That's not what bothers me. The number of comments saying "my kids are skinny" as if that somehow means they're healthy. Or that they're in the XX percentile. I realize that means they're at a healthy weight/size, but not that necessarily that they are healthy.

    I do agree that skinny does not equal healthy.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    Beat me to it. Thanks! :flowerforyou:

    Beat me to it also. :)

    This is just more of the same parenting arguments

    I breastfed why can't you, your a bad parent.
    My child eats a perfect vegan diet why can't yours, your a bad parent.
    My child is in three after school sports why can't yours, your a bad parent.
    My child can read chapter books at age 1 why can't yours, your a bad parent.
    My child gets vaccinated why can't yours, your a bad parent.

    Do you beat your child? Do you lock them in a basement chained to a wall? Do you purposefully starve them? Do you ignore them constantly? Do you abuse them? Did you sell your child to the highest bidder?
    answer no to all of the above? Guess what your NOT a bad parent!

  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Eh I just mentioned mine were so low weight as "proof" that we don't eat chicken nuggets and ranch every meal. I figure they need whole milk and extra calories because they run off everything I do give them, hence eating out 3-4 times a month won't hurt much. I realize that thin doesn't equal healthy, but in the case of this discussion it shows that we aren't all overfeeding our kids high calorie food every meal.

    It's a lot easier for someone to look over and judge a parent at McDonald's with a chunky kid, than a parent with a skinny kid.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Why are so many people connecting "skinny", "thin", "thin as a rail" with "healthy." I don't understand how:

    not obese = healthy

    No, I don't have kids. Yes, I understand all the reasons mentioned previously for why parents might order less-than-healthy options for their kids at a restaurant. That's not what bothers me. The number of comments saying "my kids are skinny" as if that somehow means they're healthy. Or that they're in the XX percentile. I realize that means they're at a healthy weight/size, but not that necessarily that they are healthy.

    I agree too. My son went through quite a skinny phase, because he barely ate at all. I don't do fast food, but I can guarantee that, even now he's 4, if I took him somewhere like McDonald's he wouldn't eat anything anyway, except a few fries.

    He's got better at eating, and is a normal weight, although still thin for his height, which is above average for his age. I don't think that makes him healthier though. He still doesn't eat enough. He's not too fussy or picky or whatever, he just doesn't eat much. If I didn't make him meals and tell him to eat, he probably wouldn't even ask for food. Nursery say that he sits for an hour eating his lunch sometimes because he has to be persuaded! Luckily the things he does really enjoy eating are healthy things...tuna, jacket potato, egg, chicken, broccoli, fishcakes...

    My daughter, who's 2, is a much better eater. I've no idea why.

    I do agree that skinny does not equal healthy.
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    Why are so many people connecting "skinny", "thin", "thin as a rail" with "healthy." I don't understand how:

    not obese = healthy

    No, I don't have kids. Yes, I understand all the reasons mentioned previously for why parents might order less-than-healthy options for their kids at a restaurant. That's not what bothers me. The number of comments saying "my kids are skinny" as if that somehow means they're healthy. Or that they're in the XX percentile. I realize that means they're at a healthy weight/size, but not that necessarily that they are healthy.

    I was thinking the same thing. I grew up a skinny kid and still am 'thin'. But before I joined MFP, I was anything but healthy. I'm not really judging anyone here just making some observations, but if you take your child out on ocassion and let them get unhealthy foods (even if sparingly), would this put the association of going out to eat with eating unhealthy? I went out sparingly as a child to McDonald's, but when I did, I ordered 2-3 big Macs. I figured, 'this is my time to really EAT!' so I used that time to eat as much crap food as possible. Because of this habit, I associated going out with pigging out on unhealthy food that to this day, is really hard for me to overcome. What made it worse was that I was going out 2-4 times a week. I used going out as an excuse to eat unhealthy. What I wish my parents instilled in me was eating in smaller, healthier portions even when going out.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I have 3 kids and when we eat out they can order what they want. It's fun for them and allows them to make choices for themselves. Sometimes, the one or two of them will ask what the healthiest thing on the menu is. At home I would say they eat pretty healthy. I avoid gluten for them as much as I can, one has a milk allergy so we use almond milk, brown rice pasta, sprouted grain bread, all of them love broccoli. If they ask for snacks throughout the day they know they have a choice of raw veggies, fruit or some kind of protein (usually string cheese or deli meat roll-ups).
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ahh let me say it...

    Dear Parents,
    Thank you for allowing your child to have that fried greasy piece of chicken heaven...because I surely don't want to sit in a restaurant for 1hr listening to them scream over why he/she has to eat another bite of peas & carrots....just sayin CHEERS! let them enjoy! and be KIDS!
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    From people watching at amusement parks and playgrounds, I noticed that parents never force their kids to do homework.

    Or do laundry, dishes & other chores!!!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I've seen kids' menus and wondered why so much fried junk, but had no idea some kids are so picky, or that parents have to fight to get them to eat right. In my home it was, eat what I cook or go hungry, and we never went to fast food places. My family was German-American and mom cooked ( she hated to cook, just hated it) the same way her mother and grandmother did. The first time in my life that I ever had pizza was on my first date with my now-hubby, at age 17. But I loved (and still do) German smoked blood sausage, which said boyfriend had never heard of. Vive la cultural differences!