What's YOUR NSV for today!



  • NadirToZenith
    NadirToZenith Posts: 62 Member
    My NSV for today is that I woke up with my normal level of energy and walked on my treadmill for an hour and 15 minutes. What makes it a victory is that for the last two days I've been feeling exhausted and achy so I hadn't exercised at all. I think I had a bug but in any case, being back to my more energetic self is a victory to me!!
  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    I've only bought one pair of jeans in a smaller size since I started losing weight. I already have to wear a belt with them!
  • Janyaa
    Janyaa Posts: 64 Member
    Had a huge (to me) NSV this morning. My phone has been dead for the past two days, so no pedometer or Google music. I wasn't feeling very motivated to get out and do my usual morning walk. Especially since it was raining!

    Instead of succumbing to all the excuses that were floating around in my head, I made myself go through the motions of putting my workout clothes on, getting my shoes on and stepping outside. Ended up running the farthest distance yet!

    What's more, I managed to get over the hurdles and obstacles I was putting up for myself. I know this war against laziness and bad habits is one that I'll be waging for a long time. For today, at least, I won the battle.