Confused and Discouraged.....



  • rborkows
    rborkows Posts: 4
    I'd suggest learning to like straight black coffee. No sugar, no creamer. Takes a couple days, but after that you get your caffeine for zero calories. Congrats on the smoking!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    Discouraged?! This is a success story!!! You should be immensely proud of yourself. Don't worry about the pounds - that will work itself out in a week or so. Want to gain five pounds overnight? Eat a whole bunch of salt, your body will retain a ton of water, and it will look like you've gained weight.

    As an earlier poster noted, caffeine is a diuretic; this increases the body's production of urine. This means that without the coffee, your body IS adapting, producing less urine, retaining more water, and will need a little time to adapt.

    Congratulations on quitting smoking! You will find that you have substantially more energy and feel better and more able to work out.

    You may find yourself in the virtuous cycle now :-)
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    I'd suggest learning to like straight black coffee. No sugar, no creamer. Takes a couple days, but after that you get your caffeine for zero calories. Congrats on the smoking!

    I am limiting my self to two Cups of coffee a day. And I am reducing the amount of creamer in it.
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    Well, I just weighed myself and I have lost 2 PDS in the past 5 hrs. I stopped drinking all that water........ water Retention perhaps. I hope so..........

    That was my guess. But don't stop drinking water because of that. Likely part of it was due to your walking regime going from over 10k a day to 4k a day as well.

    Congratulations on quitting smoking! I'm a Respiratory Therapist and I've seen end stage COPD. It's a slow and tortuous death and I don't wish it on anyone!

    Be patient! And don't worry too much about the scale if your goal is getting healthy, you're on your way! :)
  • jardin12
    jardin12 Posts: 62 Member
    Quit smoking 7 years ago - the best thing ever. So nice to get that monkey off my back. Best thing now for you is to make sure you stay a non-smoker. I think that should be your top priority. You may gain weight, you may not. I didn't but it took five years to get healthy. I mean it took me five years to be eating healthy every day and get fit. Still working on it too. Best wishes to you and to all here xxx
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I realized when I was first trying to lose weight before my wedding in 2010 that I was putting too much stuff in my coffee. In January of that year, my coffee was a med French Vanilla Dunkin Donuts coffee with 3 sugars and 6 creams. My goal at first was just to use less of both and by May, I was down to 1 sugar and 3 creams.

    I liked this mix so I kept making my coffee this way until January of this year. I could tell by my food diaries that I was still getting too much sugar and the coffee was to blame. So, I decided to eliminate the sugar completely and try to use a little less cream. Now I have 2 creams only and I find my waistline is finally starting to shrink a little more. It's sad how much calories are in sugar and cream when coffee itself as so little calories.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Congrats to you!! Haven't seen this mentioned,but you can be more prepared than I was when I quit smoking.

    Maybe it was just me,but I found diet to be much harder than quitting cigs.Also quit cold turkey & after 3 wks or so,it got easier. Sweets caused me to crave a smoke for a while.

    With smoking,you can quit,BOOM,but not so with food.You still have food in the house,you buy food,cook food & get offered food at so many places. Took me several tries to get this healthier eating down,you notice I don't say healthy,cause I still have a goodie or two most days.:bigsmile:

    Good luck,you are doing great!:flowerforyou:
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member

    If I were you I'd resume smoking temporarily, while working on reducing the creamer. If you can't quit it cold turkey, start adding nonfat milk to it every day until in a month you're drinking all nonfat milk and no creamer. If you can drink coffee with nonfat milk for three months and are sticking to your plan and losing weight I would then try to stop smoking. But remember, smoking cessation often causes people to gain weight so you have to be prepared.

    There's no point in making yourself miserable; it will only backfire.

    Are you serious? Resume Smoking? Temporarily? Sorry but that is just NOT gonna happen. I am on day 5....... a pack and a half a day to Zero. I feel much better already..... and if I have to have a choice between being a fat non-smoker or a skinny smoker, I will take the fat Option. LOL

    Good for you on recognizing this for complete BS. You know what they say, if you can tell the difference between good advice and bad advice, you don't need advice. :) Not entirely true, but funny. Anyway, I agree with others. Let your metabolism shake itself out. You've reviewed your plan. If it's a good plan, and you are sticking to it, trust your plan. Everyone has a few weeks where nothing moves for seemingly no reason. Could be sodium, could be glycogen rearranging itself, could be lots of things. Weight loss isn't linear. It goes in whooshes and stalls. The whooshes are fun. The stalls suck. Trust your plan and trust yourself. Don't lie to yourself, like with the creamer, but if you know you're accounting for things, weighing, measuring, tracking, etc. then trust yourself and trust your plan.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Thanks for the Support. The funny Thing is that I am not dieting to lose weight..... I am changing my Lifestyle to lose weight. I would two days without eating...... When I did eat, it was one meal.... usually at the end of the day.

    I dont drink Soda or Pop...... alcohol, less that once a month... and usually only a glass of wine or a cosmos with dinner.

    I lived on coffee and smokes.......

    Started to make the Change..... eating and tracking my Food........ exercising....doing at least 10.5 KM per day......

    Was making excellent Progress and decided to stop Smoking and the creamer.

    I have yet to meet my calorie intake..... before I ditched the coffee creamer. I was always almost 900 under.

    Dude, you may need to rethink your relationship with food.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Well, I just weighed myself and I have lost 2 PDS in the past 5 hrs. I stopped drinking all that water........ water Retention perhaps. I hope so..........
    I'd suggest not weighing so often. It will fluctuate, try once every couple weeks not multiple times a day.
  • Evilmuffin666
    Evilmuffin666 Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks for the Support. The funny Thing is that I am not dieting to lose weight..... I am changing my Lifestyle to lose weight. I would two days without eating...... When I did eat, it was one meal.... usually at the end of the day.

    I dont drink Soda or Pop...... alcohol, less that once a month... and usually only a glass of wine or a cosmos with dinner.

    I lived on coffee and smokes.......

    Started to make the Change..... eating and tracking my Food........ exercising....doing at least 10.5 KM per day......

    Was making excellent Progress and decided to stop Smoking and the creamer.

    I have yet to meet my calorie intake..... before I ditched the coffee creamer. I was always almost 900 under.

    Dude, you may need to rethink your relationship with food.

    Sorry, not a dude..... and just dont like to eat. Hence the reason why I am changing my Lifestyle.
  • Unsweetened almond milk is a great alternative to creamer! It's only 30-40 calories (depending on brand) per cup!! so per Tbs, that's only 2 calories!!
  • Probably your body is reacting to the changes you've made. I cut way down from smoking (down to one or two a day now) and I gained some weight, not much, but yeah. Without knowing your history and only having limited knowledge myself, I would say look up the effects of quitting smoking on losing weight, research damaged metabolism, find credible nutrition websites, and keep making those changes. It does take time. I NEVER thought I would be an unsweetened tea drinker. Now, sweet tea is gross to me.
  • I count my coffee creamer... and it has helped me to drink less coffee in a day :) The regular (unflavored) creamers are 10 calories each for an individual tub. When I'm at work I try to have 2 per cup. At home, I use skim milk... And I drink diet coke for a caffeine boost in the afternoon.

    You're doing great - stick with it! I've been on this diet for nearly a month... hadn't lost any pounds on the scale and then yesterday, I was down 4 pounds! Everyone is different :)
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    Do not start smoking again. I agree with what everyone else said. Give yourself time. Stressing yourself out isn't going to help.