14 Weeks to Christmas Challenge!!

bikinimission Posts: 97
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hello MFPers!!

Myself and Mimi have been talking about how there are now 14 weeks left until Christmas and how coincidently for us UK based people... 14lbs in a stone :) This doesn't mean we're excluing you US MFPers though, everyone is more than welcome no matter what units you weigh in!!

So who'd like to join us for a Christmas challenge?? We start tomorrow Wed 15th September with a finish date of Wed 22nd December and each week we'll post a results chart and applaud those amongst us who've made the most progress! For anyone who'd like to aim to lose a stone then 1lb a week is a great target to aim for but we'll accept personal goals of any size! We'll also use this thread as a means for chat, motivation and making new MFP friends!

The theme is based around the song 12 Days of Christmas and each week we'll have a different challenge:


So sign up below people by posting your starting personal stats and goals in this format:

I like:
I don't like:
Current typical or usual exercise:
Current Starting Weight:
Aim for next week:
Personal 14 week Goal:

Here's mine:
Location: Northern Ireland
I like: Picnics, adventures and surprises.
I don't like: Sweetcorn and feeling unhappy
Current typical or usual exercise: 30 day shred and jogging
Current Starting Weight: 140lbs
Aim for next week: 139lbs
Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 14 lbs (but I'd be happy with 10lbs)

Talk to you soon -- and remember NO CHOCOLATE (substitute for crisps or sweeties if you're not a chocolate eater!!) for one whole week starting tomorrow. I'll compile the first list of challengers on Thursday morning :) Make sure and come back for a chat through the week and don't forget to post your week one results next Wednesday!

Good luck Christmas Challengers!!


  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Sounds great! I'm bumping early so I can find it later this morning via my page :blushing:
  • Hi there

    You can count me in on this challenge. I joined 10days ago and have lost 4lb so far. Chocolate is going to be a hard one for me as i do love it, but i am sure i can stick to it.

    Location: Midlands (England)
    I like: Suprises and chocolate.
    I don't like: feeling unhappy and Being ill
    Current typical or usual exercise: 10mins of Power plate and walking, and swimming 2 twice a week ( started back last night after 8 weeks off)
    Current Starting Weight: 220
    Aim for next week: 219
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 14lbs but would be happy between 8 - 10lbs.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    bump! I'm about to head out the door, but I want to join! I'll post my information later this evening! :happy:
  • Hiiii there :blushing:

    I'd like to join & here is my info :smile:

    Location: Barnsley, S Yorkshire, UK.
    I like: Chocolate & Running ( talk about a contradiction?!)
    I don't like: Stitch from running! Feeling rubbishy about myself.
    Current typical or usual exercise: Running/Jump rope/Walking
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 21lbs (I reckon this is about a 1.5lb a week mark? Though my math is rubbish!)

    :bigsmile: Siobhan xx
  • bump
  • LOL this sounds GREAT! I am a total choc lover so I love this weeks challenge. Also the theme song is a cute touch...

    Location: Twin Falls, ID (USA) :heart:
    I like: boating, hiking, camping, and most of all being with my hubby and kids!!!:flowerforyou:
    I don't like: Being insecure, and lonely :(:cry:
    Current typical or usual exercise: I am doing Chalean Extreme by beachbody, and cardio on my non lifting days, and walking:happy:
    Current Starting Weight: 146:tongue:
    Aim for next week: 145:love:
    Personal 14 week Goal: 135 would be sweet!!! :drinker:
  • Sounds like a Great Challenge to me and being in the US I have Thanksgiving holiday to get through as well. Its hard to believe only 14 weeks until Christmas!

    Location: South Carolina
    I like: Lindor chocolate balls
    I don't like: waking up at 4am to go to work
    Current typical or usual exercise: walking and exercise dvds. I bought a treadclimber but its still in the box because it takes 2 people to put it together and no one has stopped by to help me... lol
    Current Starting Weight: 220.5
    Aim for next week: 218.5
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 20lbs
  • While browsing this site on a friend's recommendation, I found this post and this made me want to join myfitnesspal.com. So yes this is day ONE for me! And what a great idea, a group to motivate me is just what I need.

    I have NEVER worn a bikini in public without a tank top before, EVER...a little ridiculous for a 28 year old!

    Chocolate I can do, we will see how I fair when it comes to candy though!!!

    Location: Sydney Australia
    I like: Candy, downloaded TV shows, and spin class
    I don't like: house plants or mushrooms
    Current typical or usual exercise: 2 gym classes a week, one spin and one weights...trying to get to 3-4x/week
    Current Starting Weight: 128lbs
    Aim for next week: 127lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: To lose 13lbs, would be happy with 10 though

    Just one question being that I am a newbie...what is a bump???
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm in! love this idea!

    Location: Southwest England (changing to Wales next week)
    I like: reading and being outside
    I don't like: feeling unwell (happens a lot) and fish
    Current typical or usual exercise: swimming and jogging
    Current Starting Weight: 177
    Aim for next week: 175
    Personal 14 week Goal: Be healthy BMI: 154lb so thats a loss of 21 lb, 1.5lb per week (i think that's do-able :smile: )
  • hey guys this challenge sounds good, something to definately motivate me

    location: wales
    i like: eating out
    i don't like: red meat
    current typical or usual exercise: 30 mins on the exercise bike a day
    current starting weight: 146
    aim for next week: 145
    personal 14 week goal: to lose 14 pound by christmas
  • Love the enthusiastic responses so far, this is going to be fun! (maybe not so fun come the weekend when I'm craving chocolate!!)

    Sydneytoothfairy people send a reply with bump when they like a thread and want to add the message to their topics so they can easily find it again!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm in too!

    Location: Georgia (US)
    I like: Watching tv and ice cream :wink:
    I don't like: The way I look right now..time to change
    Current typical or usual exercise: 30 mins or more walk/jog
    Current weight: 198
    Aim for next week: 197
    Personal 14 week goal: 14 pounds gone by Christmas!
  • reba24784
    reba24784 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all this is going to be lots of fun !!!! I as well have thanksgiving to make it but I am up for it

    location: iowa usa
    i like: eating out playing on line
    i don't like: seafood mushrooms
    current typical or usual exercise: 30 mins a few times a week
    current starting weight: 248
    aim for next week: 247
    personal 14 week goal: to lose 14 pound by christmas if not more
  • janicelarab
    janicelarab Posts: 7 Member
    Count me in!

    Location: Canada
    I like: The feeling of being strong that comes after exercising
    I don't like: Paying extra for clothes in larger sizes
    Current typical or usual exercise: 30-60 minutes on the elliptical daily
    Current Starting Weight: 244.4 lbs
    Aim for next week: 242 lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: Lose 28 - 30 lbs by Christmas
  • Wendybirduk
    Wendybirduk Posts: 92 Member
    I am so IN! I need all the motivation I can get as only joined here a week ago.

    Location: Cheltenham UK
    I like: Cats, Cheese and reading
    I don't like: The long and unpredictable hours I work (with chefs lol)
    Current typical or usual exercise: 30 minutes or more walking per day (my work hours can make this difficult although I am on my feet for most of the day)
    Current Starting Weight: 167 lbs
    Aim for next week: 165 lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: 28 lbs would be fantastic but I will settle for 20 lol

  • Ooh brilliant!

    Location: Purfleet, Essex
    I like: knowing I'm achieving my goals, relaxing!
    I don't like: being unhappy, comfort eating, feeling like I've failed.
    Current typical or usual exercise: Walking via daily commute to work, Zumba, Wii Sports Active
    Current Starting Weight: 191lbs (my scales could tell me more I fear!)
    Aim for next week: 1lb lost
    Personal 14 week Goal: to lose another stone by Christmas, my first milestone will be 1st November as this is when I start my new job.

    So no more chocolate for me for a least the next week, hmmmmm I think I could do that you know!
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    Right this is my moment... I have been stuck at same weight(ish) since Feb and need get 1 stone more off.

    Location: Johnstone UK
    I like: Crisps, Biggest Loser
    I don't like: being fat and compairing myself to everyone
    Current typical or usual exercise: 30 day shred and gym(subject to shifts)
    Current Starting Weight: 159 lbs
    Aim for next week: 158 lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: 14 lbs would make me smile, 10 will do...

    Here we go...
  • Location: Suffolk UK
    I like: Animals and the beach
    I don't like: closed minded people
    Current typical or usual exercise: train 6 days a week - 3 with trainer 3 without
    Current Starting Weight: 229lbs
    Aim for next week: not for next week but goal is to be under 200lbs by 15th November
    Personal 14 week Goal: Drop at least 14lbs xxx
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Great idea girls :smile: I'm in!!

    Location: Northern Ireland
    I like: spending time with my boyfriend
    I don't like: two faced people, liars and potatoes
    Current typical or usual exercise: gym 3 times per week
    Current Starting Weight: 154lbs
    Aim for next week: 153lbs
    Personal 14 week Goal: 14lbs by Christmas, leaving me at my target weight
  • I'm not confident but I'll give it a go (have a week away with the grandchildren planned for half term!).

    Location: Manchester
    I Like: My 4 gorgeous grandchildren my cat, chocolate
    I Don't Like: Housework and vegetables!
    Current typical or usual exercise: Trying the 30 Day Shred (but I work 2 12 hour days per week so cross trainer on those days!)
    Current starting weight: 166lbs
    Aim for next week: 165lbs
    Personal 14 week goal: 14lbs
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