Curious - what made you overweight in the first place?



  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    I thought about that the other day. I never had a weight problem until I got pregnant with my son at the age of 29. Before that, food was not how I got pleasure. My mind was full of the weekend plans, trips, guys, going out, work, travel, etc.

    Food just was not on my radar. Sure I liked it, but once I had my son, my life as I knew it changed. I no longer had all that excitement going on. Was time to settle down. And then bacon started smelling realllllll good. I became a French fryaholic.

    Just what happened for me. Once I settled down, I started deriving quite a bit of pleasure from food. Became my reward, thing to look forward to, carb high, etc. And the problem with dieting is that I sometimes feel like there's nothing in its place. Takes work to get interested in something else when you're almost 50. Who wants to go clubbing anymore?

    Been married 20 years. I love my husband. But I'm afraid I got sidetracked!
  • I was a toothpick in high school (senior year - 107).
    Community college I was still active. Then I took 2 years off to save up for college, and I had 2 desk jobs... on packed the pounds. just a change in work and got lazy working so much to save money, stopped being active, and then it hit me.

    2006 - 115 lbs
    2009 - 167 lbs

    Got sick and tired (oh being the biggest friend in my group) and lost the weight in 2011

    2011 - 125 lbs

    Was diagnosed with Moderate Fibromyalgia in March 2012

    March 2013 - 142 lbs

    Decided enough was enough.

    Current 124 and at goal. If I get down to 120, i'm happy - if not - my goal was my size 6's - which I'm wearing right now.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    Sat on my *kitten* and did nothing but eat for ~a year...gained nearly 100#
  • puckit61
    puckit61 Posts: 112 Member
    I had/have a tendency to eat my feelings and I also used to eat out of boredom. I never drank enough water, (maybe a glass a day or every other day.) The feeling of being hungry was probably 75% of the time just my body telling me it was dehydrated but I ate instead.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    I don't think one specific thing made me over weight. Sure it was un-healthy eating habits and going un-diagnosed with insulin resistance until my 30's. Once I was treated for it I lost 75 pounds.. yay me.... and kept it off until I underwent treatment for breast cancer. During the second round of chemo there were steroids added to my medication and I ate everything that didn't move! Unfortunately it got me back into bad eating habits and here I am again doing what I need to do and get this weight off.

    It sounds like physical health problems have played a big role in your weight journey?
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member

    drinks lots beer/ booze > eat lots of food > hangover > cure with lots of greasy food and pot > get munchies & eat more food > repeat

    Exactly this. Then turning 21.. drinking even more...
  • IzzyM210
    IzzyM210 Posts: 54 Member
    I think for me it was mostly eating food with no real nutritional value and in excess...not appreciating veggies/fruits and how wonderful they truly are. Also, I was never really encouraged to be active as a child, I guess. No extracurricular activities whatsoever. I think that a lot of it was ignorance by my parents part and my own as well. As an adult I take responsibility for allowing myself to get this way.
  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
  • HappyMeLovely
    HappyMeLovely Posts: 134 Member
    As a kid, I had an unhealthy eating lifestyle but got a good bit of exercise. So, healthy eating was never really something that I was taught but my activity level and enjoyable activities cancelled that out. As an adult, I went through phases of extreme poverty (eating only ramen noodles and bologna for months - which made me physically ill in addition to gaining weight), and had a time in my life where restaurants were prominent as well as extravagant eating. I don't think that I have ever known what appropriate portion sizes were, and I still struggle to adhere to them now even though I know better. I have had sedentary jobs since my late teens, and have been in college my entire twenties to now. It left little time and energy for me to focus on myself and I actually stopped really seeing myself, if that makes any sense. I was in a horrible relationship that broke my self-esteem and I just stopped caring for myself. Fast forward to now, I have a son and am in nursing school. My fall back options are unhealthy ones, and I struggle to limit my portions and eat healthily. What I have come to realize is that no matter when I decide to care for myself, there will always be set backs, hurdles, and hard decisions. I have promised to myself that no matter how many times I fall behind, don't lose, or over eat that I will never give up on myself again. I will continue to strive for progress even when none is being made. The key to maintaining a healthier life (sustainably) for me so far has been to eat healthier things that I ENJOY and exercise that doesn't cause me pain (i.e. riding my stationary bike or even doing some heavy cleaning). My goal is to eat less and move more, and even if you "fall off the wagon" for a day, a week, or more to get right back on and try harder this time.
    So, in a nutshell "Never give up!" as Dora the Explorer would say lol.
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I grew up in a single parent family (where my dad didnt cook particularly nice meals) so he gave up and we cooked our own.. mostly stuff you could microwave.
    My brother got bullied at school for being a geek and being weird, and I got bullied for being related to him. even though he was 2 years older than me, it fell to me to protect him the best i could.
    My mum moved out when I was 6, to which we only saw her once every 2 months or so, then when I was 12 she was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma. She was given about a month to live, but she fought it and finally lost the fight when I was 16 (I'm now 32).
    I have put my yo yo weight down to emotional eating... my confidence - up until 2 years ago - was rock bottom and I used to eat when I felt insecure, depressed, stressed, frustrated... pretty much all the time.... then I would go off food completely, lose an awful lot of weight, then emotional eat again.
    I recently understood the meaning of depression and realised that I suffered with this mental illness since mum was diagnosed with her cancer.
    It has only been the last 3 years that I have been able to fight it as I had started a new relationship (one where my bf understood, and stood by me rather than the ex who ridiculed me)
    I am now a my happier person (mentally and physically) but due to the years of depression my subconscious has a habit of self harming... lucky for me, both I and the bf recognise the signs now and we are fighting the self harm along with the self confidence :)

    Sorry for the essay, but I feel that without it, I cant fully explain my eating issues lol

    This is the new me, healthy me... maybe not always healthy eating.. but the yo yo is out of the window.. its just another battle to win :drinker:
  • lj8576
    lj8576 Posts: 156
    wayyyyyy too much alcohol when I was younger. Got a beer belly in my twenties and never did anything about it until now.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Sat on my *kitten* and did nothing but eat for ~a year...gained nearly 100#

    Why? There must have been some reason? Sounds like you have a tough year!
  • The first time-not caring. I dropped 60 pounds a few years ago and kept it off till this year. This time it was an injury that made me unable to work or workout at all. So I sat on the couch on painkillers getting fat for 6 months. It's coming off though-I didn't gain it all back-about 35 pounds of it
  • LivvieO
    LivvieO Posts: 164 Member
    My job was my main cause however I took for granted that because I had mantained my weight at 120lbs from the age of 14 till 33 (even after having twins, I was back down to 130 within a month of having the girls) there was no way I would gain any weight so I always ate what and when I wanted however, the weight really started to increase when I went from working a standard 9-5 job to working a 9-5 and an overnight shift on the weekends. Going from working 40 to 70 hours per week was tough so in order to stay awake on my overnight job I would literally eat cake and every kind of junk food possible. Basically I was looking for anything that would keep my energy up during that 10 hr shift then I'd go home, sleep all day and wake up and repeat the process. This happend over a period of 6 years, 45lbs heavier, I am now trying to get things under control.
  • Michielynn222
    Michielynn222 Posts: 81 Member
    I was a chubby baby, chubby child, chubby preteen, chubby teen, and now chubby adult. D: My lack of activity through out the years along with my not so healthy eating habits did help that, but i'm working on it.
  • OhSnap779
    OhSnap779 Posts: 71 Member
    I was born that way. :ohwell:
  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    I know some people think genetics play a big role in your body type. I feel that it's not as big an influence as you think. I was adopted so was not raised by my bio parents. My bio mom is a body builder and has always been fit, so what happened to me? My (adoptive) family likes to eat. So as a kid I learned to eat and took it to new heights.
    I have lost lots of weight in the past and fell off the wagon due to stress that was beyond my control. I know my body and if I don't work out every day I will not be able to maintain my weight due to my thyroid.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member

    This is the new me, healthy me... maybe not always healthy eating.. but the yo yo is out of the window.. its just another battle to win :drinker:

    That's such a fantastic attitude
  • Eating too much of the bad foods and not enough of the good foods like fruits and vegetables. I still struggle with that. I am active yet PCOS makes weight loss frustrating at times.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Overeating and laziness.