

  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    Here here! Lets try to get this **** under control before we turn 30!
    My thought exactly! before the metabolism slows down!
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 24 and I was too chubby for my teens and now far too chubby for my 20's!! I have another 48lbs to loose to reach my goal weight, and am 2lbs away from being my lowest adult weight! WHOOOOO!

    We will all hit our 30s healthy and fit, let's kick the chubby 20's in the butt and do it!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I got that cook book Deceptively delicious from the library. If youve never heard of it its great. She addes different veggie purees into normal stuff, Ive made the brownies (I think I added to much puree but the kids very much enjoyed them), banana bread (in a cake pan, cant find my loaf pan) and just made the mac and cheese. So far its all rpetty good. I wanna add some nuts to the bread next time though czu I prefer banana nut bread. Its kinda fun seeing what I can add. I hate veggies so its good for me and my son who wont touch any veggies at all. My daughter however is a bunny in her previous life and will only eat veggies. Im going to try out the chocolate chip muffins tonight. Anywyas something you guys might be interested in if your a picky eater like my son or myself.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I got that cook book Deceptively delicious from the library. If youve never heard of it its great. She addes different veggie purees into normal stuff, Ive made the brownies (I think I added to much puree but the kids very much enjoyed them), banana bread (in a cake pan, cant find my loaf pan) and just made the mac and cheese. So far its all rpetty good. I wanna add some nuts to the bread next time though czu I prefer banana nut bread. Its kinda fun seeing what I can add. I hate veggies so its good for me and my son who wont touch any veggies at all. My daughter however is a bunny in her previous life and will only eat veggies. Im going to try out the chocolate chip muffins tonight. Anywyas something you guys might be interested in if your a picky eater like my son or myself.
  • tater8589
    Me too, Me too :) I always like new friends
  • sunnee
    I'm 21 and a graduating senior this year. I want to be a size 12 before grad school.
  • Tasha1476
    Maybe to spark some conversation, what prompted all of you to decide to lose weight?
    And also, how are you going about doing it?

    The reason I decided to is because I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was taken and the nurse informed me it was bordering high. She suggested I look into lowering it. And then when I stood on the scale my heart dropped: 218. The heaviest I'd ever been. So I decided how I Was going to lower my blood pressure, I was going to lose weight.

    Not only that, obesity runs in my family. I put on weight easily and I've always loved my starches and junk food.

    I've gone about this by NOT going on a diet. I absolutely AM NOT on a diet. I'm just making healthier choices about what I eat. But if I want ice cream, I can still have it, I just have to have not pigged out all day. I decided I don't want to wholly deny myself anything, because there's too many times I've tried more extreme diets and given up after a week because of wanting something I couldn't have and giving in.

    It's been 7 weeks now and 14 pounds are off. I think it's working!

    there are several reasons I decided to lose weight. Firstly, I have dreamed of being an actress all my life, and studied it all my life, but in auditions, I lack confidence, because I don't like myself, and as a result, the casting people don't like me either. The second reason being that my mom died at age 32 (when I was 9) because of a clogged artery. I do not want that to be me, so I get regular check up and have started to exercise regularly and eat healthy ( but not strictly, as you said, if I want ice cream I have ice cream! :D). I am so grateful to be making this change at 22, when I can make the adjustment and live a full healthy life ahead of me.

    congrats on your 14 pounds! Keep it up! :D
  • jenuwine
    Hi! im 26 (almost) and around the 145pound mark. I want to be 120ish and really feel im of the age and point in life where i should b the fab person i want to be. So here I am!:drinker:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I got that cook book Deceptively delicious from the library. If youve never heard of it its great. She addes different veggie purees into normal stuff, Ive made the brownies (I think I added to much puree but the kids very much enjoyed them), banana bread (in a cake pan, cant find my loaf pan) and just made the mac and cheese. So far its all rpetty good. I wanna add some nuts to the bread next time though czu I prefer banana nut bread. Its kinda fun seeing what I can add. I hate veggies so its good for me and my son who wont touch any veggies at all. My daughter however is a bunny in her previous life and will only eat veggies. Im going to try out the chocolate chip muffins tonight. Anywyas something you guys might be interested in if your a picky eater like my son or myself.

    I'm going to have to get this book! I love cooking and I've been looking for healthy foods :)
  • Thea_N
    I'm 21 and a graduating senior this year. I want to be a size 12 before grad school.

    Girl! I feel you! I'm 21 and got a handle on it, i lost 35 in less than a year.. it is SO much easier to do than you think.. once your mindset is right... you are UNSTOPPABLE. NO ONE can temp you to cheat, because in the back of your head you see the big picture. you want to be healthy and happy and feel comfortable in your own skin.. dont let food control you, all i can say is its in your hands and once you reach your goal no food could comfort you like the confidence you have in your new improved and enlightened self!
  • wannabthatgirl
    Today has started Ok:happy: ! My DH got up and got ready for work let me sleep and checked on our 1 yr old little girl who has been sick for the past week with double ear infection and has had a fever for 3 days strait,,, :drinker: Fever finally broke Thank goodness so he said he was going to let me stay in bed and try to leave very quiet so as to not wake the babies! I got to sleep tell 8:30am which was very nice!!! on the other hand I woke up to a nice Visit from TOM for the week Ughhh:grumble: cramps and Craving chocolate Cake:grumble: !!! babies had breakfast and begged to go outside and play which Sarah (1yrold) hasnt done in about 4 or 5 days so we got ready :glasses: and went out to play in the morning cool but it's gotten hot out so we came in for there naps before lunch time!!! I managed to get about 5 min of leisure walking in so far and sweat about a gallon off its 91degrees out today which is alot cooler then it has been being!! I got a few pic's of the first fall leaves in my yard :ohwell: I love fall its great weather for walking and exercising outside here:bigsmile: !!! This also means that Winter is just around the corner again :brokenheart: !!! Well DH home for lunch TTYL!!!

    Hey, what does "DH" mean- I know I am a little off topic here but I read it in lots of places on here and don't have a clue! =)
  • misstricky
    I just turned 26 and when I went to the doctor, he told me I was 13 lbs more than i was in 2005, and that I had better try to lose it now before I hit 30. So that is my first goal, to go back to what I was in 2005. I was never that big, but never super tiny when I was younger. I always thought I had to lose weight, and looking back I really did not! I was so hard on myself. Now I really do need to lose the weight.

    So far so good, but I still have so long to go. The scale is a scary thing and I think that will be the hardest part of staying motivated. I am not going to be in my normal environment for the next two weeks (I'm going to be in NYC next week for work-releated things, and on vacation in New England the last week of September) and I'm very nervous about what is going to happen. I want to continue my progress but I'm scared of what will happen when I don't have access to my gym! I'm going to try to get myself to get to an NYC gym next week and walk as much as humanly possible.
  • Tasha1476
    I just turned 26 and when I went to the doctor, he told me I was 13 lbs more than i was in 2005, and that I had better try to lose it now before I hit 30. So that is my first goal, to go back to what I was in 2005. I was never that big, but never super tiny when I was younger. I always thought I had to lose weight, and looking back I really did not! I was so hard on myself. Now I really do need to lose the weight.

    So far so good, but I still have so long to go. The scale is a scary thing and I think that will be the hardest part of staying motivated. I am not going to be in my normal environment for the next two weeks (I'm going to be in NYC next week for work-releated things, and on vacation in New England the last week of September) and I'm very nervous about what is going to happen. I want to continue my progress but I'm scared of what will happen when I don't have access to my gym! I'm going to try to get myself to get to an NYC gym next week and walk as much as humanly possible.

    As far as NYC goes, I can give you some restaurants with healthier options and stuff if you are interested. :D
  • misstricky
    As far as NYC goes, I can give you some restaurants with healthier options and stuff if you are interested. :D

    Aw thanks! I think I'm set mostly because I grew up there/ and actually lived there for the past year (which is how I gained the weight! Sitting everyday in an office in the city!). But thanks! :) I'm just gonna try to eat light during the day so its ok if I end up having a drink or two/dinner with my old co-workers. :)
  • Srob26
    I'm 27 and on board!! great idea we are all in this together
  • Srob26
    I had the same problem, met my husband and we put the weight on together. Also when i had my children i switched my work hours to 2nd shift. I'd come home at 11pm and have dinner then go to bed AWFUL that became a habit and now i have the habit of wanting to snack late at night. My husband takes weight loss pills i however do not want to take suppliments so i am trying to go about this the natural old fashion way.. eating well and exercise.. I wish everyone the best of luck in becomeing closer to their goals!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Wannabthatgirl: DH means darling husband. I know I use it a lot here!

    vbos: I LOVE your ticker!! That is some great motivation right there! ;)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I am also in. I've always been a bit on the bigger than I should be side (I'm about 175- carrying it well only goes so far at 5'3"!) I've been doing pretty well- almost 2 weeks and almost exactly on track!

    A good place to go for a "meal plan" is The main focus of the article is the work out, but I really found the 6 weeks of scheduled meals (plus a grocery list) to be really helpful!

    1) its about 1500 calories a day, which helped me transition to the slightly lower calorie suggestion here
    2) I found it made me feel more secure knowing I had a stand by
    3) I thought of it more as "guidelines" than actual rules (Pirates style), and so when I wanted/needed for my schedule to go outside the rules, I let myself without guilt tripping.
    4)The meal options are good ones to keep in mind, even if you don't follow the exact schedule (BERRY WAFFLEWICHES WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE...or at least your breakfast)
    5)idk about anyone else in your 20's but having someone tell me what the hell to get at the grocery store was a freaking relief.

    anywho. that's me.
  • mkpeacock
    The reason I decided to start a new life,, among other reasons!!!
    I am 26, I have been as high as 200lbs right after my second child,, I was 170 after having my 4th but had made it back to 195 when I stumbled on to MFP App on my iPod after having a breakdown moment with a BMI calculator I found and I was Obese.. then and there I decided I would NOT hit 200lbs again!!! I started MFP on the 16th of Aug!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    This is a GREAT idea I'm gonna love this thread!

    So, I was a healthy weight all through high school and then after it seems like each year I packed on ten pounds :( until i reached 192 and i'm 5'8 (this puts me at overweight BMI) so over the summer i dropped down to 175 and then gained about 7lbs back. I would like to start a family very soon so i really want to have a healthy pregnancy and make it easier for me to drop the weight after.

    I'm currently lacking motivation. Similar to another MFPer on this thread I lossed my gpa in April and ever since I feel like i'm constantly worried about my gma and being there for her that I don't have much time for anything else. So, I've been stressed and getting depressed. I really wanna get out of that and get back to positive thinking. I recently ordered the Zumba dvds and I can't wait to try them out.

    Here are my stats:
    SW: 192
    CW: 180
    GW: 140

    Oh ya, I'm 25 and I wanna be a healthy for the rest of my twenties :)