30 Day Shred Challenge



  • missdamman
    missdamman Posts: 44
    ill join the bandwagon when i get off work today, I have been doing it off and on for a few weeks but not every day. I will be taking one day of rest. When do you know when to switch to level 2?
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    ill join the bandwagon when i get off work today, I have been doing it off and on for a few weeks but not every day. I will be taking one day of rest. When do you know when to switch to level 2?

    Do 10 days of each... I am doing it Monday to Friday... I just finished my first set of 5 days, one more and onto level 2
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    How were all of your workouts?????
  • seraphinelle
    seraphinelle Posts: 36 Member
    I think I've returned to workout obsession.

    I'm sitting there relaxing, wanting to go through it again... *crazy*

    Did a 5K run today.
  • cxdyer
    cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
    How were all of your workouts?????
    I am doing day 3, level 1 tonight. I can't do all of the jumping jacks, I do what I can. I follow Anita and modify my push ups and still can't do them all. I am recording my progress and hope to look back and laugh at this one day. BUT.....I do sweat a lot, I feel more energetic afterward too.
  • MozzarellaSheep
    MozzarellaSheep Posts: 100 Member
    I'm in!
    I always find myself starting 30DS and then quitting halfway through. Not this time! I'm going all the way!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I have started again today. I have been off exercise and not eating great for quite a while due to not being well. Today's 30DS was much, much harder than I remember. I couldn't even do the girlie version of push-ups but I wasn't going to be beaten so I did them with my hands on the kitchen counter instead. It's harder than wall push-ups but I could manage all of them with full range of motion - just! I did have to take several very short breaks but I got through it. I nearly gave up at one point but I'm glad I didn't. I even thought I was going to be sick!

    I'm looking forward to the next session in a very strange way, lol.

    I was wondering whether I go through 10 days of each level, modifying like crazy, or whether to keep on level 1 until I can do it properly. Any ideas?
  • I think that depends on your boredom factor :) I would probably go nuts more than 10 days on one level. It is quite possible that by the end of 10 days you are going to be strong enough to do full or knee push ups as it is. Maybe decide once you are closer to the end of 10 days.
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    How were all of your workouts?????
    I am doing day 3, level 1 tonight. I can't do all of the jumping jacks, I do what I can. I follow Anita and modify my push ups and still can't do them all. I am recording my progress and hope to look back and laugh at this one day. BUT.....I do sweat a lot, I feel more energetic afterward too.

    I was the same on Day 3... I still sweat like crazy or course and I can almost get all the way through cardio... have push ups down and today was day 5... it does get easier!
  • kateauch
    kateauch Posts: 195 Member
    I've been doing one day on, one day off of level 2/3 for the past couple weeks as I started the program then moved (3 times :grumble: ) so life kind of interrupted me and I never got back on track...


    I'd like to do the whole thing again start to finish. I saw a HUGE improvement in my fitness and my body shape although my weight changed very little. Can I join?!
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    I have started again today. I have been off exercise and not eating great for quite a while due to not being well. Today's 30DS was much, much harder than I remember. I couldn't even do the girlie version of push-ups but I wasn't going to be beaten so I did them with my hands on the kitchen counter instead. It's harder than wall push-ups but I could manage all of them with full range of motion - just! I did have to take several very short breaks but I got through it. I nearly gave up at one point but I'm glad I didn't. I even thought I was going to be sick!

    I'm looking forward to the next session in a very strange way, lol.

    I was wondering whether I go through 10 days of each level, modifying like crazy, or whether to keep on level 1 until I can do it properly. Any ideas?

    You should do 10 days of Level 1 over a progress of 14 days... have two break days for each week (I do mine Monday - Friday with breaks Sat/Sunday) and then you should move onto level 2 also over a progress of 14 days with the 4 break days etc. I asked my Doctor about this as I was curious to see how good the workout routine really was for me. He said the break days are crucial as your muscles need time to heal... when we do strength training our muscles are tearing he said so we need some breaks so they can heal and essentially get bigger aka toning. When we tone our metabolism becomes faster :)

    Also, make sure you have a snack before you work out... I eat yogurt and fruit... our muscles need carbs for recovery... so do not deprive yourself of these carbs.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I think that depends on your boredom factor :) I would probably go nuts more than 10 days on one level. It is quite possible that by the end of 10 days you are going to be strong enough to do full or knee push ups as it is. Maybe decide once you are closer to the end of 10 days.
    You're right. I would probably lose interest. I will see how it goes. It will be good to have my strength back :happy:
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I have started again today. I have been off exercise and not eating great for quite a while due to not being well. Today's 30DS was much, much harder than I remember. I couldn't even do the girlie version of push-ups but I wasn't going to be beaten so I did them with my hands on the kitchen counter instead. It's harder than wall push-ups but I could manage all of them with full range of motion - just! I did have to take several very short breaks but I got through it. I nearly gave up at one point but I'm glad I didn't. I even thought I was going to be sick!

    I'm looking forward to the next session in a very strange way, lol.

    I was wondering whether I go through 10 days of each level, modifying like crazy, or whether to keep on level 1 until I can do it properly. Any ideas?

    You should do 10 days of Level 1 over a progress of 14 days... have two break days for each week (I do mine Monday - Friday with breaks Sat/Sunday) and then you should move onto level 2 also over a progress of 14 days with the 4 break days etc. I asked my Doctor about this as I was curious to see how good the workout routine really was for me. He said the break days are crucial as your muscles need time to heal... when we do strength training our muscles are tearing he said so we need some breaks so they can heal and essentially get bigger aka toning. When we tone our metabolism becomes faster :)

    Also, make sure you have a snack before you work out... I eat yogurt and fruit... our muscles need carbs for recovery... so do not deprive yourself of these carbs.

    Thanks. I was planning on having rest days. I don't think I could do it every day, lol. Good idea about the snack. That's probably why I was feeling nauseous. I have just started counting the calories again too. I think I hadn't had enough. It's also very warm here at the moment - warm for me anyway :happy: I will try some fruit and yogurt before the next one.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    is this good for weight loss how many pounds can actually be lost I am still unsure of what workout I want to start either insanity or a jillian michaels one suggestions?
  • seraphinelle
    seraphinelle Posts: 36 Member
    is this good for weight loss how many pounds can actually be lost I am still unsure of what workout I want to start either insanity or a jillian michaels one suggestions?

    I think the primary interest is building muscle, increasing strength. Weight loss is a bonus.

    I haven't lost anything at all, while some have dropped some weight over this past week. Depends on the person I would have thought.
  • mischelleguerrero
    mischelleguerrero Posts: 12 Member
  • colleensmommy1
    Just finished level 2 day 1. I think the cardio was easier than level 1 but the planks and balance got me big time. But I did notice my stomach didn't bounce out of my pants ( you know what I mean), I'm eager to see my progress:)
  • jeaninemckinney
    jeaninemckinney Posts: 191 Member
    Hello all :-) :-) :-) im on day 8 level 2 im sooo close to level 3 and im so excited and nervous because ive never made it this far! Ive had this dvd for years now so it is due time that i finally finish it!!! Feels great getting this far! Still killer...the cardio still makes me feel like im going to die but im doing it!!! Keep it up ladies!!! :flowerforyou:
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    I have started again today. I have been off exercise and not eating great for quite a while due to not being well. Today's 30DS was much, much harder than I remember. I couldn't even do the girlie version of push-ups but I wasn't going to be beaten so I did them with my hands on the kitchen counter instead. It's harder than wall push-ups but I could manage all of them with full range of motion - just! I did have to take several very short breaks but I got through it. I nearly gave up at one point but I'm glad I didn't. I even thought I was going to be sick!

    I'm looking forward to the next session in a very strange way, lol.

    I was wondering whether I go through 10 days of each level, modifying like crazy, or whether to keep on level 1 until I can do it properly. Any ideas?

    You should do 10 days of Level 1 over a progress of 14 days... have two break days for each week (I do mine Monday - Friday with breaks Sat/Sunday) and then you should move onto level 2 also over a progress of 14 days with the 4 break days etc. I asked my Doctor about this as I was curious to see how good the workout routine really was for me. He said the break days are crucial as your muscles need time to heal... when we do strength training our muscles are tearing he said so we need some breaks so they can heal and essentially get bigger aka toning. When we tone our metabolism becomes faster :)

    Also, make sure you have a snack before you work out... I eat yogurt and fruit... our muscles need carbs for recovery... so do not deprive yourself of these carbs.

    Thanks. I was planning on having rest days. I don't think I could do it every day, lol. Good idea about the snack. That's probably why I was feeling nauseous. I have just started counting the calories again too. I think I hadn't had enough. It's also very warm here at the moment - warm for me anyway :happy: I will try some fruit and yogurt before the next one.

    Let me know if it helps... feel free to add me... I jumped on my treadmil this morning and started the couch to 5k challenge... I had a hard time chewing so I blended my 1 cup of fruit, 1/2 cup of yogurt and 1 cup of milk this morning and drank that... It was super yummy... just another option for the early birds that are not a big fan of eating breakfast... I find that after I workout I am hungry... so it is deff a good way to kick the metabolism in its but!
  • Kabuhtu
    Kabuhtu Posts: 85 Member
    You don't have to have weights... but it does make it harder. I started out using 2lb dumbbells... you can use soup cans if you want

    I thought I was the only one to think of this! I was using cranberry sauce cans before I got my dumbells!