


  • moskalykck11
    For sustainability and good healthy meal planning, it is important to find a meal you love - and one that is also good for you. I personally LOVE my bagels and have evolved my breakfast to finding my right mix which includes the following along with light peanut butter, light cheddar cheese and glass of OJ:

    Weight Watchers My Way - 100% Whole Wheat Bagels, 1 bagel (60g) 150 calories, 28 carbs, 1 g fat
  • RubyRunner14
    RubyRunner14 Posts: 148 Member
    Montreal bagels are the bomb! Greatest things around.

    But I have to agree that bagels are calorically expensive and I consider them a waste of calories. The wheat crop has turned into GMO'd trash anyways, it's not even worth the trouble.
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    If I wanted to eat a bagel I would eat it like toast with real butter only half of it and with apple slices
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Yum I love bagels.. I live in NYC and they are well worth it calorie wise. :D
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    I crave breads and pastas, so I eat a bagel with cream cheese nearly every morning. It actually keeps me from craving bread or pasta the rest of the day. I just make room for it by adjusting my other meals, just like when I want to drink some wine, which is about 5x/week. And I've lost 10 pounds in two months eating that way. I know there are people who disagree with this, and that's fine. No two people have the same body and react the same to food, but for ME, calories in vs. calories out works, regardless of what the calories consist of. If you start gaining weight or craving foods you didn't crave before, then maybe consider the bagels and cut back on them. Otherwise, if it works for you, eat your bagels!
  • Mrmowgli
    Mrmowgli Posts: 3 Member
    I'm sure you're getting multiple opinions on this so here's mine! After being diagnosed with diabetes, I attended a few diabetic clinics and the news on bagels they gave us was that they are not worth the calories, not from a nutritional point of view nor from a weight loss angle.
    If you want something easy first thing in the morning, throw a pack of instant oatmeal in the microwave, add a a cup of blueberries for antioxidants, a tablespoon of chia seeds for the omega. Don't buy the flavoured oatmeal packs, they pack a sugar and calorie wallop but after you add fruit, it's yummy. The oatmeal is slow release carbs which will keep you going for a while and might take care of that carb fix you're looking for with the bagel.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I eat an Asiago cheese bagel almost every morning for breakfast. I eat higher protein in my other meals to balance my macros.

    I used to be able to get Asiago Cheese bagels in my town, but suddenly I can't. They were absolutely delicious and I loved them. Miss them!! :sad:
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I just realized the OP wasn't only asking about bagels but also about quick breakfast ideas... if your goal is something fast, why not just replace your bagel with bread? Just as fast and you'll save on the calories (if that's your goal). A smoothie is another option - sometimes, if I know I'm going to be in a rush in the morning, I'll make my smoothie the night before and just pop it in the fridge. As others have mentioned, quick oats are also a good and fast option - throw in some fruit, chia seeds, etc. What about yogurt? There isn't even any cooking time there...just add in some fruit and chia seeds on top of it. There are lots of alternatives to a bagel in the morning if you're looking to cut calories. If you truly enjoy your bagel and cream cheese in the morning, then why not just fit it in to your daily allowance? (I say this as someone who would probably choose a Montreal bagel, deli style cream cheese, lox, capers, and red onions as a last meal...)
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    You said that you like Thomas bagels...have you tried the Bagel Thins? It's really just a very thin bagel for 110 calories.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Wait, if it's replacing your high sugared cereals, youre losing weight, you feel fuller longer, and you feel good why do you need to change that?
  • Tandy777
    Tandy777 Posts: 10
    I have the occasional bagel depending on how my daily food intake is going. Whole whet English muffins are much better from a carb perspective if you're tying to lose weight. I love making an egg mcmuffin in the morning : toast you eng. muffin while you have a beatn egg with a few chopped veggies in the micro (1 min on H) . Add a piece of lean ham or turkey bacon & there breakfast on the run. Or boil 4 eggs when you have time & keep them handy for quick breakfasts. Mini oven omelettes in muffin tins can also be made ahead & heated up. Or morning protein shake. . I use one that is 100% egg whites, chocolate & mix it only with water.
  • Tdacks
    Tdacks Posts: 136 Member
    I have a Thomas' Everything Bagel Thin almost every morning. I have mine as an egg sandwich with swiss cheese, and I'm happy with my macros and calories for that meal. If you eat eggs, but don't have time to cook one on the stove, they can be quickly scrambled and microwaved. That is how the breakfast place I visit occasionally cooks their eggs for bagels, and it tastes just fine with no added oils.

    But wev, if you are happy with your bagel and smear of cream cheese every morning, then don't bother with people who say that a food is "bad."