Who Are Your Go-To "Gurus"?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I too find that Aragon, Helms and McDonald are my "go-to" sources and all were of tremendous help when I was devising a diet + workout routine.

    I also dig Armi Legge's impruvism.com site.

    Basically I like the guys that are all about science, reason and facts and not so much about motivation. Anti-Richard Simmons if you will.

    I'll check out some of the others mentioned too.

    I have started to read/listen to Armi's stuff recently - solid.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    I appreciated Bill Phillp's advice back in the day. His book Body-for-Life was such a motivational tool for me.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I too find that Aragon, Helms and McDonald are my "go-to" sources and all were of tremendous help when I was devising a diet + workout routine.

    I also dig Armi Legge's impruvism.com site.

    Basically I like the guys that are all about science, reason and facts and not so much about motivation. Anti-Richard Simmons if you will.

    I'll check out some of the others mentioned too.

    I have started to read/listen to Armi's stuff recently - solid.

    Another +1 for Armi. Also a very down to earth guy.
  • Sewweaver
    Sewweaver Posts: 33 Member
    No one.
    I know I should eat less calories than I burn, I know to keep fat & sodium low. I don't really need to know anything else.

    The statement you made right before you said you don't need to know anything else, shows just how much you don't know. Insulin resistance as a result of a high carb, low fat diet is the single largest cause of non-communicable disease, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity...

    I have looked up a lot of AJ's posts and because I originally was a bit offended.... I did some research into what he was saying. I am now an absolute convert to pretty much everything he has said, so I guess in some ways..... this poster. Wanted to add him as a friend, but a little terrified of him :) hate rejection ....
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Bump. Great post OP.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    These guys always have good sound advice.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Sarauk2sf for all my nutrition needs. I don't ask her a lot of questions, I just creep on her posts more than i like to admit :smile:

    There are quite a few people that i go to for my lifting questions. Mark Rippetoe videos for sure!
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    My "guru" would be my good friend, Scott. He has a degree in Health and Exercise Science. And has been there, done that. He lost 100 pounds, so he can relate. And best of all, he knows ME. He knows what I can do, where I'm at, and where I'm going. So his advice is personalized just for me. :)

    And best of all, he doesn't sugarcoat anything. He has no problem telling me what I need to do. (and I have no problem arguing with him!! LOL) Our current battle is over "numbers". I NEED them. He tells me to forget about them and focus more on how I feel.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Can't believe I forgot Rippetoe - about to start Starting Strength so reading the book first - and what a in depth breakdown to each exercise. I had to reread much of it over and over again because it was so in depth. The "cues" section for each exercise are great.

    Also another +1 for impruvism. Learned about that site in Eat, Train, Progress group actually. It was an interview with Helms on there that got me into Helms in fact.

    I also forgot to mention Jamie Hale. I first heard of him on Alan's blog. He dropped a GEM of a comment in the Lustig battle. I recommend "Should I eat The Yolk: Separating Facts Form Myths to get You Lean, Fit and Healthy" It is a SUPER quick read. Question and answer format. It isn't in depth but he covers a lot of ground, and at the least points you in the right direction so you can easily research more thoroughly yourself. Potentially a bit dated now though - I think it is a couple years old.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member

    This, plus adding heybales for all my cardio/cycling/endurance questions.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I also forgot to mention Jamie Hale. I first heard of him on Alan's blog. He dropped a GEM of a comment in the Lustig battle. I recommend "Should I eat The Yolk: Separating Facts Form Myths to get You Lean, Fit and Healthy" It is a SUPER quick read. Question and answer format. It isn't in depth but he covers a lot of ground, and at the least points you in the right direction so you can easily research more thoroughly yourself. Potentially a bit dated now though - I think it is a couple years old.

    ^ I bought Hale's book for my Kindle, really enjoyed it.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • Sarah_Slimdown
    I've learned a lot from Travis Steffen, who has a "Better Bodies Podcast" that I've listened to quite a bit of. He has his own weight loss website program, but since it's not free (and I'm not exactly the target market), I haven't used it. However, the information he shares is very helpful.
  • EmoJew
    EmoJew Posts: 94 Member
    Phil Learney is a pretty interesting guy for nutritional information.

    But layne is my favourite
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I follow Layne Norton on Facebook and Twitter ( https://twitter.com/BioLayne) ....pretty funny guy. Love his BioLayne series on YouTube.

    He keeps an open mind also which I like.

    Also like others Alan Agaron and Eric Helms are also good reads.
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    Bumping to research some of these answers later
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Jack LaLanne...He once said "if you wouldn't feed it to your dog for breakfast (meaning donuts and other junk) why are you feeding it to yourself?" Love Love Love that kind of outlook. :)
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    bumping to link back and read later.

    This is an awesome thread OP, thank you!