"You weight what? Girl, I'd kill to be that weight!"



  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    People may be more sympathetic to a post saying you are upset you gained 10 lbs with out putting in how much you weigh. Most people sympathize with being in happy you put on weight.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Posting your weight like that is just begging for the exact responses you got. Did you really want everyone on your friends list to agree that yes you look huge now and should certainly do something about those 10 pounds? I'm pretty sure you did not want those responses either.

    Yeah, I have to agree. I don't really think there is any "right" response anyone could have given.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Don't post stuff like that on Facebook for the world to see if you don't want to hear the responses.

    This. I cringe when people put personal crap on FB. Are you new to the internets? Of course a 250 friend is going to envy your weight. What on earth are you complaining about? If you're unhappy with your weight, do something about it other than complaining on FB and then complaining about the responses. All that energy could have gone into a great run.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    As an obese person, who HAS said things like that, it IS an attempt to comfort you, to tell you that to me and to many others, you do not look bad, that we don't see you as fat. It is, also, true!!!! As an obese person, I would kill to weight your 157 pounds. It is not a put down. It is not a criticism. It is true. It is sad, but true. However, how YOU feel and see yourself is what is important and NOT what I think/fee/see, soI am trying to learn to be more sympathetic to people, no matter their size, and am learning that they/you have the right to feel dissatisfied with your weight and health, too. I never meant any comments like that to be rude or offensive, and most of the people saying it to you probably never meant it that way either. Sometimes humans just feel like they have to say something when silence would have been better........
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    People may be more sympathetic to a post saying you are upset you gained 10 lbs with out putting in how much you weigh. Most people sympathize with being in happy you put on weight.


    Personally, I wouldn't put that sort of thing on Facebook, for this exact reason. If I absolutely had to, I'd probably just say that I've gained weight recently and am unhappy with it. As Morninglory said, they'd no doubt sympathise with that more.
  • AJinBirmingham
    SPIN OPPORTUNITY TO HELP!!!!!!!!! For example:

    HER: Girl, I'd kill to be that weight!

    YOU: Really? Then I have fantastic news . . . no one has to die, and police involvement is unlikely. All you have to do is eat less and move more. Have you tried MFP?
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I post my weight and measurements weekly on FB...it's about the only really 'personal' thing I post. The reason I post it is because I've been told how encouraging and inspiring it is.

    I don't post that I am fat or anything like that...I simply post the numbers, talk about how my journey played out that week and then post the totals.

    I have yet to get any kind of negative response.

    I keep wondering if I have abnormal friends or something because this negative stuff just hasn't happened to me. From family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances all I get is overwhelming support.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Here are some good replies, not yelling... just caps to set them off as answers. Seriously don't yell at people, that would be mean, just say the following in the most quiet and sweet restrained intellectual tone.

    "157 lbs??? Girl, I am 250 lbs. I am fat. You are not."

    "I'd sell my soul to the devil to be 157 pounds."

    "Seriously. I'd love to be at that weight too, but everyone is right."

    "Omg that's not fat."

    "hey while your busy feeling fat just remember that out there is a fat black chic that would kill to only weigh that much."

    "If I cut off one of my legs, I might weigh 157. Probably not though"
  • trisha671
    trisha671 Posts: 28
    I have been through this time & time again. Unfortunately for them they are that weight bc they've never recognized that there was an issue at 157lbs. There's nothing wrong for wanting more for yourself physically. Keep doing what your doing & pay them no mind.
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I have to say I'm guilty of this, I've sat with a friend who complained she had 8lb to lose when I myself had about 90 and hadn't weighed as little as her since I was about15 lol .... I didnt voice my opinion tho, I just got of my *kitten* ... started exercising, eating healthy and concentrated on my own body issues rather than someone else's. I'm now 66lb down whilst my friend is gaining more because just sitting complaining about 8lb doesn't get rid of it!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    ya id love to be 157 too so
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    People have this funny way of making something you post about yourself about themselves instead.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    if anyone posted something like that on facebook I would probably be like what an attention seeker, even though i weigh the same amount and am not happy with it I would never post that on facebook because...that's a weird thing to post...especially if you're uncomfortable with it why would you want to tell the world now everyone will probably see that extra 10 lbs cause you called attention to it when before they probably wouldn't notice.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    If you're going to post on FB, focus more on the fact that you inadvertently gained 10 lbs.-- not what you currently weigh.

    EVERYONE-- 100 lbs. or 300 lbs.--can relate to feeling bummed by a 10 lb. gain. A 250 pound person-- or even a 200 lb. person-- feels a lot less bummed when they hear gaining 10 lbs. got you to 157. See what I'm saying? If you want support, mention the gain (or loss)-- not your current weight. It's a lot more universal then "gee, I'm so sad I went from 120 to 130."

    Just my two cents.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    My journey started in 2010, and starting in 2011 I got serious about the working out and watching really what goes in (joined MFP). My friends are used to my "annoying posts" of all the workouts, pictures of my meal prepping, and yes also the moments when I lose control and gain some back. I have had a few comments of backlash, but you know, I've come to a place in this thing called MY LIFE where I just don't give a damn if someone has negative to say about my journey! And those that follow me on social media have figured that out and for the most part support me no matter what. I am very proud to be aware of where I sit physically with weight, strength, endurance and self control, and you should too!!!

    Good luck!!
  • randicooper1989
    Don't post stuff like that on Facebook for the world to see if you don't want to hear the responses.

    I completely agree!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I have always been blessed with great skin. Small pores and hardly any breakouts even as a teenager. Getting the occasional pimple was frustrating as I really enjoy having 100% blemish-free skin... but I was conscious of other people's feelings and I wouldn't go stand next to a girl who suffered from acne and complain about how disgusting I looked due to a single pimple because I had EMPATHY and I could imagine how that might make her feel.

    I weigh 250.. honestly there was a time where 250 was my GOAL WEIGHT because anything less than that seemed IMPOSSIBLE. When I was 360 I had a friend who was 150something and would complain all the time about how fat she was.. ... It was extremely irksome and yes, many times I just wanted to tell her to STFU... If she said something like she's focusing on her fitness goals fine.. but did a 360 pound woman really need to listen to her go on and on about how disgustingly huge a 150 pound woman felt??? Even at my current weight I try to remember that there are many people out there who would kill to be my weight.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Kudos to you for being able to take a hint and back off. That's a rare skill, and a charming one.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I've been in this situation with 2 close friends who are also trying to lose weight. It's nothing short of uncomfortable, so I rarely publicize my actual weight. With one friend who is over 200 pounds and has been up and down for the past year while doing weight watchers, for some reason my weight just came out in a conversation we were having. I was 135 at the time and she said she couldn't even imagine being "that small." I had to remind her that I am MUCH shorter than her... while 135 would be in the bottom of her BMI, for me, it's still classified as over weight! I think she came by the comment honestly though and she knows why she is the weight that she is.

    Another friend of mine who has been up and down with her weight for years commented when I refused to eat pancakes at breakfast and instead ordered an egg white omelette and side salad. She said I didn't "need" to do that because I am "tiny." I expressed to her that I still have a good 10 pounds to lose, and she responded by saying she would give "anything" to be "as small" as me. In that case, I just reminded her of how hard it actually is to lose weight... This particular friend makes a lot of comments about my weight and tends to be nicer to me when I'm heavier. I don't think there is a right way to respond in that case. I just try to be polite, but it kind of hurts since she was a very good friend.