Looking for more over 40's



  • kbtommi
    kbtommi Posts: 45 Member
    43 here. :happy:
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 45 and here for the long haul. Anyone can add me. :smile:
  • stacy71773
    stacy71773 Posts: 27
    I just turned 40 in July...would love to make some new friends...please feel free to add me - goes for anyone :)
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Almost 50 (where does the time go?!?!) Please feel free to add me. I can use all of the friends and the support that I can get ';'
  • barbaradetz
    barbaradetz Posts: 23 Member
    My name is Barb; I'm fifty some years old and have been on a diet since I was five years old. I find that monitoring my food and exercise helps me to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I had heart surgery about two years ago after being on a vegetarian diet for eight months and losing twenty pounds. I guess it was too little too late. I am a diabetic and have found it difficult to learn how to eat properly as such and to give up the poor eating habits that led me down that path. Over the ten years since I was diagnosed, I have conquered many of the pitfalls though and learned to eat in a healthy manner. I still cheat occasionally, but I think that is a healthier option that cheating constantly. After heart surgery I lost another twenty pounds and have struggled to keep it off. I am on my second weight surge and have to lose 16 pounds to reach my goal weight. I don't have a structured exercise program, but make a conscious effort to add activity to every day: taking stairs instead of elevators, parking far away from the store when shopping, etc. I have lost the same 8 pounds twice in the last three months so I thought I'd start posting and encouraging others. Misery loves company, right? I think we all struggle with common urges so encouragement should promote our mutual success.:drinker:
  • Darcie45
    Darcie45 Posts: 52 Member
    I just turned 45 last week! Sending you a friend request!
  • SosaEileen
    SosaEileen Posts: 12 Member
    41 this September and excited to begin my weight loss journey! I am a mother of 4 and need to lose at least 50lbs.
  • jackplescia
    jackplescia Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Have been using MFP since Jan 1 this year and have now hit a plateau at 26 lbs, for several weeks ...
    I just need some MFP friends/support to try and beat this plateau and get some encouragement to reach my goal of 40 lbs by year end if possible ....
    Any advice will be appreciated ...
    Accepting friend requests to share experiences on MFP and exchange advice
    52 y/o and feeling great so far, need to continue this quest, please help

    I log everything in MFP, food, exercises, etc and try to stay below my caloric goal daily (1720 calories per day)

  • marinegrandma
    marinegrandma Posts: 4 Member
    I am 56 and looking for support
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    I'll be 40 this year...feel free to friend me! :flowerforyou:
  • Blitz_40
    Blitz_40 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi AJ, I turn 43 next week. Also live in the Bham area. Sending request....
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    Wow! Am I the oldest person on MFP at 55???

    Nope... I am!:frown:
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    55?! You kids are hilarious!

    (59 here, pushing you-know-what) :laugh: :noway: :embarassed:
  • Etafaga
    Etafaga Posts: 2
    Hi, My name is Joy and I just joined about a month ago. I'm looking for friends here for accountability and just get to know people who are in the same boat as I am.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    Just turned 46, and I noticed we have about the same amount of weight to lose - sending a friend request now!!!
  • Rcknrbn68
    Rcknrbn68 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. Turning 45 in November. Who would have ever thought I would be one of the "Old Farts" that I thought were ancient when I was a kid... lol
  • ChiJenn
    ChiJenn Posts: 97 Member

    Yes, I will be 42 in Sept. I can't believe it. And weighing the most I ever have in my life! I swear the day I turned 40 I gained 10 pounds. What's up with that? And then the next year at 41 years old 5 more pounds. So I've been on MFP since I was 40 and I am back to logging consistently. Trying hard not to eat crap. I'd love some support, feel free to friend request me :) I am 5' 6" and currently 157 pounds and in a size 12 which is uncomfortable. I have 2 girls and I am a stay at home mom. Used to be a Special Ed. Teacher. I'd love to fit back into my jeans by fall! Love to loose 15 - 20 pounds.
  • mabieknott
    mabieknott Posts: 16 Member
    I am definitely over forty but you know they say fifty is is the new 30 so I recokon' that forty is the new barely 20's... we are all just babies :)))
  • Nireedk
    Nireedk Posts: 36 Member
    Yup ... me too. Can hardly believe it! Friend me.
  • Turning 48 in December! Feeling 35, though, so no complaints!
