Why weighing NUDE is wrong!



  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another. Second and most importantly, unless your doctor's office is different than anyone I have been to in the past 20 years, they weigh you first with your clothes on before you go into the smaller waiting room. So that's bound to bug people who are trying to lose.

    Even at work, we were doing what we called a "Fat Off" and we always have to weigh with our clothes on. So it made not sense for me to weigh myself nude if every other weigh-in I did outside of my home was going to be with clothes.

    So my tip... find something that weighs as much as your typical outfit. And then if you want to weigh in nude/undies you can use this extra device to make up your clothing difference. I use a low pulley row handle from my gym, it happens to weigh about 4lbs and I weighed my typical outfit and it also weighed about 4lbs.

    The reason I brought this up, is I have heard complaints from people about their weigh-ins outside of their home. I would still try and weigh in at the same time anytime you do, otherwise you will run into differences. But the idea here is that you would limit the difference to a small margin.

    If you disagree, let me know why?


    Never-nudes unite!

    There are dozens of us! Dozens!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning after going to the bathroom, and I am always in the buff (because I sleep sans clothing). It's not something I think about. Also, I never weigh myself at any other time of day, so it will always be consistent. I'm not worried about it.

    Same for me.

    Also, I think you're over-thinking things OP.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    If I were to enter a contest at work, I would wear the lightest clothes that day (no underwear or anything & no belt) & I would do a 24+ fast to ensure I win :)

    Thats just me though. It's a flawed system b/c clothes can vary greatly.... The only good point there is stick with the same scale each time.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    This place kills me :laugh:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Let me know If anyone has questions on how to weigh themselves nude.. I will send video to show proper technique

    <<<in for the video
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    The only times where I will weigh with clothes on is at the gym when I can find an accessible scale which is quite rare but this is strictly to gauge how much water weight I've lost and need to replenish when I've had a helluva workout. And I know how much my clotehs weigh which isn't much

    The only other time I will weigh-in clothed is at the doctor's office, which is once a year. And appointments aren't scheduled at the same time (obviously) so I don't pay too much attention to that weigh-in as it is never first thing in the morning.

    At home I weigh after I've been to the bathroom, in the nude and there's nothin' wrong with that...What should matter more is INCHES and not necessarily your weight.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    This makes absolutely no sense at all. I go to the doctor once a year, just like the average person. I weigh at home every day, first thing in the morning, no clothes. That's the weight I go by.

    The doctor's office weight means nothing at all to me, since there are too many variables from my "at home" weight.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    I only weight at home. I never even look at the doctor's office scale because they don't calibrate them enough for it even to matter (I used to work in a doctor's office). Plus, how often do you go to the doctor? I go once a year. The only time they should be weighing you at the doctor's office is for a physical/check-up or if the doctor is monitoring your weight.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My doctor doesn't even weigh me. She already knows that I weigh myself and know how much I weigh, so she just asks me.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    My doctor doesn't even weigh me. She already knows that I weigh myself and know how much I weigh, so she just asks me.

    Me too!
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I think the OP is just fishing for nude pics.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I think the OP is just fishing for nude pics.

    Sign me up. I've got my fishing pole ready.
  • LolaBeck
    LolaBeck Posts: 2
    Ya'll are cracking me up.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    nothing done when nude is wrong

    cooking bacon.

    maybe not wrong, per se....but painful.

    Eating pizza too....damn that sauce is hot.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    It isn't any more wrong than weighing yourself with clothes on. The point isn't always to see a certain number but more to see a downward trend.
  • jaycbadass
    jaycbadass Posts: 325
    Has anyone trained in the nude? try pushups nude, if the floor is cold....:cry: motivates me to keep pushing up
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another. Second and most importantly, unless your doctor's office is different than anyone I have been to in the past 20 years, they weigh you first with your clothes on before you go into the smaller waiting room. So that's bound to bug people who are trying to lose.

    Even at work, we were doing what we called a "Fat Off" and we always have to weigh with our clothes on. So it made not sense for me to weigh myself nude if every other weigh-in I did outside of my home was going to be with clothes.

    So my tip... find something that weighs as much as your typical outfit. And then if you want to weigh in nude/undies you can use this extra device to make up your clothing difference. I use a low pulley row handle from my gym, it happens to weigh about 4lbs and I weighed my typical outfit and it also weighed about 4lbs.

    The reason I brought this up, is I have heard complaints from people about their weigh-ins outside of their home. I would still try and weigh in at the same time anytime you do, otherwise you will run into differences. But the idea here is that you would limit the difference to a small margin.

    If you disagree, let me know why?

    First off, it doesn't matter if the scales vary; only that you compare previous weights on the same scale. It's not the actual, perfect weight that matters since weight is merely a tool so if your scale is off by 5 lbs and you lose 5 lbs then it's still a 5 lb loss regardless of what you weigh on other scales which have not been synchronized. It doesn't matter what you weigh in the doctors office or the supermarket or the church since you should be recording data using the same tool and not other "similar" tools.

    You're not seeing the forest for the trees. Focusing too much attention to details and letting the details throw you off track from the actual goal. This is sort of like trying to treat the symptoms of an illness instead of the actual illness which, went treated would eliminate the symptoms.
  • 777twist
    777twist Posts: 75 Member
    Hey all, thanks for all the comments. I kind of loaded the title to see how many responses it would generate.

    Note to self... add "NUDE" and some sort of judgmental tone to the title and the comments will fly in. :drinker:

    I do a weight loss contest at work... and it's hilarious how they deal with the scale. I hear all the "this scale isn't close to mine." And watch them practically strip down (removing belts, watches, etc...) because they can't handle the difference from when they weighed themselves at home. It really cracks me up.

    So no, no one is WRONG for weighing in nude. I make it a personal goal to encourage more NUDITY in the world!!!

    But my point was really if you are bothered by the fluctuations using various scales or having to weigh with your clothes on, that YOU may benefit from always weighing with clothes on or using something equal to your clothes. Because I do weekly weigh ins at work in my clothes, I do weigh in with that added weight every time, even at home. So I do believe in just staying consistent.

    And obviously, if you can handle those fluctuations, this isn't even a topic that would make sense to you. But I have seen some truly mental people when it comes time to step on the dreaded scale.

    That being said... it means nothing to me personally to weigh with or without clothes. Yes, I use the extra weight so I stay consistent for my work contest, but that just means I'm 4lbs lighter than what my weigh ins show... so WIN WIN! :happy:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I normally only weigh at home, daily, naked, but as I have gestational diabetes I know the diabetic clinic will be weighing me too, clothed, which seems pretty much pointless as it will be at different times in different clothes. I wish they had the sense just to ask if I know instead...
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I can honestly say, I've never been weighed by my doctor... I weight at home, nude, because I want to know how much I weigh. not how much me plus clothes weigh...