Cathe Friedrich Xtrain or STS or JNL Fusion



  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I soooo wish we had Target in the UK. People are always talking about it. Ill have to see if I can find a cheap mirror somewhere.
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I have been working out to Cathe Fredrich for nearly 20 years - I love her workouts. However, I didn't want to commit to the whole STS series so I just bought the STS Total Body video. It is pure strength training emphaaizing heavy weights. If you are not sure whether to buy the whole series, you should consider trying that first.

    In my opinion, you can't go wrong with Cathe Fredrich. That being said, some of her cardio is very high impact and intense and I cannot do it - so when you buy one of her workouts, read the description and read the reviews to make sure it is the right fit for you. She has a large body of work, so you will be able to find the right workout.

    Also, many of her workouts have large equipment requirements. Since I have been working out at home for many years, I have assembled a nice collection over the years. If you haven't, her workouts may be frustrating.
  • lagataner
    lagataner Posts: 3

    JNL fusion the best workout what I have tried so far. This amazing interval training program targets all the muscle groups we ladies needs to work on. Burns plenty of calories and tone up the body at the same time and the programme does not take longer than 30 minutes.

    The variation of exercise are endless so it will never be boring. I love JNL fusion workout I can recommend to anyone who doesn't have hours a day to workout and wants a great result.

    If you push yourself to your maximum with this workout you will see result in only a week. Whenever I feel out of shape or my fitness level is low, I do this workout for a week and I feel I got myself back.

    Tips: check JNL fusion short ( 9 min ) videos on youtube. Jennifer demonstrate what to do and how to do. She has a video also on youtube with all her Fusion cardio part. Practice and learn them and you can make your own workout then.

    Brilliant workout.
  • lagataner
    lagataner Posts: 3

    JNL fusion the best workout what I have tried so far. This amazing interval training program targets all the muscle groups we ladies needs to work on. Burns plenty of calories and tone up the body at the same time and the programme does not take longer than 30 minutes.

    The variation of exercise are endless so it will never be boring. I love JNL fusion workout I can recommend to anyone who doesn't have hours a day to workout and wants a great result.

    If you push yourself to your maximum with this workout you will see result in only a week. Whenever I feel out of shape or my fitness level is low, I do this workout for a week and I feel I got myself back.

    Tips: check JNL fusion short ( 9 min ) videos on youtube. Jennifer demonstrate what to do and how to do. She has a video also on youtube with all her Fusion cardio part. Practice and learn them and you can make your own workout then.

    Brilliant workout.:smile:
  • I haven't used the other 2 but I'm in my 5th week of JNL fusion and can honestly say It's a great workout program and I really love it!

    I did a round of insanity and lost around 31 lbs of fat then started JNL and have so far lost another 12 lbs or so, I've only got a little bit more left to lose now probably another 7 lbs, but boy has JNL shaped my body!

    After insanity I did have some leg tone and my cardiovascular system was crazy fit but I generally felt like my body was the same just smaller. JNL has shaped my arms, I have biceps and triceps and shoulders now! They feel taunt even when I'm not flexing, my waist has whittled down and my obliques are now hard and chiselled and my stomach is almost flat (you dont build 'out' a six pack with this program but pull in and tighten your core drastically), my butt, hips, thighs and calves have slimmed down amazingly and feel firm and have shape and tone, everything has lifted and toned. My chest has become broader and lifted and my back is scooped out and toned!! Although I've lost less weight according to the scales with this workout, I've packed on a lot of lean muscle mass and lost a lot of fat so it shows in how my clothes fit rather than the scales and this week I fit into a size 10 UK jeans!

    All you need is a set of dumbells for this workout, cordless jump ropes are optional (I have them and though you might feel silly using them they do increase the intensity of the workout) I would mention that I lift HEAVY with this workout, its only 30 mins long so in order to maximise the benefit I get from it I don't pick up light weights. I have a set of adjustable power block weights and have steadily been increasing the weight as the weeks have gone by, I just lift heavy for 6-8 reps to the point of failure within the alloted 30 seconds and it REALLY works! (don't be afraid of bulking up - women don't have enough testosterone for that, go as heavy as you can to see the biggest changes!) The cardio is mostly short bursts of high intensity and I always drip with sweat throughout the workouts. Insanity was definitely harder but then I like lifting weights and I hate cardio and Insanity was mainly pure cardio!

    I like JNL she motivates me, I don't find her annoying at all and listening to her is a welcome distraction from working out at high intensity in silence counting down the seconds! with her talking us through the 30 seconds fly by!

    There are enough different workouts that you won't get bored, I actually look forward to doing these workouts. If you are new to weights then watch the workouts through and get your form down before starting as there isn't much instruction and it would be easy to injure yourself, JNL just jumps right into it but after you have done a workout for the 10th time you will be grateful for this!! who wants to stand around while each move is painstakingly demonstrated?

    Like others have mentioned there's no warm up or cool down. I usually go on youtube and follow a jillian michaels warmup but I've been super lax with cool downs and have barely done one since the first week!

    I don't follow the JNL diet plan but I am already eating clean and that works for me so I've stuck to it. Don't expect to eat like a pig and get good results with this workout, you will probably see results but in order to really see your muscle tone you need to lower your body fat percentage and you need to eat well to feed your muscles. So don't go hungry but lay off the simple carbs like white rice, white bread, sugar etc and obviously junk/processed foods and stick to good proteins, good fats and complex carbs.

    JNL fusion is short and challenging without being a killer like insanity, the after-burn is amazing if I work out at night I still feel it when I wake up the next day! it makes you feel strong and empowered and building lean muscle mass can only be a good thing not to mention you are building bone density. I can't recommend it enough - and I'm living proof that it works!
  • OMG I googled JNL Fusion to get an idea of what it is, but I could not get through all the "woos!!!" So freaking annoying.
  • there's a music louder option so you can drown it all out if you want on the DVDS but tbh you just get used to it and don't really hear it anymore once you get into the moves. For me it distracted me from the burn I was feeling and kept me going when I probably otherwise would have stopped before the end of the 30 seconds had I just been listening to silence or huffing and puffing!
  • What I like about the JNL Fusion is that it's only 30 minutes or less for a great workout and it covers all the bases including the stretching and the speed and agility. Some of these other programs are so intense that you feel wornout at the end. That's no fun.