How do you curb your late night hunger?



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I like to eat my dinner a little later, around 730 pm... I also drink a lot of water, crystal light, and tea...
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I save a good chunk of my calories for the overeating monster that likes to come out at night. I don't know what it is. I will be fine throughout the day and then BAM I WANT TO EAT EVERYTHING IN MY HOUSE. I have tried to just not eat a bunch, but it never works, so now I just make dinner a big one being usually around 600-700 calories and keep it light the rest of the day. Works for me.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am a night eater, so I typically eat nearly half of my calories between 6 and 10 pm. I would never make it to sleep if I stopped eating so long before bed time!
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    Hot chocolate (Jarrah - beautiful and lo-cal) works for me in the winter, and vanilla ice-cream with chocolate topping in summer (nothing lo-cal about either of those, that's the yummy part). I always make sure I leave enough cals for them though!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Hate to say this - but some sacrifices must be made. For me I cut out almost all sugar (like candy, doughnuts, cake, cookies) But I also cut down on a lot of things. I also changed my eating habits, one of them was eating just before bed. I did all of these things cold turkey. It is not glamorous or inventive. But it works for me.

    Why to any of that?
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    i eat something healthy like popcorn without butter. sometimes gum or chewing on ice helps.
  • AngieF1260
    AngieF1260 Posts: 11
    I find that eating some type of nut about an hour before bed really helps me. Or I'll eat a little peanut butter. Holds me until morning.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I eat carbs.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    #1) I save some calories just for that reason. I eat at about five and go to bed at ten-ish, so it would be impossible (or, at least, horrible) for me to not eat at all before I go to bed. I always leave 100-200 calories for this.

    #2) I eat fruit, veggies, popcorn, or something high in protein if I'm super hungry. A hard boiled egg is great for before bed because it's only about 70 calories, and it's pretty filling. I am also a big advocate for melon before bed- my favorite being watermelon, of course. Even a really HUGE slice or two is super low in calories and, because of the water content, quite filling.
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    I don't get night cravings n I'm up till 1am or later most nights. I eat pretty well during the day and drink about 130 oz of water throught my day. That could be why I don't get hungry, I usually have dinner @ 5:30 then I workout between 7-8. N I have a snack after that. It's usually just a Popsicle but it satisfy me.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I cut out the late night eating too completely. If I don't do it then it makes it easier for me not to do it the next day. I drink some more water as well if I think I am hungry and I will also work out to help. Working out helps curb my appetite. A lot of it comes down to willpower and I also don't want to give up the smaller size I have gotten down to. So I will stay on this plan. I try to eat evenly throughout the day calorie wise as well, at least 4 times a day, and I eat a lot of protein and fiber to help keep me full longer.
  • TheFatFox
    TheFatFox Posts: 126
    Thanks for all of the input. And surprisingly everyone had positive comments. Thanks, again.
  • hot2def
    hot2def Posts: 80 Member
    don't eat so much right all day- save room for a snack.

    no reason you can't eat before you go to bed if you don't want to. IF works on that very principle.

    24 hrs in the day- eat your calories for the day- if you like having a snack before bed- make sure you save room for it.

  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Carb heavy meal about three hours before bed, and something with casein in it just before bed (like cottage cheese, or straight up casein)
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    When I lost my first initial 35 pounds (gained some back) I would go hungry just about every night ... I tried to view of hunger pains as the fruit of my labor, i.e. sweating and/or feeling sore after working out.

    of course, this was a night, after I ate and was at my calorie allowance.

    I mean, if you are going to lose weight, you have to deal with hunger, especially at night.

    so, if you go hungry at night, just think about how light you feel in the a.m.

    worked for me.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I really struggle after 8:30 with not eating pure junk, or just going over my calories. So, what say you? How do you curb your late night hunger? Also, if you are a motivator and want to be a fellow MFPer, then feel free to add me.

    I eat less for breakfast and lunch because I am always hungrier in the evening.
  • naou
    naou Posts: 27 Member
    I eat dinner late, at 10 pm. Bread, an egg and some chocolate. Or spaghetti with cheese and then chocolate. It works for me because I go to bed at 4-5 am. Sometimes I'm still hungry even though I ate late. In that case I eat a banana or make an orange juice.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I eat a bowl of cream of wheat and either an ice cream cone or personal pizza. I mix it up, but a nice hot bowl of cream of wheat puts me right to sleep.
  • mookybargirl
    mookybargirl Posts: 165 Member
    Keep a few calories back for an evening snack.

    I always plan my meals, so I know what my meals will be for the day from early morning. I put everything into my food diary including a night snack early in the day. My favourite evening snack is toast with marmalade and tea (for 106 calories).....:wink:

    I always plan for this evening snack even if it means I have nothing to play with for daytime snacks as I know that I WILL want this snack later...... I've even changed the section in my food diary to breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and SUPPER as I know that I'll always have something about 9.30pm. he he

  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    I have a serious problem with the munchies at night. Particularly, I love sweets. Oreos, chocolate, cookies, peanut butter...

    What I do (and it's working) is I wait until about 8:30 and then I have a big bowl of fruit (usually strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, pineapple, grapes, cherries). I have about 150-200 calories worth and it is surprisingly filling. This way I can go to bed satisfied without feeling guilty or being over on calories!