meals under 400 cal.

there are a million websites that have recipes for meals under 400-500 calories. however, i want to know your simple and easy meals under 400-500 cal. recipes.

i'm a lousy cook and have the patience of a child. :)


  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Thursday this week I made mai fun with pork added. The chicken version of this is posted to the 'show me your recipes' thread.

    3/4 cup mixed vegetables
    3/4 tsp seasoned salt
    1 oz (dry) rice noodles
    1 large egg
    2 little sizzlers
    1 cup (raw) napa cabbage/hakusai
    1 green onion

    First, fry the pork and set it aside along with the grease that came from it. Then put water in the pot and slowly add the following: rice noodles, eggs, mixed vegetables, and finally napa cabbage/hakusai. Vegetables should be somewhat limp but not done. Drain and mix in the pork/grease along with green onion and seasoned salt. Enjoy!
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    1 lb ground turkey
    2 roman tomatoes
    1/2 white or red onion n
    1 seeded jalapeño
    Salt and pepper to taste...

    cook the turkey in a skillet just till the pink is gone add veggies, and cook for another few min just to blend the flavors a bit, and finnish Browning the meat

    Pair it with brown rice and broccoli... I awesome combo.

    1/2 Cup of the ground turkey stuff
    1/2 cup brown rice
    1 cup broccoli

    Under 30 min to make and under 400 cal

    ** also good in tacos, oddly enough with mustard or more traditional salsa
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,867 Member
    150g of steak and a salad. Minimize the use of olive oil by spraying the steak and grilling on a cast iron griddle pan.
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    bump :bigsmile:
  • fairyt4l3s
    fairyt4l3s Posts: 31
    There's some really good recipes on the BBC food website! Including a lasagne that's only 350kcal per portion and chicken korma thats 290kcal per portion without rice :)
  • Beavergong
    Beavergong Posts: 178 Member
    1/2 cup carrot and 1/2 cup pumpkin dry baked in the oven on bake paper for an hour. Add a 70g salmon fillet topped with 1 teas of ginger and low salt soy for the last 20 minutes. Serve with lettuce greens or 1/2 cup of broccoli. Comes in just under 200 calories.
  • eroyboy93
    eroyboy93 Posts: 32
  • thank you! this is something i could make myself :D
  • this sounds even better. i'm such a fan of this <3
  • i'm going to try all these recipes in the next month! thank you so much.
  • Donna_Houghton
    Donna_Houghton Posts: 62 Member
    Not quite under 400 cals - but it's worth splashing out!

    Mango Chicken Pitta

    1 mango
    1 ripe avocado
    1 small red onion
    10 cherry tomatoes
    3/4 cucumber
    1 chicken breast
    60g Philadelphia light (or another low fat cream cheese)
    1 heaped tsp curry powder
    2 pitta breads
    2 handfuls of spinach leaves or shredded iceberg lettuce

    Cut the chicken breast into small strips and dry fry in a pan then leave to one side.

    Chop the mango, avocado, red onion, cherry tomatoes and cucumber and place in a big mixing bowl. Add the chicken and curry powder.

    Add the Philadelphia light and mix well.

    Put the pitta breads into the toaster. Whilst you are waiting on them toasting add half of the spinach/lettuce to each plate. When lightly toasted add 1 pitta to each plate then open them ready to be filled.

    Add a few leaves into the bottom of each pitta and then stuff each one with the mango chicken mixture.

    Divide the remaining mixture between the two plates, placing it on top of the spinach/lettuce and serve.

    SERVES 2 – 481 calories per serving
  • I have a cookbook with 300 calories or less recipes. I will email you some tomorrow!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Do you watch the cooking shows like food network? The easiest way to eat low cal meals is to learn how to cook...simple cooking that is. I steam a lot of vegies. Even when i stir fry it's low fat. A little cheese on top of vegies doesn't add many calories, and siracha adds even less. Start with the majority of your plate as vegies and add on from there. For example 1.5 oz of wheat pasta mixed with 2 cups of vegies is still a lot of pasta and will fill you up. Soup (in general) is low cal and filling. Even better if you make your own. Soba noodles (2oz or less) are great with asian vegies, hot sauce and sesame oil. Try it with bok choy, celery, pea pods and onions, etc. even a small piece of protein (4oz or less) will be filling if you have a ton of vegies on your plate. I really think that's key.

    Almost all meals I serve at home are around 400-500 calories. They always have at least two courses. I start with either salad or vegetable based soup. Salad always has home mixed dressing (olive oil, balsamic, and garlic or shallots as base then add in what I feel like...dijon mustard, honey, yogurt, whatever). The first course slows you down and always fills you up with vegies. Second course always has more vegies and usually a little protein of either fish or dairy. Sometimes bread or noodles. Again, key is always filling up with mostly vegies and however they taste good for you. For me it's either cheese on top (a little goes a long way) or hot sauce.

    If I add a third course of desert, it's more calories of course. But sometimes you need to. :-). Even then, you can limit desert to fresh fruit maybe with a little balsamic.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    One more tip, half of cooking (simple dishes anyways) is the prep work. In order to break up the monotony, I do a little prep work in the morning and a little in the evening. Also, I take my ipad in the kitchen and play pandora. Listening to music while chopping vegies makes it more fun.
  • mish24canada
    mish24canada Posts: 152 Member
    I use cookling light magazine that have a lot of great recipes that are under 400 calories they actually taste good and are easy to make
  • Sandwich of:
    one slice turkey,
    long generous slice of zucchini and cucumber,
    1/4 roasted green pepper,
    teeny bit of mayo
    plenty of mustard
    Placed in between two large pieces of romaine lettuce instead of bread


    1 package of tofu shirataki noodles (only 40 cals and 6 carbs) rinsed and dry fried w/
    1/4 cup of pizza sauce (lower sugar and cal than spaghetti sauce... 25 cals)
    any other seasonings or diced raw veggies

    Sooo good and SUPER LOW CAL!
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Bump to check out later!
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    Well, something Really simple and low cal that I ate today is salmon fillet with peas... That's it...

    100ish gram salmon fillet
    200ish gram peas
    5 gram butter

    Season the salmon with whatever you want(I like herbal salt, this one curry thai spice you can get in basically any swedish supermarket and cayenne), boil the peas for 5ish minutes with some salt, fry the salmon in the butter 5 min on each side. Done. 383 calories. Add some low fat sauce or something if you like and can fit the calories.

    The good thing with this (can you even call it a) recipe is that the water takes around 5 min to boil (if the pease are frozen, just rinse them in hot water before boiling, it'll go way faster) so it's basically all done in 10 min.