i am not mature enough



  • Sewweaver
    Sewweaver Posts: 33 Member
    Grapes..... Well... Crushed grapes. Juice really..... Yeah, wine
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Ice cream. I will eat that whole gallon in one day. Now I buy ice cream sandwiches so it is better portioned.
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    yep, im with the 'sweets of any kind' group. even now. i went to a birthday party and they had mini cupcakes, cake, and ice cream. i told myself okay i will have ONE mini cupcake. next thing i knew i was sitting on the couch after eating all three! :embarassed: :cry: hehehe
  • knucklesammie
    knucklesammie Posts: 196 Member
    Grapes..... Well... Crushed grapes. Juice really..... Yeah, wine

    lol!!!! i love how funny these answers are!! this one i totally relate to, too :heart:
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    Dear Ice Cream,

    You know I love you, I just can't be with you any more. I wish I could say it's not you, it's me. But we both know that'd be a lie. You're so clingy, I spend so much time prying to off of my arms and legs I can't even be myself any more. I really think we should see other people, we just have different aspirations for life. You see, I want to run, and bike, and buy small clothes. You want me to sit around, eat, lick and grow the size of my *kitten*. It's just not working for me any more. I can't see myself in a "long-term" relationship with someone like you. We had some great times, some not so great. And you were always there for me. I suppose that was the problem all along. Don't make this harder than it has to be.



    P.S. I'll be by to get my spoons in the morning. Try not to be there. I don't want it to be awkward.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Bags of potato chips, unless they are single serve.
    Same for cookies.
  • cemrani3
    cemrani3 Posts: 7
    hell no
    I eat whatever I want
    I just go work it off

    What kind of work out should I do to burn off the 2250 calories in a large garden fresh pizza from Papa Johns?


    LOL I know right? Some people don't really get it when we say we're over our limit.... it's a problem... but we're all trying to get better together! :)
  • sdpeklo
    sdpeklo Posts: 82
    This trail mix called " A little bit of everything". Ummm yeah a little bit turned into lots of bits of everything. Like the huge jar would disappear in a few days.
    Haven't bought it in 4 months but I do glance at it lovingly and for a long while when I walk past it in the grocery store. Like just for old time sake ya know. :smile:
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    Birthday Cake Oreos. I need someone to watch me when I have them. We can't be trusted alone together.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Tostitos. Especially scoops. :angry:
    OCTOBERLISA Posts: 38 Member
    Bagels and cream cheese
    Miss you lil buddies
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    The spawn of Satan that I thought had gone to the hell it deserved. But Nooooooo!!!! It had to show up the other morning. The fact that it has been gone the entire time I've lost all this weight isn't a coincidence.

    Go back to the hell hole you came from, you damned Hostess Cupcakes. And take those damned Twinkies with you.

    And don't even get me started on chocolate covered Oreos.
  • alxpitcher
    alxpitcher Posts: 4 Member
    Blue bell ice cream, any flavor. I get sick off other desserts, but I can sit down and eat a whole pint, no problem. And Dr. Pepper, I avoid it at all cost, if I have one, I will crave it for weeks!!
  • twinadoes6
    Oreos, my beloved ores! I could eat them all day everyday. My kids love them too and I've had to stop buying them because I will eat them.....all.
  • twinadoes6
    Oh and I forgot, I'm already dreading when the bags upon bags of Candy Corn start hitting the shelves, little perfect triangles of orange, yellow and white heaven. You've been so good to me all these years but sadly I need to move on from your temptations. I can't stop at one, let alone one bag.
  • heatherbrosigyaskow
    heatherbrosigyaskow Posts: 28 Member
    Oh -- and Girl Scout Cookies. Thin Mints. Frozen.


    me and my husband fight over frozen thin mints!!!
  • DreaMuffin
    DreaMuffin Posts: 63 Member
    Dear Ice Cream,

    You know I love you, I just can't be with you any more. I wish I could say it's not you, it's me. But we both know that'd be a lie. You're so clingy, I spend so much time prying to off of my arms and legs I can't even be myself any more. I really think we should see other people, we just have different aspirations for life. You see, I want to run, and bike, and buy small clothes. You want me to sit around, eat, lick and grow the size of my *kitten*. It's just not working for me any more. I can't see myself in a "long-term" relationship with someone like you. We had some great times, some not so great. And you were always there for me. I suppose that was the problem all along. Don't make this harder than it has to be.



    P.S. I'll be by to get my spoons in the morning. Try not to be there. I don't want it to be awkward.

    LOL this made my day!! :laugh:
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    Chips... i've even tried portioning out the bag...nope..self control zero
    When we have bbqs with friends - whatever is being served my self control goes out the window
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I broke up with big portions. Outside of that, I eat what I want in moderation and work it into my daily net calories.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    LOL! And here I thought I was the only one who ate whole handfuls of croutons. I'm more of a sweet craver than salt/savory but once in a while when I need that quick after work/pre-dinner snack, I head straight for the croutons. And then I usually follow it up with a finger dip into the peanut butter jar. So bad...

    I had to break up with pretty much all sweets. I'll still have something on occassion but I used to practically live off of muffins, cookies, candy bars and twizzlers. And for a while I fit them into my daily diet but eventually I decided it just wasn't worth it. Now my daily sweet is my chocolatey protein bar and the fruit I put in my yogurt. :) My biggest issue was with Girl Scout Cookies - i can't even order them anymore. Seriously, I'd get 2-3 boxes and they'd be gone within a week, all eaten by me. Those damn caramel delights are to die for!