To All of My Vegans Out There...



  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I've been vegan (falling off the wagon here and there, especially since my hubby and everyone I know kept trying to force it on me till I finally got the courage to say no) for about a year now.
    I've been a low fat raw vegan (80/10/10, 30BAD, fruitarian, whatever you want to call it :P) for two weeks! :)

    I decided to go vegan to heal my somewhat broken digestive system, as my body became intolerant to casein and lactose, wheat/gluten, onions and garlic, and most types of grains. I also wanted to remove the personal guilt I felt when I ate something that used to be alive. I come from a family of farmers so this is a foreign concept to everyone I know, but after doing what I felt in my heart, I feel so at peace and happy.

    I don't weigh myself often because I'm at a healthy weight, but I know I've lost at least 5 pounds of fat, gained some muscle (I'm strength training and doing cardio 4-6x a week), and lost 1 inch off my thighs, 1 inch off my waist, and 1 inch off my hips after switching from cooked high protein moderate fat vegan, to 80/10/10.

    My favorite exercise is walking REALLY fast on 15% incline on the treadmill, closing my eyes, grabbing the handles, and dance-walking to my cranked up iPod! xP hehe I also love any strength training involving quads or leg presses.

    My favorite meal currently is either:
    1. A head of romaine lettuce cut into 'chips' with two huge bowls of mango salsa and a giant banana-date-jackfruit smoothie on the side (I'm talking giant, 800-1000 calories)
    2. "Fruit-shi" (hehe). Basically I mix reduced fat shredded organic coconut with really ripe mango puree and jalapeno puree for my delicious 'rice', spread it onto an unroasted nori sheet, add medjool dates, julienned cucumber, tomatoes, lychee fruit, raw sweet corn (basically whatever sounds like a flavor explosion), and roll it up with my sushi mat and add some homemade agave hotsauce or chili mango sauce on top.
  • Morn66
    Morn66 Posts: 96

    1 & 2) I've been vegetarian pretty much all my life. From the time I was a small child, I could not abide the texture of meat, any meat. And I really hated fish because of the smell and really REALLY hated seafood because of both the texture AND the smell. Eventually, while growing up in the 70s in the Midwest, I learned to tolerate chicken, but only the breast meat and only if it wasn't tough or stringy. I did that only because at the time in the Midwest, there was no such thing as a "vegetarian option" on a restaurant menu. But all the while I loved dairy and eggs. So, I was ovo-lacto.

    I've been vegan since mid-April. I transitioned because I was diagnosed with heart failure and heart-failure-induced liver failure. My doc recommended cutting animal protein to spare wear and tear on my liver as well as my kidneys. So, I dropped the eggs and dairy. The latter was easy. The former...not so easy. But it was made a lot easier when I discovered black salt to put on Ye Olde Tofu Scramble. The sulfur in the salt mimics the sulfur in egg yolk, infusing the tofu with an egg flavor. Add some nooch and turmeric for color and BOOM! I honestly can't tell my tofu scramble from real scrambled eggs anymore.

    3) I really can't say how much weight I've lost. Much of my "weight loss" lately (probably about 45lbs since the beginning of April) is because of impaired metabolism. Unfortunately, I've lost muscle mass because of that. I'm smaller, but my body fat percentage is up. But it's also true that I retain water like crazy, so my weight is all over the place. It's not uncommon for me to gain and lose (sometimes both over the course of the same day!) 5 lbs a day, just from retaining or purging fluid. So, I don't really pay attention to weight because for me it's very meaningless. The overall trend is downward, though.

    4) I work in a department of five people. Of the five, three (including me) are vegan, one for ethical reasons (She's also Ayurvedic), one for health/nutrition reasons (she's also celiac and gluten-free), and one (me) because I have to be. We annoy the other two with our "vegan talk," but they're certainly not averse to eating our food when we bring stuff to share among us! Aside from that, I live in an area that's sort of hippie-ish in the US Southwest, so it isn't surprising here when you say "I'm vegan." In fact, the servers in the restaurants will say, "Oh, awesome. Here's our vegan specials for the day." So, no big deal.

    5) My favorite exercise: Walking my two dogs on cool evenings after the afternoon thunderstorms have gone through. I walk them slowly. It's pretty much the only exercise I can do for more than 5 minutes without having to sit down and gasp for breath for 10. :D I also do some light upper body strength training, trying to stem the tide of muscle wasting, but I can't say that I enjoy that. Really, it exhausts me. :(
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    How long have you been vegan?

    Zero years.
    Why did you decide to go vegan?

    I will probably never go vegan because suffering isn't a zero sum game.
    How much weight has been lost from being vegan, even if your reason for becoming vegan has nothing to do with weight loss?

    Truthfully, I can say none.
    How do people respond when you tell them that "I'm vegan"?

    They would probably laugh because they know I'd be joking.


    What is your favorite exercise?

    I love the elliptical machine.
  • presentlymadi
    How long have you been vegan?
    Just about 11 months~ I'll be hitting my 1 year mark on August 31st :)
    Why did you decide to go vegan?
    I've always loved animals. It just made sense. When I found out all the cruelty that goes on in the animal product industries I made the decision that I couldn't keep eating animals or their products.
    How much weight has been lost from being vegan, even if your reason for becoming vegan has nothing to do with weight loss?
    Unlike a lot of people when they go vegan, I gained weight. Something like 2 or 3 pounds. Bummer, but I was eating a lot of sugary, really fatty foods, so I guess it should be expected. I'm getting on the right track now, though :smile:
    How do people respond when you tell them that "I'm vegan"?
    -:noway: "Wow, you're CRAZY. I could NEVER give up meat. I mean, c'mon, BACON. HOW DO YOU LIVE WITHOUT BACON??????? AND CHEESE? AND ICE CREAM???? WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN?"
    -:huh: :grumble: "Vegan? Are you trying to play God? Did you know that humans are animals too? Would you get mad at a lion for eating a zebra???"
    -:laugh: "Did you know that vegetarian is apache for bad hunter?"
    -:wink: "As long as you don't judge me for eating meat! I LOVE meat."
    What is your favorite exercise?
    I like running and swimming most :smile:
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    How long have you been vegan?
    Just about 11 months~ I'll be hitting my 1 year mark on August 31st :)
    Why did you decide to go vegan?
    I've always loved animals. It just made sense. When I found out all the cruelty that goes on in the animal product industries I made the decision that I couldn't keep eating animals or their products.
    How much weight has been lost from being vegan, even if your reason for becoming vegan has nothing to do with weight loss?
    Unlike a lot of people when they go vegan, I gained weight. Something like 2 or 3 pounds. Bummer, but I was eating a lot of sugary, really fatty foods, so I guess it should be expected. I'm getting on the right track now, though :smile:
    How do people respond when you tell them that "I'm vegan"?
    -:noway: "Wow, you're CRAZY. I could NEVER give up meat. I mean, c'mon, BACON. HOW DO YOU LIVE WITHOUT BACON??????? AND CHEESE? AND ICE CREAM???? WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN?"
    -:huh: :grumble: "Vegan? Are you trying to play God? Did you know that humans are animals too? Would you get mad at a lion for eating a zebra???"
    -:laugh: "Did you know that vegetarian is apache for bad hunter?"
    -:wink: "As long as you don't judge me for eating meat! I LOVE meat."
    What is your favorite exercise?
    I like running and swimming most :smile:

    Congrats on going nearly one year Vegan! That's pretty amazing! I can't wait until my one year in March 2014. I know as the transition to veganism happens, it is very easy to get caught up in eating a lot of fat and carbs to compensate from what you're taking away. I slipped up a few times with consuming too much sugar, but I am certainly watching my intake everyday. Oh the things people say! How rude, mean, and inconsiderate on a choice that YOU decided to make for yourself. It bugs me how people can be afraid of something they're not used to. But anyway, Thank you for sharing! Congrats again!
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    I have 8 angus beef burgers in fridge. i will eat them tomorrow all day. Instead of cheesecake.

    Humans are hunters and gatherers, not hipsters by our DNA.

    Beef burgers need to pepper their angus

    jk not srs. respect to nonmeat eaters for their choice, but a lean meat or fish is required for good fitness and looks, for men at least

    Haha I appreciate the respect, bruh! :)
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 272 Member
    jk not srs. respect to nonmeat eaters for their choice, but a lean meat or fish is required for good fitness and looks, for men at least

    Haha I know a whole lot of vegan atheletes that would dispute your assertion. Rip Esselstyn, Carl Lewis, Mac Danzig, etc, etc.
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 272 Member
    How long have you been vegan?
    7-8 months (Technically, I'm not a vegan. I eat a whold foods plant based diet, essentially a vegan diet. I do this for health reasons, not ethical or moral reasons.)
    Why did you decide to go vegan?
    I watched Forks Over Knives, then validated the claims made in the documentary by several channels and lines of evidence. I decided to try it for 3 weeks. At the end of the 3 weeks I felt good and wanted to go another 3 weeks. At the end of the 6 weeks I decided I should try it for 6 months and see how I felt, since 1) I was setting PR's in cycling and skiing, and 2) I felt REALLY good. At the 6 month mark (June) I decided to go 6 years and reevaluate.
    How much weight has been lost from being vegan, even if your reason for becoming vegan has nothing to do with weight loss?
    I lost 20 and have gained 10. I'm approximately 20 pounds overweight right now.
    How do people respond when you tell them that "I'm vegan"?
    I tell people I eat a vegan diet, but that I'm not a vegan. I just eat like one.
    What is your favorite exercise?
    mountain biking in the summer, and AT skiing in the winter.
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    I was raw vegan before for 6 months and fell off of the wagon due to bad influences in my life. I've been back to being a vegan now for 2 months and plan to stay that way for good.

    I decided to go vegan for my health, to try to cure my uterine fibroids and hormonal imbalances.

    The first time, I lost 30 lbs, this time I haven't counted how much that I've lost since I went vegan, only the amount that I've lost since being on this site.

    The last comment that I heard from someone when I told them was "oh your're one of those people"

    I also often feel funny if I want to wear one of my vegan shirts and my boyfriend wants me to pick up something for him at the store. I don't want to end up in a photo of "The People Of Wal-Mart" in my vegan T-Shirt with a chicken in my basket lol.

    My favorite exercise is surfing and riding my road bike
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I am making my way to vegetarian. I have meat maybe once a week. I researched into veganism and there is just too much processed vegan foods. I want my eggs and cheese. I just try to make sure they are natural as I can find. I know exactly where my eggs come from and what the chickens eat. I buy from a farm a mile away. She showed me the organic feed she uses and I read the label. The chickens are free to run around. She has two huge coups for them to sleep in. Cheese is a hit and miss, imo.

    I only want to stop eating meat due to the crap they put into and force the animals to eat. You can imagine what they do to our bodies after seeing what they do to the animals bodies.
  • crystig
    crystig Posts: 17 Member
    How long have you been vegan? 5 months!

    Why did you decide to go vegan? For a couple reasons, I read the Skinny ***** book and my eyes were widened with the realities of commercial farming. I had no idea what it was really like! Also, I've had stomach problems for years, I've had tons of test and nothing has shown up. I decided to do the 30 day vegan challenge (peta) and I've felt so amazing since. My stomach pain has vanished, I have tons of energy, weight loss and I just generally feel amazing!

    How much weight has been lost from being vegan, even if your reason for becoming vegan has nothing to do with weight loss? 15 Pounds

    How do people respond when you tell them that "I'm vegan"? Well some family members (mostly my mom) questioned why I would think meat and dairy is bad (she was raised on a beef and dairy farm!) however, pretty much everyone else has been really supportive or at least hasn't made any comments to me. I thought my carnivore husband would really bug me about it but not at all! He's actually trying to learn to cook more food that I like (he won't eat it though! :) ). Even my 6 year old son is saying he doesn't want meat on his pizza anymore!


    What is your favorite exercise? Yoga vinyassa's

    Thanks and I hope everyone is doing well today!
  • cordeliaflyte
    Been vegan for 18 years and vegetarian for 26, I think. I went veggie as a freshman in high school after listening to too many Smiths records! So, at first it was ethics, but later, as I learned more, it was also about health.
  • shoosht
    shoosht Posts: 1 Member
    I've been vegetarian since I was 12/13 and vegan since I was about 19/20; I'm 26 now. When I was younger, it was mostly a case of liking animals and feeling bad about eating them. I dropped the other things gradually, as I learnt more and struggled to justify continuing to consume them.

    I've always been fairly slim so weight loss wasn't a thing for me. I definitely didn't do it healthily in the beginning though (through ignorance) and wouldn't promote veganism as a way to lose weight.

    People usually tell me they (or someone they knew) tried to be vegetarian/vegan then explain why they had to stop, tell me they couldn't do it because they love bacon/cheese/steak too much or ask where I get my protein from. I never know what to say back to the first two and I rarely get the impression people asking about protein are sincerely interested so I just smile and say "plants" now.

    Rock climbing is my favorite :)
  • kristahlmaria
    kristahlmaria Posts: 2 Member
    How long have you been vegan?
    In total eight months. Due to moving overseas I changed my diet back for a while but now I am one hundred percent committed.

    Why did you decide to go vegan?
    - My health and nutritional needs over the years combined with my intolerances (dairy, gluten and heavy foods like potatoes)
    - For a healthier lifestyle (eating Vegan gives me more energy and I love to workout and do yoga as well as having a clean, clear mind)
    - I am highly interested in the nutritional values, diet and lifestyle.
    -.The feeling of knowing I am not killing a living being to enjoy a meal.

    How much weight has been lost from being vegan, even if your reason for becoming vegan has nothing to do with weight loss?
    When I first went vegan I lost eleven kilos and since returning to being Vegan I have seen a lot more tone and shape and less inflammation. Most of my weight loss is due to both exercise, a new job and my diet.

    How do people respond when you tell them that "I'm vegan"?
    - Friends accept that it's my diet and lifestyle choice.
    - My family don't quiet understand but accept none the less.
    - My partner is supportive and doesn't question much or pester.
    - Strangers and work colleagues either just nod and change the subject or do the million questions about where I get nutrients etc though most just roll their eyes or shake their heads at my 'overly healthy' meals.

    What is your favorite exercise?
    At the moment my favourite exercise would have to be cycling. It's my mode of transport so it helps! I also enjoy yoga though need to enjoy much more.