Turbo Fire-Fresh Start on 9/6/10



  • Im going on my 5th week of Turbo Fire and am enjoying it. It is 95% cardio with a little of strength training but not enough just on its own.

    After this one Im doing Chalene Extreme. For those having issues with the $$$ keep an eye out for beachbody workouts in the classifieds, craigslist and from online sellers. I was able to get Chalean Extreme the entire set for $50 from a beachbody coach.
  • I'm in! Just started the Turbo Fire class schedule this week. If you really want some quick results, do the Inferno plan. Hubby and I did it, and at the end of 5 days, we was down 9 pounds and I was down 5, and we didn't even get all of the workouts in! We followed the meal plan really closely though....no coffee! :( By Friday night, we were feeling great though!

    Did HIIT 15 and Stretch 10 tonight. I'd like to lose 8-10 more pounds. Love the motivation on this thread! Keep it up ladies!
  • bumping this to see how you ladies like and make out with TF. I am considering purchasing it, but am unsure if I should get the TF or Insanity. I have heard that CE requires more weights and such and I do my weight work at the gym. I am excited to see all of your journeys with TF! Good luck to you all!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm sorry I am new to the mfp and was wondering how exactly do I join a thread?:blushing: Or do I just search it all the time and post on it?

    Now that you've posted a comment it should show up in your "MY Topics" tab just about the messages.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm in! Just started the Turbo Fire class schedule this week. If you really want some quick results, do the Inferno plan. Hubby and I did it, and at the end of 5 days, we was down 9 pounds and I was down 5, and we didn't even get all of the workouts in! We followed the meal plan really closely though....no coffee! :( By Friday night, we were feeling great though!

    Did HIIT 15 and Stretch 10 tonight. I'd like to lose 8-10 more pounds. Love the motivation on this thread! Keep it up ladies!

    That is awesome. I want to lose 7 more lbs but probably in realityy need to lose about 15 more. I'll see when I get there..haha
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I did HIIT 15 and Core 20 today. I did my best ever intensity wise today and got a 176 calorie burn for 15 minutes. Total with both was 336 calories gone forever! Not bad for 35 minutes...love this program!! Tomorrow is Fire 55 EZ...not my fav because I don't really have the time in the am for 55 minutes but I'll make it work.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Im going on my 5th week of Turbo Fire and am enjoying it. It is 95% cardio with a little of strength training but not enough just on its own.

    After this one Im doing Chalene Extreme. For those having issues with the $$$ keep an eye out for beachbody workouts in the classifieds, craigslist and from online sellers. I was able to get Chalean Extreme the entire set for $50 from a beachbody coach.

    Good to know...thinking about Insanity or Power 90X next. It'll have to be after Christmas though. I've already asked for a good heart rate monitor...my husband would stroke if I asked for that too...hahaha.
  • Roxie65
    Roxie65 Posts: 155 Member
    I think TF is a good prep for Insanity.
  • I'm sorry I am new to the mfp and was wondering how exactly do I join a thread?:blushing: Or do I just search it all the time and post on it?

    Now that you've posted a comment it should show up in your "MY Topics" tab just about the messages.

    Thank you so much for the invite I am very excited to recieve my TF I can't wait to get started. How do you know how many calories you have burned?
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm sorry I am new to the mfp and was wondering how exactly do I join a thread?:blushing: Or do I just search it all the time and post on it?

    Now that you've posted a comment it should show up in your "MY Topics" tab just about the messages.

    Thank you so much for the invite I am very excited to recieve my TF I can't wait to get started. How do you know how many calories you have burned?

    You need to get a heart rate monitor. I have an old one that just does average heart rate but then I plug that into a website I found that calculates the calories burned for me. It's an extra step I can't wait to cut out when DH gets me a new one for Christmans. Until then I would post it as High Intensity Aerobics. Some post it as kickboxing too I think.
  • I have a HRM what website do you plug that into that calculates the calories you have burned. I am learning alot from you I really, really appreciate it thank you so much!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I have a HRM what website do you plug that into that calculates the calories you have burned. I am learning alot from you I really, really appreciate it thank you so much!

    I use this one:


    It has worked really well for me in calculating my burn. If I eat right with the exercise I'll have a loss every week.
  • hemcwhorter
    hemcwhorter Posts: 22 Member
    Hey Amanda! Sorry...I could not start with you on Monday. My husband is in the army National Guard and he had been in Germany for 3 weeks and just got back on Saturday....so I have been hanging out with him. I plan on trying to pick up the pieces tomorrow 09/10/10 and start again. I have about 50lbs to lose. Did you do the Inferno plan?
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Hey Amanda! Sorry...I could not start with you on Monday. My husband is in the army National Guard and he had been in Germany for 3 weeks and just got back on Saturday....so I have been hanging out with him. I plan on trying to pick up the pieces tomorrow 09/10/10 and start again. I have about 50lbs to lose. Did you do the Inferno plan?

    Oh well bless both of you and thank him for serving our country! You were right where you needed to be. Jump in when you can.

    I didn't start inferno. It's not the exercise that bothers me it's the food. A lot of it I don't like or you can't find where I live...we are very rural. I'll look at it again and see if I can adapt it to my likes.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Did Fire 55 EZ today...my intensity was just not there...not sure if I'm just tired because it's the end of the week or if it's being on the tail-end of this cold I've had for two weeks. Anyway it was still a 411 calorie burn with me "dogging it" as Chalene would say...haha! I'll try to get another walk in at lunch. BIg supper planned with friends I haven't hung out with in years...so excited to see them.
  • Thanks for the suggestion about looking for CE on other sites..I hope to get both CE and TF that way now! Hadn't even thought about trying to find them for less $$$! Is it possible to do both at the same time? I love weight training, but really want to lose another 15 lbs, so really need the cardio, too...not sure I want to give either up to focus on just one..
  • Thanks for the suggestion about looking for CE on other sites..I hope to get both CE and TF that way now! Hadn't even thought about trying to find them for less $$$! Is it possible to do both at the same time? I love weight training, but really want to lose another 15 lbs, so really need the cardio, too...not sure I want to give either up to focus on just one..

    There is a hybrid schedule available for CE and TF I believe. There are people on here doing the hybrid. It seems like a great way to get both the cardio and the strength training in!

    Did Fire 30 and Stretch 10 tonight. I am on a roll lately, so I want to keep my motivation up. This site and thread help! Keep it going, ladies! :happy:
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    bumping this to see how you ladies like and make out with TF. I am considering purchasing it, but am unsure if I should get the TF or Insanity. I have heard that CE requires more weights and such and I do my weight work at the gym. I am excited to see all of your journeys with TF! Good luck to you all!!

    If you already have a solid resistance training in place at the gym, I would go with Turbo Fire over Insanity. I did my 60 days of Insanity back in January and February of this year. I did get into great cardiovascular shape, but I found the program to really focus on my lower body and core and I actually lost upper body strength. Also, it involves a LOT of plyometric jumping and it really put the torque on my knees and low back.

    I find Turbo Fire to really be a great fat shredder overall. I'm doing the 20-week hybrid (so I'm using ChaLean Extreme for resistance and TF for cardio) and I'm in week #10. My body is REALLY changing dramatically, especially within the last 2 weeks. My arms have really gottem much shaplier, my abs are flatter and more 'chiseled' looking and my favorite, my butt and thighs are getting smaller (hallelujah!). I also burn FAR more calories in Turbo Fire than I did in Insanity, I think because it involves so much punching and total body moves, wheras Insanity was just a lot of jumping.

    Message me if you have any other questions.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion about looking for CE on other sites..I hope to get both CE and TF that way now! Hadn't even thought about trying to find them for less $$$! Is it possible to do both at the same time? I love weight training, but really want to lose another 15 lbs, so really need the cardio, too...not sure I want to give either up to focus on just one..

    There is a hybrid schedule available for CE and TF I believe. There are people on here doing the hybrid. It seems like a great way to get both the cardio and the strength training in!

    Did Fire 30 and Stretch 10 tonight. I am on a roll lately, so I want to keep my motivation up. This site and thread help! Keep it going, ladies! :happy:

    Awesome work! It can be addictive...haha! Better an addiction to exercise than food!!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    bumping this to see how you ladies like and make out with TF. I am considering purchasing it, but am unsure if I should get the TF or Insanity. I have heard that CE requires more weights and such and I do my weight work at the gym. I am excited to see all of your journeys with TF! Good luck to you all!!

    If you already have a solid resistance training in place at the gym, I would go with Turbo Fire over Insanity. I did my 60 days of Insanity back in January and February of this year. I did get into great cardiovascular shape, but I found the program to really focus on my lower body and core and I actually lost upper body strength. Also, it involves a LOT of plyometric jumping and it really put the torque on my knees and low back.

    I find Turbo Fire to really be a great fat shredder overall. I'm doing the 20-week hybrid (so I'm using ChaLean Extreme for resistance and TF for cardio) and I'm in week #10. My body is REALLY changing dramatically, especially within the last 2 weeks. My arms have really gottem much shaplier, my abs are flatter and more 'chiseled' looking and my favorite, my butt and thighs are getting smaller (hallelujah!). I also burn FAR more calories in Turbo Fire than I did in Insanity, I think because it involves so much punching and total body moves, wheras Insanity was just a lot of jumping.

    Message me if you have any other questions.

    I"m finding that I'm not building much upper body strength. Where do you fine the Chalene Extreme/TF hybrid schedule. Is it on the Beach Body website?
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