FitBit Opinions Please....



  • lisabella501

    I am really keen to get the flex, but worried that my numbers will be thrown out because I type alot at work... Has anyone experienced this:happy:
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    for some reason I was thinking the fitbit 1 used a band but you just clip it to clothes right? Does it sync to blackberry / playbook, do you really need to sync option, can't you just update date when you're at home?
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I ahve the fitbit ultra, it is great as a pedometer and helps keep me motivated but i ignore the calorie burn as it is inaccurate. It doesnt take intensity into consideration.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I have the flex and I love it. I don't find that typing throws it off. The only time it counted steps when it shouldn't have is when I was shaking my salad to mix in the dressing lol. It's super convient, it only has to be charged once a week and it only takes about an hour to charge. You forget you are wearing it sometimes. I wore it on the weekend and didn't take it off swimming and it still works. It's a handy little gadget for sure.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I don't have one but am considering getting one. I've talked to several people that love theirs. I think I read that it works with myfitnesspal. I don't have an iPhone and I'm not sure it works with Andriod smart phones. I love using a pedometer and the Fitbit seems to have even more options to it.

    it DOES worrk with several models of android phone. Check the website for supported phones.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I don't have one but am considering getting one. I've talked to several people that love theirs. I think I read that it works with myfitnesspal. I don't have an iPhone and I'm not sure it works with Andriod smart phones. I love using a pedometer and the Fitbit seems to have even more options to it.

    it DOES worrk with several models of android phone. Check the website for supported phones.

    Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    for some reason I was thinking the fitbit 1 used a band but you just clip it to clothes right? Does it sync to blackberry / playbook, do you really need to sync option, can't you just update date when you're at home?

    Yes it clips to your clothing. I think there is a band thing to slide it in for sleep tracking, but I'm not sure since I have the Zip model.

    Don't know if it syncs with blackberry.

    As for syncing with phones, it really depends on the person and their situation/prefrence. I found the phone sync option really handy when I spent the day at the zoo, but other than that I just sync when I'm home. My husband on the other hand prefers to sync his with his phone. Even when he's home, he syncs it with his phone.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I have the flex and I love it. I don't find that typing throws it off. The only time it counted steps when it shouldn't have is when I was shaking my salad to mix in the dressing lol. It's super convient, it only has to be charged once a week and it only takes about an hour to charge. You forget you are wearing it sometimes. I wore it on the weekend and didn't take it off swimming and it still works. It's a handy little gadget for sure.

    My boyfriend has the Flex. Typing doesn't seem to throw it off. He found at first that driving was being counted as steps, but he moved the Flex to his other wrist and that fixed the problem.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I love my FitBit One! I lost the first one I had and for the time I was without it (they sent me a new one) I felt so off. I love that I don't really have to enter my exercise... I might plug in yoga or using the exercise bike, but other than that I let FitBit do the work and it's great. It definitely encourages me to be more active... I don't like seeing that big "sedentary" piece of the pie chart.