You know you're old when...



  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    You walk into the university library, see the Quaint Old Technology exhibit, start playing Frogger and PacMan on the Atari 2600 system left for that purpose and you're the only one who knows what it is.

    ZORB!!! My Mom still HAS my Atari 2600! LMAO
  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    When the athletes you look up to now are much, much younger than you.

    When you grunt when you make just about any movement (Bending over to pick something up, getting off the couch, etc.)

    When you find just about any new music annoying, and not as good as "the old days."

    When you no longer get carded at bars :-(
  • serekj
    serekj Posts: 52
    Ur body hurts wen u wake up and didnt work out prior.

    U say words to ur 18 yr old neice and she tells u thats not a relevant slang word nemore :/
  • RJay64
    RJay64 Posts: 135
    You click on the over-50 dating sites.... just to check it what they got there.
  • DYfive
    DYfive Posts: 491 Member
    I turned 25 today.... I deleted facebook a month ago.... no one remembered my birthday...

    I'm old.
  • Addis_Daddy12
    Addis_Daddy12 Posts: 548 Member
    They start making up to date remakes of the movies you watched when you were young....i.e. Clash of the Titans
  • yoyofighter
    yoyofighter Posts: 323 Member
    You wake up stiff! If only I was a guy that would be a good thing, I just need something stiff now!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,654 Member
    You get what sounds like quite a nice invitation and then you think, 'Oh, that means I'll have to GO OUT in the evening and drive back in the dark!' :noway: :grumble: :wink:
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    When you realize you've been out of highschool for four years.hollly efff.
    When you realize your oldest child has been out of high school for 4 years......
  • doug_pierce
    doug_pierce Posts: 255
    ...regrets take the place of dreams. May we never get there.
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    You know you're old when...

    You listened to the Cuban Missle Crisis on the radio....
    You Watched the Beatles on the "Ed Sullivan Show"
    CBS always closed their broadcast with the number of Americans killed ...... in Vietnam
    Tommy James and the Shondells played at your High School Junior /Senior Prom
    Rolling up a pack of Camels in your white tee sleeve was 'Cool'
    Going to the Out Door theater in your best friend's 'New' '70 440 Cuda
    Remembering when Elvis Presley was drafted into in the Army and you could not wait till his Hitch was over
    Your draft number was 6 but you beat it by enlisting ........
    Draft dogers were sent to Federal prison

    Crap! just read my list .... I do beleive I am old!!!!! What the FLOCK!!
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    When you meet a teen mother (16) but realize you're old enough to be the baby's gramma.
    When Nirvanna is referred to as "oldies"...

    When you have to explain what a WALKMAN was/is. :(

    When you tell a teen that cell phones didnt used to take pictures, let alone play games and give you directions. :(
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    You know you're old when...

    You listened to the Cuban Missle Crisis on the radio....
    You Watched the Beatles on the "Ed Sullivan Show"
    CBS always closed their broadcast with the number of Americans killed ...... in Vietnam
    Tommy James and the Shondells played at your High School Junior /Senior Prom
    Rolling up a pack of Camels in your white tee sleeve was 'Cool'
    Going to the Out Door theater in your best friend's 'New' '70 440 Cuda
    Remembering when Elvis Presley was drafted into in the Army and you could not wait till his Hitch was over
    Your draft number was 6 but you beat it by enlisting ........
    Draft dogers were sent to Federal prison

    Crap! just read my list .... I do beleive I am old!!!!! What the FLOCK!!

    all of the above - liked the Shelby Cobra and Roadrunner, Cuda was great too !! - Draft dodgers also came here to Canada - Went to Florida with parents way back during the Viet Nam War. I was 18 and it was quite the deal to get me back into Canada. !!
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    your gonna be 30 this year! :sad:

    old thread but i wanted to share my pain! :cry:
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    When you realize you've been out of highschool for four years.hollly efff.

    When you've been out of high school for almost 50 years!:grumble:
  • Mightytaco84
    Mightytaco84 Posts: 76 Member
    When you need to use a daily pill box. I'm on 29 :(
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    When you start clicking on threads like this. FML
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    when you hear the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever and it seems like yesterday in the Discos lol
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Your co-workers say "Your the same age as my mom!" :)
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    You go to your brothers wedding and ask the best man, "Who's that hottie over there?" And he replies that it's his youngest brother and you realize the last time you saw him he was an infant and you changed his diaper.
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member still think Helen Keller jokes are funny.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    You know you are old when you:

    Realize you're a crabby old fart and you're OK with that.

    Remember when the majority of people made an effort to be polite and considerate of others in public.

    Honestly can't tell whether that group of students are high schoolers or college age. They all seem the same - young.

    Have to fight the urge to constantly give advice or suggestions to the youngsters.

    Get the senior discount from a retail clerk. I've been silently accepting freebies and money off since I was 40 years old. I still don't even know the official AARP start age.

    Subconsciously compare a current actor/actress or athlete to their parent, grandparent or other relative who was popular when you where young.

    Think most current sitcoms are simple minded, annoying and stupid. Even though you were a dedicated sitcom fanatic in the 1970 & 80s.

    A few other signs.

    When the music of your youth used to be considered hard core and dangerous (hip hop and punk). Now it sounds quaint compared to stuff on the radio.

    When they play "guess the song" with disco music at a work event. None of your co-workers get any right.

    Fun thread. Brings back a lot of memories.
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    When you find a grey pube. :noway:
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Your knees buckle and your belt wont....

    Your back goes out more than you do...

    And the only sparkle in your eye is the sun reflecting off your bifocals...
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You go to the family reunion and there are several teenagers you don't recognize, because you're expecting them to be about 9 years old. You look at the backs of your hands and can't recall where those raised veins came from. You tell people you've seen Harry Chapin, Gordon Lightfoot, John Denver, and The Who in concerts, and you get blank stares.....

    True story: I was in HMV to get the DVD "Tommy" by The Who. The 16 yr old helping me said "from the WHO"? I said, yes, that's what I said. Her: "WHO". Me "yes"... blank stare... I had to explain it all the way... sigh...

    It's like an Abbott and Costello routine. And the kid probably wouldn't know who they are either. :happy:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    You have clothes in your closet at least two decades old.

    I get rid of outdated unstylish clothes, but I have shoes older than that. :happy:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    When you realize all the hot guys from the 80's hair bands you listened to are now old fat guys still trying to be hot guys from the 80's hair bands.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    When you don't want to go to concerts because they are just too loud.

    I still go but I take earplugs with me, and I usually hope it's someplace I can sit the whole time because standing a long time makes my lower back hurt. :laugh:

    edited because I dont speel gud. :wink:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    ETA: My husband was 1 when 'Ghostbusters' was released (8 years younger than me) and my parents took me to see it in the theater. We have a WHOLE lot of fun playing the 'Do you remember?' game at my house :laugh:

    I saw Star Wars first run, in the theater when I was 12. This thread is depressing. And funny. lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    When a ticket to a Stones concert cost $3.00 and it cost HOW MUCH now?

    I don't know, but I paid 18 dollars to see them in 1983.