Everything is Easier

strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
Hi all, I don't normally start a topic on these forums but was recently talking to my sister, who is on her own weight loss journey, for the last few years. She was saying that if she was to write a book on the subject she would call it "Everything is easier when you are thin." So I was wondering what do you find easier to do when you reach your goal weight? What are you looking forward to? For me I am excited about getting on a plane and not having to squeeze myself into the tiny little seat.


  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    What is considered thin?
  • Wilsongood
    Wilsongood Posts: 22 Member
    I am looking forward to a few things. Mostly, just not being embarrassed to be seen with my stomach hanging over my belt. I want to be able to tie my shoes without having to hold my breath. I want my 2xl t-shirts to stop fitting me like a condom. I'll think I'm thin for my height when I go from a 36 to a 30 or 32. I'm not heavy anywhere but that stubborn stomach of mine.
  • marthahorn
    marthahorn Posts: 23
    Putting on tennis shoes and tying them without having to hold my breath!
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    Everything is Easier:

    Getting drinks from men. I don't know why, I've never had a problem having men chat me up at a bar (when I was 200+ lbs) but they'd never buy me drinks. They'd express an interest and I would turn them down (as I had a boyfriend). Now, I'm down 50lbs and men are buying me drinks but not really listening to what I have to say. Before men held conversations with me.

    I guess it's like before I was their "fat friend" or reminded them of their sister or whatever. (and no, they weren't after me because I have a hot girl friend and they were jumping on the grenades - all of my friends are guys so it should have been very intimidating) But now it's just "bing bang boom here's a drink and come sleep with me" instead of "bing bang boom here's a lengthy conversation about sports or politics and now come sleep with me".
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Putting on tennis shoes and tying them without having to hold my breath!

    This, I used to notice when I tied my shoes, now I don't even think about it. Running is also easier, come to think of it, the only thing that is harder for me now is staying warm. I used to Ice fish in covies and a hoodie, don't think I'll be able to do that this year. I'm not to my goal weight yet, but I've lost a little over thirty pounds and the whole world seems different.

  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    I've only gotten a little smaller, still have a good bit to lose, but I have started weight training and have gotten way stronger. I was at the grocery store yesterday to pick up the dreaded 40lb box of cat litter (we have 5 cats). I realized after that I had manhandled that bad boy like nobody's business and hadn't even realized it! Also took a spill on my bike last night, first time I've fallen since I was a kid. Got back up and kept going. Didn't stop till I realized I was bleeding down my foot so I went home and patched up. I don't have anywhere near all the aches and pains I used to!
  • ninnyfurr74
    ninnyfurr74 Posts: 111 Member
    I want my 2xl t-shirts to stop fitting me like a condom.

    OMG roflmao! Not at you mind you! Just your phraseology and that I know the feeling! Finding shirts to fit right for me is some what of problem. Especially t-shirts. The "girls" are rather on the large side and hard to fit so either it bags everywhere else and fits them or they are stuffed in like sausage in a tube!!
  • mandylgibbs
    mandylgibbs Posts: 185 Member
    Hmmm. Well I made a good long list of these in January but I've forgotten them now.

    1. Standing up between two rows of chairs that are close together. It sounds simple but when your belly is SO big it makes your have to lean back awkwardly.

    2. Movies, Airplanes, Restaurant booths, Lawn furniture can now house my butt comfortably

    3. SHOPPING! I used to wear the biggest plus size available in most stores. Now I'm headed in to a 16 and can ALMOST shop anywhere. WHAT? I have a whole new world of possibility opening up.

    4. Tennis. Walking. Running. Climbing Stairs. All MUCH easier.

    5. Standing up from a sitting position
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    Not cringing every time I see a picture of myself!!!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Normal, everyday tasks and active recreation are so much easier as I get more fit. I used to be so tired and sluggish and I'd crash around 4pm everyday. If my family went for a hike I'd crash as soon as we got home. I have so much more energy now. I get through my workout, errands, and chores, and I have energy to spare. These days, after a hike, I'm ready for more!

    I agree that seeing myself in pictures is easier, too. I used to make sure I was hiding behind someone in a picture. Now I'm just like everybody else - I make sure I didn't blink and that's it.

    I should have done this a long time ago.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    EVERYTHING is easier, everything you can possibly think of is easier.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Getting the attention of store clerks when I go clothing shopping.
  • whippettt
    whippettt Posts: 7
    When I walk in a room I am usually the fittest person in that room. I might be the oldest but I know I am healthy
    and fit. I wake up early and feel great knowing I have a plan for that day on trying to be fitter than the day before.
    I recently climbed a 5 mile trail up and down a mountain with a 74 year old man. I thought at 56 I inspired younger
    people but he took it to a whole new level.
  • kathleenbritting
    I think that many things will be easier.
    First the dreaded cloth shopping will not be a chore. Short, fat girls have difficulty. Everything that I like is way too small and the stuff that fits makes me look like a sack of potatoes not to mention is waaaaay too long. Are there only tall heavy women in this world?
    Second just getting around and fitting into spaces and not knocking everything over will be a joy. It's so embarrassing to turn around and have something spill over. Is it just me or are the aisles in stores getting narrower.
    Third and this is the important one. Not to be so winded after doing anything exerting. My asthma has been kicking my butt. I look forward to getting back into doing all the things I have had to cut back on because I was afraid of having a bronchospasm. I'm on CPAP and would love to be able sleep without lugging machinery around and looking for a plug.
    And finally fourth, the vain one. I would love to have my pictures taken and not feel that I had ruined the picture for everyone else because I looked so fat. I would love to have a neck back and less of a double chin. (See I told you this was the vain one.)
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    I think that many things will be easier.
    First the dreaded cloth shopping will not be a chore. Short, fat girls have difficulty. Everything that I like is way too small and the stuff that fits makes me look like a sack of potatoes not to mention is waaaaay too long. Are there only tall heavy women in this world?

    Being able to go shopping without hating life will be nice.
    Not quite the same, but when I go to the plus sized girls stores, I usually wear a x or 1x shirt .... And I don't fit the boobs! They assume because I'm fat that my boobs are enormous when they're really just kind of average haha
  • hollybygolly316
    hollybygolly316 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been heavy my entire life, and I look at my "thin" friends, and the simplest things that no one else (unless they're as big as me) tend to think about motivate me to lose the weight. Here are just a few that I personally use:

    1. Being able to climb a flight of stairs without my legs getting sore or getting winded.
    2. Being able to cross my legs!
    3. Being able to cuddle on my boyfriend's lap without the fear of squishing him.
    4. Not having an anxiety attack when I go out in public because of fear that a seat/booth will be too small, an aisle will be too small, I won't be able to put the seat belt on in the car, etc.
    5. Being able to go out with friends to get something like ice cream (in moderation, of course) and not have people staring at me like, "Look at the fat girl eating. Surprise, surprise..."
    6. Being able to buy clothes from ANY store and not get disgusted looks from the employees when I come in to look at clothes.
    7. Being able to wear a swimsuit without hugging myself and trying to magically make the fat rolls disappear.

    The list could go on and on, but these are just a few motivators for me of what life could be like once I lose the weight.
  • pensfan1
    pensfan1 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't have anything to contribute that hasn't been said, but I love this thread. I needed some extra motivation and I had never thought of some of these NSVs. So awesome.
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    EVERYTHING is easier, everything you can possibly think of is easier.

    I haven't even come close to reaching my goal weight yet, but this statement sums it up for me.
  • sumeetg37
    sumeetg37 Posts: 108 Member
    I can ride my motorcycle without feeling like I am being split down (up?) the middle by the seat!
  • LizaDK914
    LizaDK914 Posts: 54 Member
    I think that many things will be easier.
    First the dreaded cloth shopping will not be a chore. Short, fat girls have difficulty. Everything that I like is way too small and the stuff that fits makes me look like a sack of potatoes not to mention is waaaaay too long. Are there only tall heavy women in this world?

    ^^^^^^ Oh my gosh, this!!! You are NOT lying. Every pair of pants I buy is at minimum 3 inches too long. I'm always like "If I were taller, I'd be smaller around!" At least, I'd like to think so anyway.

    I'm hoping that wearing high heels will be easier. I'm in my cousin's wedding in April, and I'm dreading the 3-4 inch heels she has us wearing - afraid I'm going to fall down the aisle instead of walk!
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