Thoughts on coffee?



  • srenea9
    srenea9 Posts: 142
    I like coffee, and until recently had been known to drink at least 2 cups a day and also have iced coffee . i drink it black or with alittle sweetner and no fat creamer.

    But, a few weeks ago my surgeon told me that I had to cut all caffiene out as it has an eroding effect on the lining of the stomach..........eeeeeeeeeeeek!
    ^This is the same reason why I cant have it. I drink Green Tea instead.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    My thoughts on coffee ---> :heart:
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I love my coffee. You don't want to see me without my coffee.

    This! lol Hubby knows to tread lightly until I'm well coffee'd. :P

    But I could see how it would curb cravings if your stomach was always full of liquid, especially if it's containing a lot of cream/creamer, too.
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Drink as much coffee (black) as possible but be careful on the additives (sugar & cream are problems)! When I gave up drinking pop, my coffee consumption doubled! :laugh: Challenge yourself to drink 1-2 cups of green tea or more per day and watch the weight fly off! :glasses:
  • FitGirlNani
    FitGirlNani Posts: 33 Member
    I don't care for coffee much unless 1) I'm hungover and need to go to work or 2) I really really need it to get through a work day due to lack of sleep... then I'll have a cup. I can honestly say maybe a cup every 4-6 weeks. Even then, it's just black. I drink my green tea every morning instead. As for Starbucks, I get the Iced Skinny Vanilla Latte as a treat every few months.
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    I was just at starbucks ! :drinker:
    But i gotta eat before or i will have an attack! Not fun
  • bekkahlokey
    I love my coffee. I drink it almost every day. I usually put my lactaid in it (have trouble with realy milk) and stevia.
    And on special days, I get myself a starbucks. That is my "treat". However, I usually go with lower calorie drinks such as a skinny latte or a Mocha light frapp. mmmm...

    I have noticed that I don't get as hungry right away. But, when I do later, LOOKOUT! I get cranky.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I need my coffee in the morning, but have heard that Green Tea is even better for the metab. so I made sure to have a cup of that in the afternoon :drinker:

    I'm a big green tea drinker. I have a cup every morning and an iced green tea every afternoon. Back when I used to use artificial sweeteners, I would buy those 'flavor drop' things and add a few drops of the cherry limeade flavor to the green tea...SO GOOD.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member

  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    I'm a coffee addict and drink 1-2 pots a day. :drinker:
    I'm also 100 pounds overweight.

    Based on this evidence alone, I would not recommend it as a weight loss tool. :laugh:
  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    I used to drink regular coffee and have switched to decaf for the last 4 years and now if I have a regular cup it makes me sick to my stomach it's the caffeine that gives you an energy boost didn't do much for me as I drank almost two pots a day. My husband still drinks regular and drinks more than me and doesn't really do anything for him either but he has been on it for years himself.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Coffee all year around - how much I have depends on the season. Winter = gallons (not really! But at least 6-8 cups) and in the summer it is usually 2-3. I don't use sugar just 2% milk and I "don't" count this as my water intake although some people do. To me water is the water and anything else (tea, coffee, diet soda) is not. I don't list the coffee in my diary but I do list the milk that I put in it.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I drink my coffee black. I love the rich. bold flavor of black coffee. I have been drinking on the road McDonald's Newman black iced coffee. It's only $1! DD is too expensive on a regular basis. I do like to get a caramel mocha from DD now and then.