What is the WORST food and nutrition advice....



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Any advice that tells you you must refrain from eating a particular food or food group (medical conditions aside).
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    eat more....ur body is in starvation mode....ur not starving if your a fat *kitten*

    ^ That exactly!

    :laugh: I have over 6 million calories stored up, and people are telling me about "starvation mode".
  • BuickGirl
    BuickGirl Posts: 17 Member
    That I can "wrap" myself skinny. And pop a pill and burn "up to 273" calories. :noway:
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Most of the recipes on the Hungry Girl website. She just combines all the fat free and sugar free items she could find at the grocery store.

    HAA it's kinda true...

    One of my best friends at work does this thing every few months where he skips breakfast, eats a smartones/lean cuisine for lunch, a bag of salad mix for dinner (literally just the lettuce and carrots and onion. no dressing or protein or anything added), and nothing after 7 p.m. He does this for a couple weeks, loses 15-20 lbs, goes to whatever event he was losing the weight for, and gains it all back within a month. I've given up trying to tell him otherwise and just laugh at him.

    BF announced on saturday that he's going to start taking hydroxycut because his boss is taking it and is losing "so much weight!"
    Me: 'Oh yeah? What is he eating?'
    Bf: 'Whatever he wants'
    Me: 'How much of it?'
    Bf: 'I don't know'
    Me: 'Is he working out?'
    Bf: 'Yeah he's in the gym all the time.'

  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    * eat your cereal with a fork, so you don't drink all the milk...

    stupid idea, you can still pick up the bowl and slurp the milk down..

    * eat all your calories early in the day so you can burn them off

    doesn't even make sense to me..1200 calories in a 24 hour time period is still 1200 calories

    * don't eat fat


    * don't eat carbs


    * smoke cigarettes so you won't eat

    that one can kind of works, but at what cost...?!

    * do coke or other drugs

    :frown: :noway:

    * any trendy diet.

    My best diet results have been eat less, exercise more. still enjoy everything you like.. portion control is key !
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    I look back on this and find it kind of hilarious, even though I am still somehow bitter 35-ish years after the fact...

    My parents have food issues that they handed down to me and my sisters. They used to say this ALL THE TIME: "If it tastes good, it's bad for you. If it tastes bad, it's good for you."

    I _hated_ McDonald's vanilla milkshakes and loved the chocolate ones. Trying to be "healthy" I would always order the vanilla milkshakes because they tasted bad and therefore had to be good for me.

    Sooo many milkshakes I could have actually enjoyed, and instead, I choked down the icky ones.
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    Muscle weights more then fat.
  • WhitneySheree88
    WhitneySheree88 Posts: 222 Member
    To eat only 800 calories a day to lose weight. Yes, it worked I lost 30 pounds in four months. Then found MFP and realized I was supposed to be eating a minimum of 1200 to lose weight healthily it took me a long time to get my metabolism back on track.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Laser Lipo... I am ashamed to say I was at one point desperate enough to spend money on it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    six small meals a day to keep the metabolism going ...

    breakfast is the more important meal of the day = BS
  • recentcoin
    recentcoin Posts: 18
    While I agree on the whole with the paleo-fad, isn't that kinda what most of us are doing?

    *My* Meal Plan for Tomorrow:
    Breakfast: Oatmeal & berries, coffee
    Snack: Fresh fruit
    Lunch: Salad with chicken
    Dinner: Free-range pork chop, asparagus & mushrooms
    Snack: fruit & greek yogurt

    Sample menu from paleo-site:

    Breakfast: Omega-3 or free ranging eggs scrambled in olive oil with chopped parsley. Grapefruit, or any fresh fruit in season, herbal tea
    Snack: Sliced lean beef, fresh apricots or seasonal fruit
    Lunch: Caesar salad with chicken (olive oil and lemon dressing), herbal tea
    Snack: Apple slices, raw walnuts
    Dinner: Tomato and avocado slices; grilled skinless turkey breast; steamed broccoli, carrots, and artichoke; bowl of fresh blueberries, raisins, and almonds;
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    "My sister is doing Metabolife and it's working so well. It's ALL NATURAL! She's become a sales rep..."

    Yeah, Um. Un-inspected random "traditional chinese herbs," ephedra -- and enough illegal speed out of illicit overseas factories to make your heart explode? SIgn me the heck up.

    Ephedra is awesome stuff! Don't dis the herbal stimulants!

  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    "[Fill in the blank] is toxic."

    If I followed every piece of advice I've ever heard, I wouldn't be able to eat anything...except kale...haven't heard anything bad about kale yet.

    "Carbs are bad."

    Also, it is quite comical when someone who is obese gives me bogus nutrition and fitness advice. It's also a little sad.

    "Hey, I read this one article on CNN.com/ Huffington Post/ etc. which said..." add a bogus diet tip.
  • berg2212
    berg2212 Posts: 6
    "don't worry about calories if you're eating healthy"

    while I partly agree with this, I have to say, I had been eating a totally clean high protein diet loaded with veggies, healthy fats and whole grains, however before I started paying attention to calories and portion control I still continued to gain weight. Everything in moderation...
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I think the coffee enema one took the biscuit.

    Whilst I think the clean eating is fine if you can handle the restrictions it places on you, I find the paleo philosophy ridiculous having studied history and archeaology at uni. It's just a marketing gimmick and it irritates me when people spout it as historical/scientific fact.

    ...you had a coffee and biscuit enema. UNPLEASANT! :laugh:
  • NYgirl1990
    NYgirl1990 Posts: 180 Member
    "Eat whole wheat bread, it's better for you"
  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Eat the Canadian food guide's recommendations to be healthy and the correct weight.
    They teach this to kids in school - mandatory...


    Weird so many people have diabetes...
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    If you replace everything with cauliflower, you're bound to lose weight!
    Why have 2 eggs in the morning when you can have 1 white egg and a head of minced cauliflower? You can't tell the difference! You don't have taste buds, nor can sense texture!
    Hamburger? Replace the patty with cauliflower!
    Ice Cream? Cauliflower!
    Cauliflower? Cauliflower!
  • AnaCoffee
    AnaCoffee Posts: 95 Member
    I think the WORST diet and Nutrition advice is assuming that since something works for you that it will work for everyone.
    ^^ So this!
    ETA: Don't eat after 7 (or 9) pm. Yet no one would ever tell me what that means to an uber-night owl like myself who often doesn't go to bed till 3 am or later. I'd be starving most of the evening if I followed that advice.:cry:

    My in-laws did Atkins once years ago and were pissed that hub and I refused to eat the bacon they'd just fried in a ton of butter. After all, the way they'd interpreted the diet, it was "healthy." :noway: Hub's dad had already had multiple bypasses by that point too. :grumble:

    I've been told by doctors that "walking isn't good enough" for exercise. Considering at my heaviest I wasn't doing any form of exercise and spent the majority of my day sitting, I figured that getting off my *kitten* and moving in any form was better than the idea of doing "it has to be cardio," so I never did anything. (The idea of aerobics terrified me and there was no way I could run for more than a minute w/o getting winded.) Plus, I have a dear friend who's lost 150 lbs so far simply by walking an hour a day and reducing her calories. So this past winter, I disregarded the doctor and started walking for an hour or two in my house at a fast pace. I dropped a pant's size and kept it off. NOW I do cardio (low-impact and general aerobics) for an hour a day, 5 days a week, but I had to work up to it both mentally and physically.

    Sorry this got long.