What are you doing with your "FAT" clothes?



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    If weight loss ever happens (I'm beginning to doubt it):

    Rag bag

    I'll keep my current largest pair of jeans as a reminder.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    Years ago after I lost 120 lbs and my mom lost 80 lbs, we had a garage sale and advertised "plus size clothes." They sold very well. This was in a small town and I don't think there was even a thrift store at that time. I have shopped thrift stores for clothes for years even at goal. You can't beat the prices and its a treasure hunt:) In the last 6 months, I've lost the 30 lbs I regained and it felt wonderful going through my closet and donating the clothes that were too big. I did keep a pair of pants from when I lost the 120 lbs originally. I really wish I had kept a shirt from my highest. I think I wore a 3X shirt and size 26/28 pants.

    I recommend keeping a shirt and a pair of pants but donating the rest....
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    I took most to The Goodwill and checked to see if my mom wanted any of the ones she could fit into. But this is a great idea... Clothes are NOT cheep and I got with someone on there that had some of her "fat" clothes that were my size and she mailed them to me. It really helped me out and was very grateful for it... so maybe you can reach out to your friends and see if any of them are that particular size and see if they want them and send them their way! Good luck on your journey!

    This sounds like an awesome idea!

    This is a great idea! I have a friend that I is working to get down to a size 12 and plans on wearing some of the great dress pants that no longer fit me!
    As soon as I went down a size I went to GW and donated my old clothes and then bought new ones there, which saved me a LOT of money over the duration of my weight loss (went from a size 14 jean to a size 2/4 now and had to buy all the sizes in between lol). Now that I'm pretty much done losing weight I am buying some 'new' clothes from retail stores, like bras and such, but I still find the cutest things at GW and you can't beat their prices :)

    This is what I do too! I work in a corporate environment and I don't want to spend a bunch of money on clothes that I am going to 'grow out of' fairly quickly.
  • lisquito
    lisquito Posts: 19 Member
    I have a sewing machine, so I have been looking up ways to alter my old clothes and make them like new again! Not just taking in but also converting! Pinterest has been a great resource for ideas on how to recycle my 'fat' clothes into a newer, better fitting wardrobe, which is all the reward without spending too much money! (Old jeans into a cute skirt? Old t-shirts into tank tops and dresses? Heck yes!)

    Whatever I am not confident enough to alter myself I donate :) I also buy my 'new' clothes from thrift shops to keep on recycling!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    What isn't stained or damaged (apparently I am hard on my clothing) gets donated.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Going through my closet this week to try on and discard. It might leave about 5 things hanging in there, but it's about time I learned to live with less clothing anyway. I will give away the things that are too big for me. I did a bit of shopping this weekend now that sales are on and bought a few things. I'm not any where near goal weight so i don't want to spend much right now. The items I bought I know I will get my $$ worth out of before the end of summer and before they are too big. I tend to wear short sleeve tops all year long, so the tops will have a much longer life in my closet. But I'm now down to a 20 or 1x from a 24/26 and 3x/4x. I'm pretty darn happy about that.

    I'll continue to look in the used stores as well, but find they just don't have a nice selection of items in larger sizes.
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    I sell mine!

    We have a few consignment stores around my area that take nice clothes, sell them, and give me 50% of what they go for. It's way easier than doing a garage sale, plus I get more money than I would at a garage sale.

    I usually donate any clothes that the consignment store don't take. I know it's good to take things to goodwill, but I need money to buy new clothes! Last school year (I'm a teacher), I had to slowly get rid of about everything I owed. So, I'm currently buying all new work clothes. I've dropped well over 300 bucks thus far. Luckily, I have some money build up from selling my clothes to help me out a bit.

    I take my daughter's clothes to a consignment store as well, ever since she was a baby. I've made thousands off of that place over the past 8 years. It really adds up. And with kids they go through clothes so fast at those young ages so I was bringing things in all the time.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Just wondering what you are doing with all your "fat" clothes? One of the best part of a healthier lifestyle is getting to buy newer smaller clothes, fitting into things that we wouldn't have thought about twice of buying X numbers of lbs ago.

    Me personally once Ive completely out shrunk a piece of clothing I either give it away to charity or bin if not suitable to give away. I don't want to keep any of it apart from 1 item to remind me that this is how you use to be dont come back here.

    So what are you thoughts?

    Donating my fat clothes to the U.S. Army so they can use them as parachutes.
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    I donate mine if they are in a good condition, otherwise I use them as rags for cleaning.
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    I have a sewing machine, so I have been looking up ways to alter my old clothes and make them like new again! Not just taking in but also converting! Pinterest has been a great resource for ideas on how to recycle my 'fat' clothes into a newer, better fitting wardrobe, which is all the reward without spending too much money! (Old jeans into a cute skirt? Old t-shirts into tank tops and dresses? Heck yes!)

    Whatever I am not confident enough to alter myself I donate :) I also buy my 'new' clothes from thrift shops to keep on recycling!

    That's a really good idea! I happen to have no skill and I don't have anyone that does either.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Some I give to friends, some I donate, and some I just throw away. It depends on how worn they are. Some I do still have, but only because they haven't been replaced yet with smaller sizes (like winter pants. That can wait).
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have one pair of pants that I am keeping as a reminder of where I was. As things get too big for me to wear comfortably I either give them away or donate them. The Salvation Army thrift store in my town gives you a coupon to use in the store when you donate so I usually bring my stuff there and than go shopping for new clothing. I refuse to spend a lot of money on clothing right now that I don't plan on fitting into for long. I only buy new right now if it's a great deal. If things are in bad shape I will just throw them out or cut them up to use as cleaning rags.
  • recentcoin
    recentcoin Posts: 18
    I lost about 50# and gave all of my "fat" clothes to a women's shelter. Many of those gal's arrive with nothing more than what they and/or their children are wearing. Anything that's still functional goes there. If it's stained, ripped, or torn then it goes to the rag bag or the trash.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I give some clothes to my mom (if they are fitted for her as figure and style) and some I leave for the cleaning lady of my apartment building. They don't earn very much and they do have a very big family so most people around here give them as charity things that can be used. That is... around here is very hard to donate charity and things to people... most charity organisations only take money... or maybe sometimes food.
  • Mart_T
    Mart_T Posts: 5
    Still have mine (taking up space in my house). My MIL mentioned she would like to go through the clothes and see if she wanted any of them. Then they will probably be donated somewhere. Don't ever want to go back to being that BIG!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    maybe pick the prettiest of them and turn them into fabric squares to make a bed quilt out of as a constant reminder.
    The rest donate to Good Will.