Unsupportive comments when eating with others...

Does anyone else feel uncomfortable sometimes eating with certain people? I had lunch with my mom yesterday and she kept referring to my "healthy" eating... yes, she used air quotes every time she said it. Plus I'm going to a family gathering with my boyfriend today and they always have yummy food, which I DO eat btw, its not like I completely refuse it! But it seems like people still make comments about me eating healthy... like its a bad thing! I always try to just laugh it off, but it really stresses me out. Just wondering what anyone else does in these situations!


  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    I just smile deep inside cause I KNOW they are sooooooooooooo jealous! hehe
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    I don't know why some people can't just mind their own business when it comes to other people's eating.

    I think I got more comments and looks when eating thing when fat.

    Work would have a luncheon buffet and while everyone was gobbling down cakes and sandwich, I was eating some fruit and people would comment, Eating healthy are we? I would just want to punch them in the face.

    Anyway, just ignore the comments.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    If that picture is you, you look great. Fortunately I don't know anyone who calls attention to my eating habits- most of my friends and co-workers are similarly inclined or don't care- but my response would be, "eating this way is what got me this body and so I'm going to stick with it." I think it's harder for people who are just starting out and have lost maybe 20 lbs when their goal is 100, but when you get to the point that your success shows, pointing out that it works and letting them know that they aren't going to make you feel bad about it should shut them up.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Yes, anymore I don't want to eat around certain people. It's not an enjoyable experience.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Does anyone else feel uncomfortable sometimes eating with certain people? I had lunch with my mom yesterday and she kept referring to my "healthy" eating... yes, she used air quotes every time she said it. Plus I'm going to a family gathering with my boyfriend today and they always have yummy food, which I DO eat btw, its not like I completely refuse it! But it seems like people still make comments about me eating healthy... like its a bad thing! I always try to just laugh it off, but it really stresses me out. Just wondering what anyone else does in these situations!

    I do not have that problem because I DON'T CARE! MY HEALTH, MY RULES, when it comes to MY HEALTH I see ONLY ME! If you do not have this attitude then your life belongs to any strong wind that blows in, you are not Grounded.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    yeah I know a few people like that- I think they're just jealous and I tend to ignore them
  • MinatoandClover
    MinatoandClover Posts: 160 Member
    I live in Japan, which is about 6000 miles from my hometown. So I don't get to see my family that often. I started taking an initiative to losing weight sometime in the later part of last year. I was quite pleased with myself because I had lost 3.5kg (~8lbs) and I was thinner than I had been in a while. And I could notice. I could wear a few clothes that I hadn't been able to for a while, clothes I could wear were fitting me looser, my fingers felt smaller and so on. So I was eager to go back and see people looking a little thinner (especially since I had gotten some negative comments the previous year, which is kind of a jerky thing, now that I think of it...)

    I was excited to tell people all about how I started exercising, I was eating more vegetables and less junk food and about the results that I was getting. However, when I talked about these things, I got a very feigned kind of "good for you" masking a meh (at best) attitude about my efforts. Like it wasn't a good thing that I'd lost nearly 10 pounds or that I was trying to change to become healthier.

    I would have thought that if anyone would have noticed my weight loss, it would have been my family, since they hadn't seen me in so long. People you see every day tend to notice less just because they don't notice the minor changes as you gradually change. Like watching a child grow. Your parents don't notice nearly as much as your aunts and uncles how much you've grown. However, nobody really seemed to notice. In fact, I feel like that attitude I was getting was that of me not having lost -enough- weight. 'So what if you lost 10 pounds? You're still fat.' Granted, nobody actually -said- those things to me, but, well, they didn't have to. It was a really disheartening experience for me.

    Guess that's not really about eating with people, is it... Well, nonetheless, still very unsupportive.
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,949 Member
    I am in my 40's and have battled being "fat" all of my life.... So I thought....When I look at pictures I really was not fat but I was a tall girl and very athletic. People were obsessed with the number on the scale instead of bmi and lbm. To say the least what I ate was always micromanaged. When I grew up and controlled what was served it was even worse because it was "healthy".... Even though it was how I managed to stay healthy it was still ridiculed. So as I really grew fat, the comments stopped. I believe that some people just have to critique and complain to make them self feel better. So until they have walked in your shoes tell them to take a long walk off a short pier.
    Oh and to Minatoa don't worry about what they think, stay the course and they will be shocked the next time you get home.
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    My family tells me to "quit being stupid" with everything I do. Whether it's eating healthy, wanting to exercise more, wanting to eat vegetarian. It's always unsupportive because I'm choosing to be different and not eat meat and potatoes for my dinner every night or sitting around all day in front of the tv. You just have to deal with it I guess.
  • rallen540
    rallen540 Posts: 13
    I get snarky comments from time to time - Alot of the time people just want to be a round "like minded" people. They will get over it and could just be jealous.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I just smile deep inside cause I KNOW they are sooooooooooooo jealous! hehe

    This! Even my hubby used to make comments about how my healthy eating was getting in the way or inconvenient or simply just not why I was looking better (yes he assumed it was magic) but after baby #3 he put on some weight and joined me. Now he's preaching it to the world how health he feels and how fast he's unbloating. People generally wish they had a lot more self control than they do, whether for exercise, eating, confidence etc. If anything take it as a compliment.
  • MeowSkull
    MeowSkull Posts: 101 Member
    I've dealt with it in the past and sometimes it would give in and get the fried appetizer just to shut people up. However, over time, I learned to just not let it get to me. I tell people it's what works for me right now and what I'm hungry for. I also just quit eating out with some people because they didn't know how to be quiet over being a food bully.

    I don't deal with it much anymore thankfully, now it's just a battle with my own inner voices that want the crap on the menu.
  • trialstyle
    trialstyle Posts: 68 Member
    Meh - time to brush up on your sarcasm. If its family or friends smile when you use it.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I get good and bad comments about what I eat. They do not bother me. I talk about what I am eating and why I am eating it, but I keep eating it even if the other person does not think it is a good choice for me. I will say that I usually take home food now. Before I used to eat all of my food and what the person with me had left that they did not want to take with them. I do not like to waste food, so now if I cannot finish my food in a sitting I will take it home. I do like that I can be full and still have some food for later, so that may help me in not having a problem when people challenge what I eat, because I can see a difference in the amount I eat at a time.
  • Yes. I live with my grandparents, and my grandfather, being retired law enforcement, is one of those who notices everything everyone does. He's also very critical of everything, and doesn't have a 'filter' for what's appropriate to say sometimes. The kitchen and living room are the same room, and my grandparents have a pretty strict "no food outside of the kitchen" rule, and he gets up earlier than anyone else in the house, so every time I eat, I'm forced to be in the same room as him unless he's not home. He likes to pick up my food and read things off of the packaging like it's a question. He says it's in the interest of "making conversation," but he comes across incredibly critical, and it makes me feel very self conscious every time I sit down because I know he's criticizing my every move.

    He got upset when I got smaller dishes for myself, and told me that it was "bs" that people eat less when the dish they serve themselves on is smaller. He got upset when I went shopping and bought only vegetables I like (meaning nothing canned, and no corn, which he says is a vegetable, no matter what I, or reality have to say about it. Also no peas, because I hate peas, so why would I eat them when I get sufficient nutrients from things I can actually stand the taste of, etc) and told my grandparents that because they don't cook anything I can really eat (they cook entirely too much, serve too much, most everything is either cooked in or with meat, and complain when I don't clear my plate, saying I should save the rest for my next meal. What am I going to do with leftover steak, when I haven't eaten meat in seven months, I ask you.) that I'll be cooking for myself and only for myself, since no one else likes the way I cook. They both give me Biblical quotes about why I should eat meat (I'm not a Christian, so what God has to say about the cleanliness of animals is of little consequence to me) and tell me I need the protein and won't hear that I get my protein elsewhere. Explaining any part of why I'm doing what I'm doing becomes an argument, so I'd rather not even discuss it with them, but I still get annoyed when they offer me steak or chicken or something, expecting me to 'crumble' or something as if it's difficult for me not to eat meat, even though I had issue with it even when I did eat it and never liked it to begin with.

    My grandmother also refers to my changes as an "eating program," which is her phrase for a diet, and refuses to stop using that phrase. I'm the only one in the house who doesn't eat meat, and I'm the only one who eats certain things. On the other hand, I eat pretty much whatever I want, within reason. I'm by no means on a diet. I've asked her to stop doing this on multiple occasions because it's damaging to my goals, but she, like my grandfather, is set in her way.
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    You really cannot do that much to control the comments of the people around you. One of the only things that is within your power to control is how well you maintain personal boundaries and the attitude you have about comments. I do know from experience that looking somebody dead in the eye and setting limits will dissuade them from meddling in the future. For example something like, "Are you under the mistaken impression I need your approval for what I put in my body?" This may take a bit of getting used to, but I find it productive and, in the final analysis, easier than the alternative.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Bah, it's jealousy and not wanting to understand why it matters. Plus, it's childish. Either shrug it off or, if these are indeed the people you are closest to, talk to them and explain why it bothers you. Anyway - why does it bother you?
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    People who are unsupportive are just jealous because THEY can't do it.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I had lunch with my mom yesterday and she kept referring to my "healthy" eating... yes, she used air quotes every time she said it.

    You know, the more I think about this, it might be interesting next time she does it to ask, "Mom, why are you using air quotes every time you refer to healthy eating?" It will probably stop her dead in her tracks since she's likely trying to be sarcastic and she won't want to admit it.
  • kdv160
    kdv160 Posts: 16 Member
    I just smile deep inside cause I KNOW they are sooooooooooooo jealous! hehe

    What she said...lol. They are just mad that they can't eat healthy like you do. Ignore them and keep on keepin on!