Anybody up for Christmas challenge?



  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Yes, definitely up for a Christmas challenge. Loss is the main reason I gained too.
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member

    I'm really sorry for your loss!!

    Count me in for a Christmas challenge.. what do you have in mind in particular?? Oooh, I would love to be in my size 10 dress on Christmas Day!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member

    Is there anybody out there who would like to form a "stay on track for Christmas" group with me? I hate to admit it but ever since my father passed away 4 months ago I have been struggling to make it even a couple days without exploding my calorie goal. I'm not usually one to reach out for much but I really need help. I don't have a specific weight goal I would like to reach by Christmas, I would just like to stay on track EVERY DAY until Christmas (and beyond that, obviously) and see where that takes me. I just need to get back into the swing of things.

    It just kills me that I have back tracked so much....I gained back 38 of the 60 pounds I originally lost. It is purely from emotional eating and not giving a crap. I know this is not what my father would want for me. He was one of my biggest supporters. I miss him so much. Guess I just had to get it out there :cry: :brokenheart:

    Sorry for your loss rays_wife....and others as well.

    I need a good challenge. I would love to join this challenge and stay on track until Christmas. Count me in.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Okay I set up the group, and sent out as many invites as I could at one time. If I missed anybody or if anyone else is interested here is the group:

    Thanks to everyone for the interest! I will create the first thread where we can all introduce ourselves and then we can figure out more details!
  • onecatleadstoanother
    onecatleadstoanother Posts: 70 Member
    So sorry for your loss. Although I haven't lost my father, I understand how easy it is to turn to food for support, and then more support when you feel depressed about your weight gain. I turn here for support regularly, I try not to wait until I've backpeddled. I would do a challenge with you - have you thought about weekly goals? This week I need to substitute juices with water more than I do now.
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I pray that you get the strength to get through.

    Count me in too.
  • brinehart1
    brinehart1 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love too, I do need motivation also, It is very hard to have a loss like that my dad died 8 yrs ago and it still is so hard, You will find any excuse you can to eat .
  • 1horselover
    1horselover Posts: 17 Member
    Firstly I am sorry to hear of your loss! I have not had a bereavement to deal with but life does sometimes get in the way.
    I too lost about 42 pounds back along and have since gained back about 15 of them, I would love to shift that 15 plus another 28 by Christmas so please count me in:))
  • FINALLY_MrsJones
    FINALLY_MrsJones Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry for your loss. :(

    I would be up for joining!
  • met42485
    met42485 Posts: 71 Member

    Is there anybody out there who would like to form a "stay on track for Christmas" group with me? I hate to admit it but ever since my father passed away 4 months ago I have been struggling to make it even a couple days without exploding my calorie goal. I'm not usually one to reach out for much but I really need help. I don't have a specific weight goal I would like to reach by Christmas, I would just like to stay on track EVERY DAY until Christmas (and beyond that, obviously) and see where that takes me. I just need to get back into the swing of things.

    It just kills me that I have back tracked so much....I gained back 38 of the 60 pounds I originally lost. It is purely from emotional eating and not giving a crap. I know this is not what my father would want for me. He was one of my biggest supporters. I miss him so much. Guess I just had to get it out there :cry: :brokenheart:

    Sorry for your loss rays_wife....and others as well.

    I need a good challenge. I would love to join this challenge and stay on track until Christmas. Count me in.

    Me too! I need motivation to make it through the next few months and stay on track.