tips on losing weight quick plz



  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Before I begin, I do not recommend any diet and fitness plan that has the word "quick" or any word like that in it's title! Losing weight should not be expected to be fast or easy, there is no quick fix if you want to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF! Diets suck because you are starving your body of what it wants, and then once the diet is done you go crazy and gain it all back, OR you binge eat on "cheat days". Diets are out - lifestyle eating is in! Slowly make changes to your diet that are managable long term.

    The first thing that obviously needs to be taken out of your diet is processed or "fake" foods. Anything with the words "fried", "battered" "rich" "creamy" etc. need to be taken out immediately! Stay away from fast food at all cost. Like sugar, fast food triggers an affect such as addictive drugs. And like any addictive substance, the more you have it, the more you want it;therefore, the less you have it, the less you want it! Next time you get a craving for lets say, supreme fries from KFC, wait 30min - chances are the craving will go away!

    Another huge diet rule is this - don't snack after 9pm! Your metabolism is slowed down dirastically at night especially after 9pm, so any calories, fat, and sugar you intake late at night is pretty much stored as fat. Bad news bears all around. Try to walk around the house or drink a glass of water next time your getting the late night munchies! Your body will thank you for it. You will feel less gross in the morning too!

    DRINK LOTS OF WATER. It makes a massive difference almost instantly. 6-8 cups daily is recommended. For those people, like myself, who never really drink water, at first that number seems unrealistic, but honestly once you start it is really easy to drink that much! Skip pop and swap it for a water :) I always have my water bottle with me so I don't have to buy a bottled water - better for the environment! Add some lemon, mint, or oranges for some taste!

    Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you possibly can! Some people don't eat enough because it takes "longer" to prepare than lets say, some chips. But I have this cool tip for you! As soon as you bring your veggies etc. home from the grocery store, cut them up right away and put them in the fridge. That way, you have easy access to a healthy alternative!

    Now for working out: Doing long full body workouts 3-4 days a week seems a little bit too much to keep up for long term when you are first start out, so I recommend doing what myself and some other fitness buffs do! Ever hear of guys at the gym saying stuff like "today's leg day" or "chest day" ? Well, that's because they take everyday of the week, except 1-2 rest days, and chose one section of the body to workout each day! For example, my schedual is:

    Sunday: Rest Day, Monday, Plyo/Booty/Leg day, Tuesday: Arm/Back/Chest day Wednesday: Ab day + Cardio Thursday: Rest Day, Friday: Plyo/Booty/Leg day, Saturday: Arm/back/chest day Sunday: Rest

    Im not gunna get into what to do for each workout, look those up on youtube! Hope I helped :) Good luck on your weight loss journey! Add me as a friend and ask any questions or if you just want a personal cheerleader :)

    OP, firstly, completely ignore most of this, except for the water part. The rest is rubbish and makes it more complicated than it needs to be,

    It's simple, you need to eat less than you burn. There is no quick fix. Set your MFP to lose 1lb a week, as sedentary, and then log and eat back your exercise calories.

  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    go ketogenic and enjoy putting all the weight straight back on
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    Before I begin, I do not recommend any diet and fitness plan that has the word "quick" or any word like that in it's title! Losing weight should not be expected to be fast or easy, there is no quick fix if you want to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF! Diets suck because you are starving your body of what it wants, and then once the diet is done you go crazy and gain it all back, OR you binge eat on "cheat days". Diets are out - lifestyle eating is in! Slowly make changes to your diet that are managable long term.

    The first thing that obviously needs to be taken out of your diet is processed or "fake" foods. Anything with the words "fried", "battered" "rich" "creamy" etc. need to be taken out immediately! Stay away from fast food at all cost. Like sugar, fast food triggers an affect such as addictive drugs. And like any addictive substance, the more you have it, the more you want it;therefore, the less you have it, the less you want it! Next time you get a craving for lets say, supreme fries from KFC, wait 30min - chances are the craving will go away!

    Another huge diet rule is this - don't snack after 9pm! Your metabolism is slowed down dirastically at night especially after 9pm, so any calories, fat, and sugar you intake late at night is pretty much stored as fat. Bad news bears all around. Try to walk around the house or drink a glass of water next time your getting the late night munchies! Your body will thank you for it. You will feel less gross in the morning too!

    DRINK LOTS OF WATER. It makes a massive difference almost instantly. 6-8 cups daily is recommended. For those people, like myself, who never really drink water, at first that number seems unrealistic, but honestly once you start it is really easy to drink that much! Skip pop and swap it for a water :) I always have my water bottle with me so I don't have to buy a bottled water - better for the environment! Add some lemon, mint, or oranges for some taste!

    Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you possibly can! Some people don't eat enough because it takes "longer" to prepare than lets say, some chips. But I have this cool tip for you! As soon as you bring your veggies etc. home from the grocery store, cut them up right away and put them in the fridge. That way, you have easy access to a healthy alternative!

    Now for working out: Doing long full body workouts 3-4 days a week seems a little bit too much to keep up for long term when you are first start out, so I recommend doing what myself and some other fitness buffs do! Ever hear of guys at the gym saying stuff like "today's leg day" or "chest day" ? Well, that's because they take everyday of the week, except 1-2 rest days, and chose one section of the body to workout each day! For example, my schedual is:

    Sunday: Rest Day, Monday, Plyo/Booty/Leg day, Tuesday: Arm/Back/Chest day Wednesday: Ab day + Cardio Thursday: Rest Day, Friday: Plyo/Booty/Leg day, Saturday: Arm/back/chest day Sunday: Rest

    Im not gunna get into what to do for each workout, look those up on youtube! Hope I helped :) Good luck on your weight loss journey! Add me as a friend and ask any questions or if you just want a personal cheerleader :)

    Well said! Love your schedule. Plyometrics are my fave!
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Check out a "ketogenic diet." You lose big in the first couple of weeks, but you do end up leveling out. There's a "low-carbs forum" on here that has a lot of very useful information on how to do it safely. Check out my food diary for an idea of a ketogenic diet. I've been doing it for about a month.

    The weight loss is majority water and when you start eating carbs again you gain back loads of weight in the form of glycogen. BS .

    My weigh-ins are done on a tanita scale, and it shows what percentage is water, fat, etc. Now will I gain back if I start eating carbs again? Maybe. But I don't really want to start eating carbs again. I've never felt this great in my life. Could you please think of a more tactful way besides "BS" to describe someone who is just trying to help's advice?
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Check out a "ketogenic diet." You lose big in the first couple of weeks, but you do end up leveling out. There's a "low-carbs forum" on here that has a lot of very useful information on how to do it safely. Check out my food diary for an idea of a ketogenic diet. I've been doing it for about a month.

    The weight loss is majority water and when you start eating carbs again you gain back loads of weight in the form of glycogen. BS .

    My weigh-ins are done on a tanita scale, and it shows what percentage is water, fat, etc. Now will I gain back if I start eating carbs again? Maybe. But I don't really want to start eating carbs again. I've never felt this great in my life. Could you please think of a more tactful way besides "BS" to describe someone who is just trying to help's advice?

    Sorry but when something is BS I call it BS .

    What do you have against carbs? you will never eat carbs again?
  • CarlaEds
    CarlaEds Posts: 1
    Just like you, I have been searching a way to reduce weight for years. From my experience and trials I have just found two ways to losing weight fast. You can work on these ideas or make your own plan that’ll suit your life style. The first idea is to try the General Motors diet and the second is 21 days to slim diet plan. You can also read all the discussions in this forum, gather information on how your body functions, and then device your own diet plan.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Check out a "ketogenic diet." You lose big in the first couple of weeks, but you do end up leveling out. There's a "low-carbs forum" on here that has a lot of very useful information on how to do it safely. Check out my food diary for an idea of a ketogenic diet. I've been doing it for about a month.

    The weight loss is majority water and when you start eating carbs again you gain back loads of weight in the form of glycogen. BS .

    My weigh-ins are done on a tanita scale, and it shows what percentage is water, fat, etc. Now will I gain back if I start eating carbs again? Maybe. But I don't really want to start eating carbs again. I've never felt this great in my life. Could you please think of a more tactful way besides "BS" to describe someone who is just trying to help's advice?

    Sorry but when something is BS I call it BS .

    What do you have against carbs? you will never eat carbs again?

    Well, can't hate you for speaking your mind. Really, I have nothing against carbs. I've always had a weight struggle. I lost 60lbs on Weight Watchers a few years ago, but gained back 24lbs. I was looking for a new program to try, and a co-worker of mine went and posted a before-and-after bikini shot of herself on this ketogenic diet. ABS-olutely amazing (sorry about the pun.) Anyway, she's maintained it for quite awhile now, so I figured I'd give it a shot. It was reeeeeally difficult at first. But now that I'm a month in, I feel so much better. I sleep better, my stomach issues are improving, and I am losing weight.

    The maintenance phase of this program is do-able. And scientific research is more and more backing ketogenic diets. For example, children with seizure-disorders are prescribed ketogenic diets because they help some neurological issues. Not that I have a seizure disorder, but ketogenic diets aren't just a fad.

    So... perhaps I'll run into you on here sometime in the future and I'll let you know whether or not I regret trying it. :happy:
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Check out a "ketogenic diet." You lose big in the first couple of weeks, but you do end up leveling out. There's a "low-carbs forum" on here that has a lot of very useful information on how to do it safely. Check out my food diary for an idea of a ketogenic diet. I've been doing it for about a month.

    The weight loss is majority water and when you start eating carbs again you gain back loads of weight in the form of glycogen. BS .

    My weigh-ins are done on a tanita scale, and it shows what percentage is water, fat, etc. Now will I gain back if I start eating carbs again? Maybe. But I don't really want to start eating carbs again. I've never felt this great in my life. Could you please think of a more tactful way besides "BS" to describe someone who is just trying to help's advice?

    Sorry but when something is BS I call it BS .

    What do you have against carbs? you will never eat carbs again?

    Well, can't hate you for speaking your mind. Really, I have nothing against carbs. I've always had a weight struggle. I lost 60lbs on Weight Watchers a few years ago, but gained back 24lbs. I was looking for a new program to try, and a co-worker of mine went and posted a before-and-after bikini shot of herself on this ketogenic diet. ABS-olutely amazing (sorry about the pun.) Anyway, she's maintained it for quite awhile now, so I figured I'd give it a shot. It was reeeeeally difficult at first. But now that I'm a month in, I feel so much better. I sleep better, my stomach issues are improving, and I am losing weight.

    The maintenance phase of this program is do-able. And scientific research is more and more backing ketogenic diets. For example, children with seizure-disorders are prescribed ketogenic diets because they help some neurological issues. Not that I have a seizure disorder, but ketogenic diets aren't just a fad.

    So... perhaps I'll run into you on here sometime in the future and I'll let you know whether or not I regret trying it. :happy:

    Sounds like me when I was 35+ body fat trying to find ways to lose weight . Trust me , there are no quick fixes . It boils down to calorie intake. If you eating at a deficit you WILL lose weight over time . I have a feeling you are inpatient (don't snap at me again) ;) . Calories in VS calories out .
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Well you're observant. I'm a 911 dispatcher; we're impatient by training.

    That's the thing. The OP wants advice on losing weight quickly. She's probably impatient like me. If something helps shed the fat quickly, why not? As long as you do your research and go into maintenance mode the RIGHT way, how you got there doesn't matter (barring eating disorders, obviously.) My co-worker has maintained her loss for a year and a half now. She's not actively low-carbing anymore. Just burning more calories than she takes in.

    And hey, I didn't snap at you! I thought I worded that in a very friendly manner. :tongue: - edited to add sticky-outy-tongue face so you know I'm still not snapping.
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    Hey, to the OP, if you want to try a keto diet then go for it. I have followed keto on and off for a little while now. Yes, you will have a BIG weight loss in the first week or two, yes this is water and glycogen stores. When you re-introduce carbs you will gain that weight back, that is a fact and can't by avoided.

    The weight loss on keto comes from sticking to a reduced calorie diet while doing it. This is what will lose you the weight and this is the weight you will keep off when you re-introduce carbs. Adding carbs back, as long as you are still in a calorie defecit will not cause you to gain any fat loss back that you lose on keto, only the water.

    For some people who have medical reasons, keto is pretty much the only way they can lose weight. For other people (like me) I do it because while on keto I find it SO much easier to stick to 1500 - 1600 calories a day. Once in ketosis your appetite can really drop. I don't find I crave certain foods like I do when eating carbs.

    Having said that, keto is not sustainable for me (it is for some). I enjoy higher carb veggies and fruits and other things I can't have when eating keto to do it too long term.

    The last time I did keto it was for a month. I lost 14lbs in that month and I gained 7lbs back in water within 4-5 days of coming off it. So I netted a 7lb loss which I was perfectly happy with for a month.

    But, having said all that..... 7lbs a month isn't pasticularly quick lol. That would be achievable without keto, but for me I found the month a pretty easy one without the cravings and feeling hungry.

    So to the OP, chose your own plan that you want to follow. But even if something seems a "quick" loss like keto, if you aren't planning on staying on it for life, it's not really quick. You could do the same on another plan, it's just finding what suits you and something that is sustainable. A crash diet might drop 25lbs in a month, great, as long as you don't end up deprived and binging at the end of the month and gaining most of it back. I will do keto at some point again but I know it's no miracle fix.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Once in ketosis your appetite can really drop. I don't find I crave certain foods like I do when eating carbs.

    As a compulsive over-eater, THIS is a huge benefit I've gotten from keto.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Set MFP to lose 1 pound per week. Log everything you eat, even if you go over. Use a food scale to weigh your portions. Use measuring cups/spoons for free-pouring liquids. Do not eyeball. Do not use generic entries from the database. One person's meatloaf is not going to be the same as another's so enter your own recipes. Try to get a lot of protein (MFP's goal is a minimum) and enough fat.

    Get some exercise. Eat back half of your exercise calories.

    That's really all there is to it. Low-carb can help some people reduce their calories and stay full, so if you think that will work for you then there's no harm in trying it. But if you love bread and baked goods then IMO low-carb is not sustainable long-term. I've lost 45 lbs without cutting out any types of food. I still have processed food, I still have restaurant food, and occasionally I even still have fast food.

    Not eating at night is the same deal. Nothing magical happens to your metabolism, but not eating after a certain time can help some people cut more calories. I love to eat at night, and it hasn't slowed me down.

    Don't let people over-complicate this for you. It's really very simple.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Before I begin, I do not recommend any diet and fitness plan that has the word "quick" or any word like that in it's title! Losing weight should not be expected to be fast or easy, there is no quick fix if you want to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF! Diets suck because you are starving your body of what it wants, and then once the diet is done you go crazy and gain it all back, OR you binge eat on "cheat days". Diets are out - lifestyle eating is in! Slowly make changes to your diet that are managable long term.

    The first thing that obviously needs to be taken out of your diet is processed or "fake" foods. Anything with the words "fried", "battered" "rich" "creamy" etc. need to be taken out immediately! Stay away from fast food at all cost. Like sugar, fast food triggers an affect such as addictive drugs. And like any addictive substance, the more you have it, the more you want it;therefore, the less you have it, the less you want it! Next time you get a craving for lets say, supreme fries from KFC, wait 30min - chances are the craving will go away!

    Another huge diet rule is this - don't snack after 9pm! Your metabolism is slowed down dirastically at night especially after 9pm, so any calories, fat, and sugar you intake late at night is pretty much stored as fat. Bad news bears all around. Try to walk around the house or drink a glass of water next time your getting the late night munchies! Your body will thank you for it. You will feel less gross in the morning too!

    This is well-intentioned but wrong. You don't have to cut out any types of food, just fit them into your calorie/macro goals. You don't have to stop eating at 9. Your metabolism does not slow down just because you're asleep.
    Interestingly, at the very least it does not appear that the average overall energy expenditure during sleep is any different than resting metabolic rate (RMR) during the day (2, 3). Additionally, it appears that exercise increases sleeping metabolic rate significantly leading to greater fat oxidation during sleep (4). This seems to be in line with data from Zhang et al. which demonstrated that obese individuals had sleeping metabolic rates lower than their resting metabolic rates, whereas lean individuals had sleeping metabolic rates significantly greater than their resting metabolic rate (3). So unless you are obese, not only does your metabolism NOT slow down during sleep, it actually increases! The idea that you should avoid carbs at night because your metabolism slows down and you won’t ‘burn them off’ definitely doesn’t pass the litmus test. (studies cited at the end of the article)

    You have 25 lbs to lose, OP, but you're not obese. Don't sweat eating at night.
  • courtneyemilyy
    Thanks!! Good luck on your journey! Add me if you like, we could both always use a new personal cheerleader! And message me if you have any questions or anything :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    This isn't the OP who was starting the Water Fast and Cayenne Pepper diet threads, is it?
  • courtneyemilyy
    I really dont think people should ignore eating lots of fruits and vegetables, avoiding fast food, and snacking late at night! And I would like to point out that I also said that the point of this is to not try to do anything that you can't keep up long term :) So no need to call what I said rubbish.
  • spidey11186
    spidey11186 Posts: 141 Member
    You want a tip... here's the BEST tip you'll get all day.

    Stop looking for a "quick" way to lose weight. Proper exercise and healthy eating (a.k.a. TOTAL lifestyle transformation) is the only way to achieve the goal you're looking for... and I hate to break it to ya... there is NOTHING quick about it. It takes lots of time, hard work, and dedication.
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    Oh dear God, so much bad info.

    I'm impatient too but you know what? The time will pass anyway. Do it right.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I really dont think people should ignore eating lots of fruits and vegetables, avoiding fast food, and snacking late at night! And I would like to point out that I also said that the point of this is to not try to do anything that you can't keep up long term :) So no need to call what I said rubbish.

    No offense, but avoiding fast food is pointless, and snacking late at night is perfectly fine.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    how old are you?