

  • madjo
    madjo Posts: 17
    I am totally in! I am beyond chubby and end of next year I turn 25 - I WILL be at my goal weight by then!
  • borgi77
    Ahh I was soo good up until 24, got to so so skinny my skinniest ever then from 25-29 been so bad! and I turn 30 next year! but we can do it I have lost 18 kilos so far, and I am determined to be skinny by April 11 2011, I am the most determined I have been! :) I had the worst BMI of 36, now 30! :) Let's all make our 30's the most healthy we can be :) Good luck to all
  • Tasha1476
    As far as NYC goes, I can give you some restaurants with healthier options and stuff if you are interested. :D

    Aw thanks! I think I'm set mostly because I grew up there/ and actually lived there for the past year (which is how I gained the weight! Sitting everyday in an office in the city!). But thanks! :) I'm just gonna try to eat light during the day so its ok if I end up having a drink or two/dinner with my old co-workers. :)

    awesome! Just thought I'd offer. :D
  • sophieg77
    What prompted me to loose weight was from looking at the females (and males too) in my family and knowing that I was going to travel their exact path. A normal metabolism in their teens, and an average weight, able to get fit with exercise but as soon as they hit 20 and had kids it was size 16 plus till death. They never were happy with their clothes, and no matter what exercise routine or diet they attempted their bodies were just so stuborn and 'content' that they couldn't stick to anything - it just took too long to get results. I have gotten my mum onto this site, it's a bit cute to see her at 62 tackle the website and use her new iphone with the MFP app, she has started to make slow improvements but she has a long way to go.

    I guess my motivation is to get the job done early. I want to wear clothes i am proud of, not have to hear the words 'i love you just the way you are' because though they are really sweet, it hurts that you even have to say that in the first place.


    I have substituted the train ride home for walking and hopefully bump that up to jogging one day. it's about 6ks or 5ks if i take a short cut. I am using the app 'walkometer'. The calories seem a bit too high, but i am using it more just to see the walk i did on gps :)

    I recently bought a wii balance board and the Biggest Loser Game. so far it seems to be ok, anyone had any success on this game?

    It's so great and inspiring to read everyone elses stories. so motivating to know I am not alone in this :) xoxoxo
  • ambercole

    I am 26 and far to chubby!! I am currently at 185 pounds and want to get back to around 140, so there is a long way to go!!

  • missAfox
    missAfox Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in - and feel free to add me also !!
  • PickyNikki
    I'm so glad I found this topic! I just joined MFP after I finally got fed up with complaining about my body and not doing anything about it. I'm 24 years old, 5'3, and about 10 pounds overweight. I know, I know, it's not anything to complain about but I HATE the way the extra weight sits on my little frame. So gals (and guys?), it's nice to meet all of you and good luck with your goals! We can do it!
  • daniellemiller04
    Hi. I'm with you. I'm 26 but I have 2 kids ages 2 and 3. I just want to get back in shape. I find it hard to work as hard on it because I teach all day and have to tend to the kids at night. I'm just exhausted by the time I have a chance to workout. Maybe a little motivation will help me!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Add me to!!! I am 26, I'll be 27 in two weeks. I was in the best shape of my life when I was 20(I was in the Army)... 21 came and it was all down hill after that. I would like to get back to what I used to be, and better if possible. I would like to go back In the military and exceed all their standards. I used to be able to exceed the push ups and sit ups, the 2 mile run gave me trouble sometimes, but the goal is to be able to max them all. I am giving myself year maybe a little more for the weight standards, and to go back in, and I want to be able to max all the physical requirements before I am 30.

    edit: I had a real eye opening experience at the end of july. I went to my dads 50th birthday party and saw pretty much all of my family. I was looking at the pictures that were taken about a week after the party, and I realized that I was one of the fattest people there. It was a very humbling. I used to be the most in shape person in the family. So I found my fitness pal and started on my journey to a better me. I am on a mission to be that person again.
  • justinsgirl2017
    Hey everyone! I am so in. I am 24 and frustrated with my body and my weight! My husband and I are currently trying to go to the gym and eat better. It is such a struggle with the hustle and bustle of busy lives and I will take all the support I can get.
  • justinsgirl2017
    I just wanted to say good luck to you all!
  • PickyNikki
    Wow, this group is growing fast! Happy Monday everyone! Did everyone have a successful day? I feel like I did - I avoided the SECOND candy bouquet that some nice customer sent to my work like the plague, kept my daily calories within my goal and did my first day of Couch to 5k without feeling like I wanted to die :laugh:

    Hey Justinsgirl! You are lucky to have your hubby as a willing partner :smile: My boyfriend is supportive and we are both trying to lose weight but he works away 2 weeks at a time so we don't get to work out together very much. Good luck to you both!

    Hi Leanmass - those are some great goals you've set for yourself! You can do it :wink:

    Keep up the great work everyone :drinker:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all, today was a decent day for me. I made it up to 2 miles of non-stop jogging, which is an all time longest distance for me yay! Sunday night I was at a friend's for a True Blood viewing party, so the eating wasn't so great then. I didn't think I did that horribly, but I saw the scale go up almost 2 pounds when I weighed myself this morning, so I learned my lesson. Today I was that girl, and brought the leftover red velvet cupcakes to work so they wouldn't be staring me in the face at home. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I had good eating and work outs last week, but I slacked on the eating this weekend, not too bad, but not the best and I did take a break of 2 days at the gym. Tomorrow I weigh in, so hopefully it will be good :] Also I did the Couch to 5k program and will be running my first 5k this coming weekend in Los Angeles for kickin' cancer!! I am excited! So keep up with the C25k program, its worth it! I have also heard some people have repeated weeks if needed if they were not feeling up to par with the run, so do what you have to do to do the program. I hope everyone is having a good week so far!

  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I lost 3.2 pounds in the last week, so tonight I'm going out to dinner to treat myself!

    Do any of you have things you treat yourself with when you reach a certain goal?

    I bought myself a dress when I lost 10 pounds. I'm buying a pair of jeans at 20.
  • mkpeacock
    Justinsgirl~ Welcome to the group!!! You are very lucky to have someone so Supportive!! My Hubby try's but He has never been over 180lbs in his life and he is almost 7ft tall so he is a rail and always has been!!!

    Nikki~ Yes our group is growing fast!!! sorry to here about your temptation basket lol Glad that your couch to 5k is going well!!!

    Allie~ :bigsmile: WTG on the weight loss!!! I am glad you found a place to put those cupcakes so they didnt end up on your hip's lol Good luck this week!

    Alexis~ :happy: Sometimes you need a break!!! Good Luck to you in your first 5k!!!!

    skydiamonds~ :drinker: CONGRATS on the 3.2lbs!!! I like to have me some Chocolate:blushing: ! I will be waiting to buy new cloths but I will be buying from Goodwill and then taking all my bigger close to them!! When I hit target rate My hubby has agreed to buy me a whole new set of cloths!!! SHOPPING SPREE for me!!!!:love:

    So Yesterday after a week of a of the baby being sick I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned,,, I got back my calories plus some ended my day with over 1000 left! Today I ate breakfast and the phone has been non-stop ringing but I managed to get in a little cleaning and stuff for some exercises!!! Well off to Get house in shape for guests TTFN!!!
  • PickyNikki
    Hello everyone!

    Allie - it's so weird, I had a dream last night that I had a day like your True Blood party (only much worse, I pigged out) and I gave up on my eating plan! At least we have the common sense and willpower to know when we make a mistake and what to do to avoid doing it again. BTW :heart: True Blood! Have you read the Sookie Stackhouse novels?

    Alexis - congratulations on your 5k, that's awesome! If I finish the program I really want to participate in one too - thanks for the motivation!

    Skydiamonds - CONGRATS on your 3.2 pounds! I definitely have plans to treat myself, I just can't decide between all the options. New haircut, new workout outfit, new clothes...

    MK - sorry to hear about your little one :frown: I don't log my cleaning calories but maybe I should!

    Happy Tuesday all, and keep up the good work!!! :flowerforyou:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Hey all!

    I hope you don't mind if I join you. I'm 28 & looking to lose 20ish pounds. I'm not overweight, but not feeling great about my appearance anymore. I'm 5'-8" & 145lbs. I keep starting & stopping the whole working out & eating right I'm hoping with this site I'll be able to stay on board!
  • mamabearr
    Let me in on this.

    I'm 21 and have 30 lbs of post baby fat on me. Ick. It's not very cute.
  • PickyNikki
    Good morning everyone!

    I've been at this over a week now and still going strong :happy: My new favorite thing to do in the morning is plan out my meals for the day - no slip-ups that way! I'll be doing my second day of Couch to 5k this evening, and I have to admit I'm a little nervous. Not because it's hard to do, but because on Monday when I did it I was using the loop around my neighborhood and I had to turn around because of a big moose in the road! I hope he's not hanging around today...

    Welcome H_82 and Mamabearr! You came to the right place for motivation and support. Good luck with your goals - you can do it!

    See ya later :flowerforyou: