Go home MFP, you're drunk!



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It is taking a lot to get used to.
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    What was the point of changing the look of the site? Did anything actually get updated or improved or added?
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    is this to do with the new layout?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Me posting in the new forums.


    And then finally...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Meh, I like it.

  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    People will always resist change.

    The old MFP interface was old and outdated. Surely you guys realise they update one thing at a time. There will probably be other changes over the coming weeks and months, so you had better get used to it!

    This may be true but, I can't understand why after reading the update comments, there isn't a PR post from MFP to everyone addressing methods around concerns, especially common ones. I still see complaints about posting tickers and not being able to see your old replies. These things can be done in this new format. People realize that updating is par for the course. But, users shouldn't be bashed for poor communication or implementation of said updates.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    edited October 2014
    Some things I like a lot, others not so much. I really hate how you can't see the full title of the threads. I mean you can mouse over it but my mouse is buggy af so it's a battle. But I guess that's only my problem.

    I like the Word-style post formatting options. The link to the BB codes is a nice touch as well, considering half the forum seems not to know what they are, (what with all the broken links to pictures and dozens of people asking how to post them).

    Then again. Not sure if I'm ready for obnoxious font and jacked up quote trees due to people trying to be special and unique snowflakes, lol. My two cents.
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    There's a few things that are better about it, formatting for one and adding gifs, which took me a while to get the hang of in the first place.
    It'll take me a while to get used to it, but until then...
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    With the new format, it's hard to find threads I've posted to. I'd leave a trail of breadcrumbs, but they're high in calories.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    Redesigned site and they still haven't add a WHO to the quote box. I am disappoint.

    Yea, this ^^ would be a nice feature, seems so primitive without that simple function IME. Also the ability to easily italicize, bold, etc. And a like button while they were at it. Oh and to notify us which threads we've been responded to in.

    I thought it was showing who you were quoting now. testing.

    also is much easier to use italics and bold
    , not sure why you are having problem with that.

    I can do without a like button, last thing I want actually is a mini facebook like button.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Everybody get out of here. You're still hungover from yesterday's fun.